To itself the rescuer

Sometimes in ski hikes some participants beat off from group. Similar can occur(happen) not only on a route, but also during the device of a camp: during a bad weather the wind quickly brings traces, to be covered there is no place, difficultly to define(determine) the site. Such events terminate in serious traumas, sometimes lead to a tragical outcome, if the lost the way tourist does not know how to operate(work) in the circumstances, is not able to construct the elementary shelters, to plant a fire on a strong wind and in a snowfall, it is rational to use clothes, and the main thing, not in forces to cope with the despair which has captured it(him) and a hopelessness. Meanwhile even in such circumstances it is possible not only to save a life, but even to avoid chilblains.

      Certainly, having departed and having lost track of the comrades at breakdown of a camp, in lack of forests, during snowstorm the participant appears in the most complex(difficult) situation, being less all to her prepared: he is insufficiently warmly dressed (put on counting upon work) and only casually can have at itself any improvised instrument. What to do(make)? First of all it is necessary to try to come back immediately, strictly adhering to the traces. If traces has swept up and it is not clear where to go, to stop better slowly and closely(attentively) to look round on the sides and to listen - suddenly in breaks of a drifting snow it will be possible to see tent and comrades or to hear their voices. Here the most important - to save calmness and practicalism, to cope with rising feeling of alarm.

      Try to recollect, in what direction the wind when the group has started to put tent blew and you have departed from it(her), how much have approximately made steps, leaving aside. Having compared all this, it is necessary once again to try to leave to the . If in a prospective place of group nevertheless it will not appear, is better to stop attempts to find a camp, differently it is possible to leave far from camp.

      You understand, that searches can be tightened(delayed), that it is necessary to spend one night, day, and can be and more, that nobody will help(assist) and it is necessary to make everything to not get frost-bitten and not freeze. Having understood a situation, it is necessary to operate(work)!

      First it is necessary to be warmed: having thrown with a hood and having tightened(delayed) it(him) to fill a jacket in trousers and potuzhe to tighten(delay) a cingular belt, to tighten bahily and more densely to fasten them that on boots the snow did not fall, to put on more deeply mittens and without need to not take out them.

      If at itself it has appeared nozhovka or a duralumin leaf(sheet) it will be easy to make shelter of a snow or in a snow. It is considered the most simple shelter in the form of a low rectangular with a manhole in an end face, combined of snow bricks (fig. 109, and,). However it is better to make similarity small piramidki in which it is possible to sit and even privstat, to knead legs(foots), to move, to be warmed. Be not lazy carefully to immure all clefts(rima) between snow bricks, and a manhole to close a plate. Then in shelter will be warmer.

Fig. 109. Shelters on one-two person in extreme situations: and, - snow huts; in - a cave; g - shelter from a snow with utilization of skis as overlapping(blocking); d and e - barriers from polyethylene and lapnika; - a fire in a pit under a tree.

      If will meet snow having inflated(distended) most easier and more quickly to dig out peshcherku. That was to throw out a snow lighter, a manhole do(make) more widely and pawn its(his) snow bricks (fig. 109,).

      But it is impossible to sit in shelter motionlessly, experiencing happened, it is necessary constantly to something to do(make). First, carefully to shake a snow from clothes - she not so will dampen. Remember: the body is cooled(refrigerated) more slowly, than arms(hand) and legs(foots). Also it is necessary to pay attention to their warming first of all.

      The first will begin merznut legs(foots). Not waiting it(this), it is better to take out boots, to put on legs(foots) of a mitten and to wrap up both legs(foots) together with a sweater (they will be warmed from each other), having put on on both of them bahily. Do not forget to move constantly with fingers of legs(foots), to incurvate and unbend golenostop. The frozen arms(hand) warm under myshkami or on a stomach(belly). Force itself to rise and do(make) through the certain(specific) time intervals warm-up, squating, doing(making) inclinations of a trunk, swinging arms(hand), pounding(triturating) the face, legs(foots), a body. In such shelter it is possible and to have a sleep. Only give itself, for example, such task:

      « I need to wake up in 30 minutes ». Greater(big) intervals threaten with a frigorism. Waking up during set time, you will believe in yourselves, will feel, what not all is lost, is will help(assist) to bear(take out) all tests and to survive.

      Well and if with itself there was nothing: neither a file, nor a duralumin leaf(sheet), skis? Certainly, it will be much more difficult, but also in this case position is not remediless. The main thing to adjust(set up) itself on the greatest difficulties then by virtue of the wise law will enter: the it is more complex(difficult) than a condition, the inner reserves of an organism about which you and did not suspect will more full be mobilized. Only it is necessary to show a maximum of strong-willed efforts in extirpation for a life. It(this) is promoted by a self-suggestion. Repeat mentally, for example, such phrase: « Only the life of my comrades close and native depends on me one! » The similar self-suggestion disciplines a psychological state, does not allow to occur to feeling of doom. So the courageous people who have appeared in the most complex(difficult) situation act. Remember: your life depends only on you. And it not mere words.

      Nevertheless it is not enough one strong-willed spirit. It is necessary to support it(him) the intelligent actions: carefully to be warmed, and then to start useful work. For example, aimless circulation will be less effective, than the device of shelter. Check up pockets, whether there is no with itself a knife, as a last resort the spoon who too will appear completely not useless. By means of a knife or the spoon it is possible to cut small snow bricks and to build a wind-shelter wall. However, on it a lot of time and forces will leave, but at the framed situation such work will distract from oppressive ideas. Do(make) everything, everything, the main thing, move, suppressing in itself desire to be dug during a snow - so easily to fall asleep and freeze. Besides swept up by a snow it is difficult to find, especially in snowstorm and in darkness.

