Responses of tourists

Written by Владимир Пугнин из Москвы It's Volodya, went to a campaign for May holidays if you remember. You to be remembered asked to write a response, I here for a long time already am going to, but it is better late, than never, correctly? :) In general, if in a word - super :). And even cold weather, a rain and a wind have not spoiled this impression. Very much it was pleasant, that in a campaign
Just moderately was an extreme - on the one hand, like any special skills it is not required, and really dangers are not present, and nervs all is equal hot. A saturation of a campaign - too plus, even it is surprising, how much all can be pushed into one week :). As I in a campaign of such duration was for the first time, it was interesting to see as quickly get used to new people. I well remember, that on the first parking I of the Chatir-Dag I still felt somehow bent, for the second day it was already easier, and on the third - in general as though hundred years them knew...
Well and last moment - it is very beautiful in Crimea. To whom showed photos-
Very much it was pleasant to all. The only thing about what I regret - that have not climbed on Karabi, but not all at once.

By the way, probably, that I shall use your services still time in this to year. :) Very much I wish to see canyons, here can be, in August if it will turn out.

Vladimir Pugnin

The programmer