Disco at geologists

There is such ancient tourist draw - " the Disco at geologists ". I to you shall not tell its(his) essence now (perhaps it will be possible sometime and you rozygrat). And I shall tell to you about a disco at Dzhurly.
Dzhurla it is very popular tourist parking in picturesque Crimean gorge. We quite often there stop, have decided to stop and this time. We approach(suit), means, to the main glade, and there costs(stands) a little huge palatok as trading and any wooden idols.
I have firstly solved, that someone has opened here kafeshku. After opening cafe at top Southern Demerdzhi it not too would surprise me. But investigation has informed, that it is any not a public catering, and a set. Remove something alternatively-тусовочное with hookahs, binge and other drugs. Also according to data of investigation kinoshniki were going to arrange a disco in the evening and invite all interested persons.
I chesno speaking firstly was frightened a little, that my tourists will peck on zamanuhu and half-nights protusjat on this " to a disco at geologists ". Prospect not so tempting for next day I had very much even napoleonic plans.
Nevertheless we did not begin to leave from a glade and have broken camp nearby. For now put tents lateral sight glanced at camp kinoshnikov.
And here that we have noticed:
Any chambers on a surface;
Extreme small quantity(amount) of people namely two;

And here to stand on a rock and to look at small lamps are yes, it prikolno.