The cable-way Ay-Petri

The cable-way on the Ai-Petri - a piece rather popular, and I think there is no necessity to explain, that it. But it is necessary to tell about some features of its(her) use (the prices, the schedule, turns and alternatives).


In July 2008ã the fare on the cable-way (in one party(side)) makes 40 griven (it approximately 9 dollars or 200 roubles). The children's ticket costs(stands) 20 griven. Consider, that too it is necessary to pay for luggage, and not a little. For example transportation of a usual tourist backpack costs(stands) 20 griven. Transportation on the cable-way of a bicycle, on idea, should manage even more dearly(expensively).


In the summer, during the high season, huge quantity(amount) having a rest aspire to visit on the Ai-Petri. Huge buses carry them here from all Crimea. And owing to the limited throughput of the cable-way, simply huge turns are formed. Especially many people accumulate at the bottom station in Mishore. Be going to wait at least hour. From the top station will go down without turn it is possible on the first morning flights (the great bulk of people at this time goes downwards).

Operating time.

Perhaps, it will seem to you illogical, but the cable-way works at all all day and night. During winter time it is risen on it(her) on the Ai-Petri it is possible with.. Till 16 o'clock and to go down with 11 up to 17. In the summer kanatka starts to work with 9, and finishes in.. (I do not know, but later, than in the winter). Do not pass(miss) last vagonchik, differently will have to spend the night on mountain, or to search for alternative variants of descent(release).

Alternative variants of descent.

Upward conducts not only the cable-way, but also usual - asfaltnaja. Hence for descent(release) it is possible to take advantage of motor transport. The taxi from the Ai-Petri to Yalta costs(stands) approximately as much how many and travel on kanatke. Thus it will not be necessary to stand in a queue, but it is required to sustain descent(release) on the present(true) mountain streamer (rocks to sleep). There are also free-of-charge variants of descent(release) - numerous tracks leaders from a plateau at coast. The most known: Mishorskaja (begins directly from the top station kanatki) and Taraktashskaja (up to it(her) it is necessary to be passed(be taken place) pair kilometers). Be cautious - tracks abrupt, broken, with taluses and other inconveniences. If doubt of the forces, do not risk better. On descent(release) on a track it is required not less than 2 hours - so it is not necessary to conceive it, at this time of night.