The Crimean nudist

Greece is well, but is far. And here I like to have a rest in Crimea where nudists is found too much. However, places where is officially legal to become bare completely, at Sonth coast of Taurida to me did not meet yet. But this misunderstanding with interest pays off existence of uncountable flock of so-called wild beaches. Their coordinates can be inquired at any compatriot, though time had a rest in Crimea (as is known, during former times all there have visited). And it is possible to learn(find out) directly on a place: any casual fellow traveller with pleasure will report, where, in its(his) opinion, the pure water, the cosiest beach and the most mild guards of the order. About peace officers, but not morals

Special piquancy presence at him gives to wild beaches the militiaman. No to sunbathe, even absolutely stark naked, it is not forbidden (I, anyway, did not hear about such interdictions). But it is ordinary on wild beaches tourists arrange parking. With tents, kostrishchami, a heap of cockleshells(shell macaroni products) from fried and then the eaten mussels, etc. That generally is strictly forbidden. Just due to interested persons to bypass an interdiction and there are Crimean militiamen. I do not know, whether pay in it(him) also the salary (it would be surprising) but if this money pay, militiamen, probably, give the kiddies on ice-cream. Because they on the maintenance(contents) at alien savages. Also live completely not badly, machines(cars) have naikrutejshie (for some reason prefer with a right-hand rudder).

The separate cop is fixed to each beach. Which periodically bypasses the possession (that at times very uneasy as for this purpose it is necessary to have some skills of rock-climbing) and collects a tribute. With a professional sense at these(it) " chiefs of a beach " everything is all right: on a smoke(dust haze) yesterday's kosterka they try to discover the tents which have hidden in stones. The rate is known for all - on 100 tyshch karbonovtsev for kostrishche, but it(she) can be cut" without ceremony. Easier(simply) to be cried, that money " only on road ". Especially the companies of desperate children(guys) which appearance is as much as possible approached to hippovoj succeed in it(this). For the constants, from year to year coming "clients" - the personal discount. The cop who is ordinary klichut on a patronymic, Stepanych there or Andreich, - the person kind and understanding. The Crimean sun, the sea and the stable income of visitors to that have.

Avenue of bare muzhiks and Lenin

In Crimea it is a lot of wild beaches. Customs there the most democratic - sunbathe and in a bathing suit, and only in its(his) bottom part (women, certainly), and in general without this(it). Nudists "sintetikov" from a beach do not expel, and everyone respect with the right near to be delayed, as (and in what) to him only will take in head. kuchkujutsja kompashkami which enter into friendly-neighbour's contacts to others (" you do not borrow(lend) a mask? " - " thanks, otkushajte, please, a water-melon ") - and toward the end stay on this place you have already got acquainted with all beach.

Most my favourite place is behind small, typically Sonth small town Simeizom. He is remarkable very beautiful ancient country houses (one is similar to east mosque), and still - " avenue of bare muzhiks " (so call the second city place of interest and visitors, and natives): edged by palm trees and cypresses of a statue of antique gods-muzhiks in which series it is casual zatesalas lonely Venus. Still there, in silent, typically Crimean court yard, there is remarkable Lenin - bronze, little bit become green, such peace and decent, that it seems, as if and not a monument to the leader of world(global) proletariat at all, and innocent garden skulpturka - like the Greek nymph.

Blue in every respect a beach

For Simeizom there is a Blue bay: water in her it is real very blue. I do not know, whether it is casual, but this place was chosen by young men - mainly a male - with non-standard sex orientation (though - who will disassemble it(him), what orientation now standard?). They would come like already for a long time as all each other know, at everyone is chosen kamushek and if on ignorance it(him) someone will borrow(occupy) another everyone will very disapprovingly look(see) at it(him).

Habitues of the Blue beach as on-íóäèñòñêè, and in an ordinary way sunbathe. Though it seems, that they put on swimming trunks exclusively for the sake of koketstva. Because such intricate vyrezov and slits on man's cowards it was possible to see never. One languid couple (He and He) appeared in well very extravagant bathing suits - closed up to an elbow and knee-deep, in polosochku - such Europeans during pre-revolutionary times wore.

But nevertheless the population of the Blue beach is normally relaxed in what mother has travailled. Having sprawled on one of the stones, sunbathing easy communicate, having a drink a port wine " Crimean red ". The some people photograph the friend to the friend in the intricatest poses. Others examine vicinities(environs) by means of field-glasses.

Matrons here do not go

Among these people to have a rest very freely. Importunate stickings and, on the contrary, aggressiveness to " an alien floor " from their side it was not observed. The attitude(relation) most that on is friendly, and even, it is possible to tell, brotherly. Besides, around only young and beautiful bodies, that from the aesthetic point of view the considerable pleasure gives. For the clear reasons there there are no respectable matrons with their eternally shouting ruppers - that too deposits pluss in and without that a pleasant life of the Blue bay.