Instructor is the Person too

Some tourists consider(count), that the instructor is a hybrid of army sergeant with a draft horse. For such supposedly there is nothing is more sweet, than to shout " Rise!!! " And to drag a 100-ton backpack. It(he) in fact only also is engaged in it(this)! The tourist looks at such instructor, and does not trust that to it(him) can be hard, coldly or hot (necessary to emphasize).

That, can somewhere such and are found. And on our fertile ground, there is other breed of instructors on tourism is much more often. It not "monsters", and ordinary people.

As all people, they love good food and as for consequence(investigation) are able to prepare not only a porridge. They like to talk to tourists at a fire, is possible(probable) for this reason their morning dream is especially strong. Nothing is a pity to them for the sake of favourite business(affairs) and consequently, the money they put all in new equipment from what the backpack becomes all more hard and more hard. From it(this) hurts shoulders and a head (it(she) constantly thinks, what such to throw out from a backpack). And then the instructor resolutely refuses such vital things in a hike as the TV, the high-speed Internet and a hot shower. That only you will not make for the sake of silent pleasure of walks on greater(big) distances. In the good company, certainly.

To what I write it?
Today Birthday at Andrey Gipicha - the instructor and the person :)
We congratulate!

On March, 17th 2009.

Kirill Yasko