Site Map
- Outdoor Ukraine
- Tours
- Trip Dates
- Trip Reports
- Meet Georgia
- Diary of a hike to Annapurna base camp
- High Tatras Step ahead
- Video report about the march to Lofoten
- Zen and Annapurna
- Stars above Annapurnaia
- How to get to Everest?
- Carpathian Autumn
- Far from civilization
- Shades of the Aegean Sea
- Kazbek - I will definitely return!
- Nepal is a country between heaven and earth
- A couple of lines about the track to Everest
- The tracks of Chornogory
- How I did not climb Kazbek
- Lycian Way on foot
- The way to your Everest
- 100 photos from the hike to the Tien Shan
- Instructor in Tien Shan
- In the best traditions of Tolkien
- What is Svanetia for me?
- Carpathian tourist customs and traditions
- Kiss Of Medusa
- Just Maria gaining height
- Hot peppers
- Carpathians affect
- Thunder
- Rainy voyage along the Carpathian peaks
- On top of Ukraine
- Water from the sky and a good mood
- Happiness Of The Himalayas
- Hike to the clouds
- Do not need to relax
- My first Crimean campaign
- Hike - not walk through the meadow
- Turkish mosaic
- Walk on Demerji
- Cheerfulness and positive for the entire year
- Checking the strength
- July in the Carpathians
- Pleasant memories
- Trekking mosaic
- Ants in the sugar bowl
- Around Elbrus from the North
- One trek - four countries (Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia-Herze
- grow wings
- Places where you want to go again
- Memories of Mountains
- sleeping pad equils tent
- stunning holiday
- Tourists love tigers
- Way up
- Hooray, the New Year?
- How to narrow the eyes and extend the worldview
- Cure for dope
- Porridge with stewed meat and sleep until morning
- Feeling of movement of life
- In the euphoric sensations
- Waiting for a miracle ...
- what's next?
- Soup of the caramels
- Ride on China!
- On the spot
- Amphitheater of white rock
- Traverse the Crimea - from curly to Masha Sentry-Oba
- The Lost World. Diary of a tourist
- Improvement of the mind and body
- What do you expect from the rest?
- Escaped ...
- Winter's Tale for Adults
- My trip to the Himalayas
- The Legend of Nepal
- From the beyond Nepal
- Report on the hiking in Montenegro
- Taste of cakes from my childhood
- Six happy days in the mountainous Crimea
- Live for today
- Another World
- The route, which conquers you forever
- Coming off the ground
- Magnificent pictures
- It not a dream. It is a reality!
- Cultural shock
- Lycian Way - a trekking of contrasts
- With a kindergarten across Crimea
- Advantages of a trekking with travel agency
- Lycian Yolu - Turkey similar to Crimea
- Such did not happen ye
- Travel obormotov, or an improvisation Celebration
- Three on a stove bench, one on a table
- Fairy tale for three days
- Bad people do not go to a hike
- August in Carpathians
- Good morning or Unique Crimea
- Up-up-up!
- In the world of adventures
- I have come for experience
- Lucky
- Hot it will not be
- Dark blue mountains
- To be or not to try ... or not?
- Pilgrimage on holy sites
- When it is not enough words
- Have not missed chance
- It was not sat at home
- Six bicyclists and one sun
- Trekking round beauty Demerdzhi
- Improbable adventure of our family
- It was cool!
- Trekking - not walk on park
- Video from cycling trip in Crimea
- The first turkish trekking
- Scarlet noses and calloused heels
- History of one (very short) hike
- As we learnt unprecedented corners of Crimea
- New year in Carpathians
- It is better to see once, than hundred times to read through
- Children of the nature
- Everyone has his own way to mountains
- There is a contact
- On edge of the Earth
- Voronezh goes to Crimea again
- As we went to Crimean mountains
- Pleasure everywhere
- Funny stones and the jolly water.
- Crimean mountains
- Carpathians etudes
- The Crimean mountain-sea euphoria
- Welcome to mountains
- How to restore forces and to revive skill to be happy.
- Notes of crazy tourist.
- Deja vue in a marching way
- It will not be boring
- Never go to mountains
- Acquaintance from within
- To touch history
- Gathering in a hike
- What for people leave in a taiga
- Fantastic places
- Three Moscow mummies (with children)
- Eight tourists not including a guide
- Note of one hike
- Eastern Crimea trekking diary - 120km for 5 days
- 2/3 Big Crimean hikes eyes Voronezh turistki
- That to us a snow, that to us a rain... But we always remain
- I could!
- Colourful Crimea
- Sight from side
- Only here
- Body asks for adventures
- Survival hike
- Descents and Rises
- As I became true tourist
- Beginners hike
- Almost Caucasus
- Rains above the Sea
- As in the summer!
- Hike to woods and falls of Carpathia
- What can attract in a hike?
- Native open spaces
- Figures on stones
- Extreme amount of unforgettable emotions
- Rain every day
- Taras and We
- Fairy tale on many Stones and far Water
- Recollecting a youth
- Many thanks
- I want back to mountains
- In a hike with the child: advice and impressions
- I grade "A"
- You should go there
- Orient Diary
- Do you like mountains?
- All has begun with that...
- The big Crimean Travel
- The legend on the pedestrian hike
- Ghostvalley lite
- Parallel impressions of the same
- The Crimean Gobi, it is August Babugan
- Cocktail from Crimean vkusnostej
- The composition on a hike on Carpathians
- Verses on a hike
- Power there especial is
- From Winter to Summer - the story about a tour < Above the sea > in May 2007.
