In suburbs of Tel Aviv the unique cretaceous cave is found out.

Several weeks ago in fifteen minutes of driving from Tel Aviv unique cretaceous cave Jaalom has been found out. Wonderful opening has occured(happened) in a zone intended for expansion cretaceous karerov.

Cave Jaalom was noticed by the geologist who was carrying out research of subsoil waters. First it seemed to it(him), that the hole in a slope of mountain is not deeper than eight meters. The geologist has informed on the opening the organization "Malham", engaged research of caves in territory of Israel. "Malham" and tourist club " Ñàðìà " have gone to a cave for carrying out of research of its(her) microflora and fauna. The cave has appeared the present(true) surprise.

For today in it(her) 2,5 kilometers of cretaceous courses are mapped, the underground lake is found and the rare versions of underground cancers are found out. Now them try to identify and understand, whether are they absolutely new kind, or cave Jaalom - one of three places in the world where the similar version is found out. Cancers live in full isolation from an environment and eat hemotrofnymi bacteria.

Walls of cave Jaalom as a snow, are covered by white powder which is formed because of the raised(increased) humidity and work of bacteria. This powder in a combination to huge humidity forms the present(true) mud mask on a body of the visitor of a cave. To get rid of it(her) it is possible in the main hall of a cave where the underground lake in which was stretched, probably, thermal sources and consequently its(his) water - hot get. To be expiated in transparent water of lake - the present(true) pleasure after long travel on back streets of a cave.

Research of cretaceous corridors and tunnels is now conducted. Jaalom it can appear the longest cretaceous cave in Israel. While the first place is borrowed(occupied) with cave Hariton (4,5 kilometers).

The organization "Malham" tries to achieve preservation of a cave. Despite of its(her) unique fauna and microflora, there is a real threat of that the nearest weeks cave Jaalom will be blown up with the purpose of expansion cretaceous karerov.


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