The cardboard camera

Today our German tourists have pleased all with one more overseas dikovinkoj - the cardboard camera. Much to my astonishment it was not the disposable cardboard chamber from a supermarket, and a homemade product collected from a cardboard box and an insulating tape. Konrad - the author of this miracle of technics(technical equipment), has shared with us some secrets of cardboard photographing.
First this chamber does not have any lens - only small prorez (the natural chamber obskura). And time is not present lenses, means there is no also a focal length - absolutely all in the staff turns out precise (sharp). Plus absence of spherical distortions.
Secondly, in the chamber the film with the party(side) of the staff of 6 centimeters is used sredneformatnaja. It does(makes) the camera superlarge-format.
Thirdly, the chamber does not have shutter - only a small slice of an insulating tape a covering ïðîðåçü-objective. The chamber is established(installed) on any support, the aiming and an insulating tape is made is torn off for a while from 2 seconds up to... Infinity. The top border of duration of endurance(quotation) does not exist!
Well and the most important - such apparatets is perfect(absolute), is absolutely exclusive. Vrjadli you will meet the second such. And will always talk about what.