- Tender May 2007
- Memoirs on a winter hike across Crimea
- About Crimea winter hiking tour - January 2007
- Monastic chronicles-2
- Hiking with miracles
- Response about a tour 6-12th August, "Ghosts Valley"
- Story about a hike across Crimea c 20 - on August, 25th 2006
- About Crimea travel in June 206
- The Photoreport on a campaign across Crimea 9 - on July, 16th 2006
- Monastic chronicles.
- Memoirs of the trading clerk on a hike on June, 18th, 2006
- The Diary of a hike across Crimea on May, 7-14th
- Responses of tourists
- The report on a hike on Carpathians on July, 17-23th 2005
- With the child and a dog - the report on a hike across Crimea in August 2005
- The report - a hike across Crimea on May 2005
- The Report on a hike on Carpathians in February 2006
- Response about a hike across Crimea in September 2005
- Responses about a May hike 2005 across Crimea
- The report on a hike across Crimea for May holidays of 2004.
- Creating positive vibrations... (a response about a hike)
- 3 eyes, American Cross and Red Flag
- What there is a hike to Crimea?
- Outdoor FAQ
- Tourism Library
- Outdoor Equipment
- Books about tourism
- Maps of Ukraine
- About travelling
- Hiking Songs
- Outdoor Jokes
- Travel guide
- News
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel
- Flying to Nepal
- Hiking on spring school holidays 2014
- What we can do
- Travel to Mexico
- Live report from China
- Winter trekking tours 2013
- News from Nepal
- Live from the hike on Montenegro.
- Spring in the Himalayas
- Greetings from Antalia
- Greetings from Antalia
- Weather for May holidays 2013
- Trips to New Year 2014
- The ban on visits to the mountain zone in the Crimea
- Where to hide from a heat?
- Trekking in Nepal Himalaya
- Trekking in Nepal Himalaya
- Do not exchange money on the train
- The new schedule for the summer 2012
- Special discount
- Bike trips in Crimea
- Trekking in Turkey
- Trekking tour for the Trinity
- Report on a trekking in the Himalayas
- The Hike at date of the Constitution 2012
- Hike at date of Independence 2012
- Changes in a route " Above the Sea "
- Helpto buy equipment
- Thunder-storm at Red caves
- Technical works on a server
- Instructor is the Person too
- Travel across India
- Hike in Carpathians for New year 2013
- Crimean sotka vs. X-Crimea 2008
- Kite in Crimea
- Outdoor Ukraine "In Contact"
- Arrival of Orient express
- About flooding in Carpathians
- The most tasty cherry plum
- The wild strawberry has ripened!
- I need Teva Sandals
- Sea got warm !
- Slackline in Crimea
- Blossoming Crimea
- may holydays
- Hike for Easter
- Weather, Crimea, May
- Hikes for May holidays 2013
- Hike to Crimea - March, 8th 2008
- Hikes on a winter student's vacation 2013
- January Hike 2013
- blog-interested
- Hike for New year 2013
- New year 2013 Crimea
- After a rain on Thursday
- Poor unfortunate people-savages
- Real wild boar
- Self-locking device across Canada
- Last masterpiece cardboard Leonardo
- The cardboard camera
- Mint dream in a summer garden
- Drunk koyot gait
- Harry Potter is alive!
- Creeping shadow
- Stars have fallen and lay
- Hike in Carpathians for holydays
- Really big canyon
- It is more than rain!
- Hikes on Dutch
- Hikes in an American way
- The Crimean safari
- Gold fever
- Mint water
- Fire on Babugane
- Early autumn in July
- Wind of changes
- New difficulties of a new mode
- Club of pharmacists
- Beech and lichens
- Disco at geologists
- Fear of height
- Early birds
- Do not go to hikes
- In the afternoon with fire
- Stirlitz in disgrace
- Conversation on the girl
- Tourists in shop.
- The Hike across Crimea from April, 29th till May, 2nd 2007
- Children's hike for May holidays
- Botkinskaja track in clouds
- 8th March on a Black mountain
- Hand-to-hand fight
- Secrets of Massandra palace
- How I searched Nikitskuju cleft
- The Hike across Crimea in April
- The season of ticks in Crimea has begun in March.
- Russian fighting art Seminar
- How to rise on Babugan from waterfall Golovkinskogo
- Snowfall in Crimea
- Hike in March across Crimea
- Carpathians has blown off
- Snow in Crimea
- Crimea is acted in film
- Kiev Backdoors
- Crimea winter hiking tour
- Season 2006 results
- Hiking Season 2012 - Reservation started
- Hiking Season 2012 - Reservation started
- Extreme marathon X-Crimea 2006
- On September, 27th the World Day of tourism
- Explosions in artillery warehouses 2006
- Hike across Crimea in the beginning of September
- The Hike across Crimea on September, 12th, 2006
- The Hike across Crimea on September, 06th, 2006
- Hike across Crimea on August, 27th, 2006
- Jazz Festival Koktebel
- dowonload Kazantip
- Cost of Kazantip
- Lenin peak is not present more
- Tickets to Crimea
- The American soldiers in Feodosiya (Crimea).
- The Yalta mountains become paid for tourists
- In lake near Dnepropetrovsk live … a piranha
- The Everest. Totmjanin has risen without oxygen
- Diving festival Crimea - 2006
- In Ukraine the greatest underwater museum is found out
- The review of events in the Himalayas
- In suburbs of Tel Aviv the unique cretaceous cave is found out.
- In Crimea rescuers try to remove(take off) from a rock of tourists.
- Thomas has told only: « I have died », and have lost consciousness
- Climbers have accused of destruction of their comrade
- In Crimea the Russian climber was lost.
- Ecological landing
- Unfair requisitions are cancelled