      The participant of a hike can lag behind also group in snowstorm during movement. It sometimes comes to an end is rather unsuccessful. But if to understand, lagged behind (in comparison with the previous event) it appears not in so a difficult situation: with it(him) a backpack in which there are warm things, NZ, kovrik, maybe, polyethylene or a sleeping bag, necessarily avalanche shovel or a duralumin leaf(sheet) (them each tourist if the route passes(takes place) on mountain district should take), and also an electron tourist beacon for search in an avalanche.

      So, you have lagged behind! The snow blinds eyes, the wind strives to fall down from legs(foots). Terribly. What to do(make)?

      The first. While traces are visible, to go on a ski track, not descending(going) from it(her) and not trying to cut off(shear) its(her) loop to catch up with group. Otherwise necessarily will lose a ski track, will curtail(turn) aside and only complicate searches. When the ski track will disappear, it is necessary to stop and wait for comrades who, having noticed your absence, should return. To not freeze, put on more warmly, muffle in polyethylene and sit down on a backpack a back to a wind. At night it is necessary to include(switch on) a small lamp and periodically "to wink" at them; falling asleep to include(switch on) a radio set - he will help(assist) to find swept up by a snow. Certainly, it is necessary to watch(keep up) closely(attentively) legs(foots), constantly to move with fingers, to rise and be kneaded.

      After one-two hours of expectation or with offensive(approach) of twilight it is necessary to take care of a lodging for the night. We shall assume, that you do not have with itself avalanche shovel (a duralumin leaf(sheet), nozhovki). Do not despair-but there are skis! With their help it is possible to make a small snow hut (see fig. 109,). For the night in her it is possible to be arranged with comfort owing to penopolietilenovomu kovriku, to a stock of warm things and polyethylene. If skilfully to use them in a snow small house any frost will be not terrible. Before to lay down, put on a warm sweater and woolen training trousers, a warm jacket (mehovushku, a sponge). However becomes warmer not if to get on on itself all warm things: at clothes densely fitting and constraining movement you will freeze more likely. The part of things should be spread under itself to shelter from a cold snow. Boots are better for taking out and putting on fur (warmed synthetic) stockings or woolen toes(socks), something to wrap up legs(foots) together and to thrust them in a backpack.

      Matches, certainly, at you are (the principal of a hike warned, that everyone was reserved korobkom in hermetic packing), and in a pocket of a jacket there was a slice of a stearin suppository (you rubred with her(it) skis at podlipe). Having wrapped up with polyethylene, zazhgite a suppository - heat from it(her) will suffice quickly to be warmed. Then will extinguish it(her), fasten a musquash cap, wrap up a neck with a scarf, pull a hood of a jacket, thrust arms(hand) in sleeves - it is possible vzdremnut. As though you would like to be relaxed, if it became cold, force itself to rise, pound legs(foots), a loin, to be kneaded. After that again it is possible to have a sleep.

      If the abruption from group has occured(happened) near to a forest there and it is necessary to be bedded down, having dissolved a fire and having arranged a barrier. Besides we shall assume, that at you is not present either toporika, or nozhovki, and there is only a knife. First of all break lapnika and note it(him) the way to a forest is will help(assist) comrades to find from group you. Then try to find a spreading fur-tree which bottom branches lay on a snow or are fallen asleep by a snow. Under them, as a rule, it is less than snow, and he quaggy, it(he) can be kneaded or raked(eaten greedily or raked), using, for example, a bowl. Here also the shelter is ready, but do not forget to shake off necessarily a branch, otherwise, when the fire will inflame, the snow will fall and will extinguish fire or will instill a frequent rain. For rostra (see fig. 109,) it is possible to use the bottom dry branches, and for its(his) kindling - a wood moss, thin knots and a paper. Be not too lazy to prepare for the night enough fire wood and use them economically. In shelter it is better to sit down a back to a tree. To plant a fire immediately at a tree it is hazardous - the bottom branches can flash, and fire - to be thrown on a thing.

      If such tree will not be, for protection against a wind it is possible to arrange a barrier (fig. 109,): to rake a snow (there where he less deep), to thrust naklonno in formed platen of a ski (slipping surface from fire), and on sides(sideways)-ski of a stick, to toes(socks) of skis and palkam to adhere polyethylene. Its(his) bottom edge it is necessary prisypat a snow. It is necessary to lay down now to have a rest at a fire on a drawsheet from kovrika or lapnika, turning to a fire that a back, a chest.

      If there is no polyethylene the barrier or a tent can be made from lapnika (fig. 109,). Only lapnik it is not necessary to fall asleep from above a snow as he normally does not keep on needles, it is strewed on clothes and wets it(her).

      It is possible to act(arrive) and so: to kindle the big fire and when the land will get warm, to rake it(him) that there were no hot coals, to lay a place kostrishcha lapnikom and to lay down on it(him), having covered from above polyethylene.

      In general if to save calmness and judiciousness tens more ways to go through in loneliness snowstorm and a frost and with honour to leave difficult position in which you have got by the levity and an indiscipline will be found.

      Here some more advice(councils), helping(assisting) to avoid nuisances.

      During the device of a camp in snowstorm on the open district the principal of group, should remind all of necessity of constant observation one after another. Even at short-term loss of comrade from a kind it is necessary to declare(announce) alarm and to not tighten(delay) at all the beginning of searches.

      If the place of preparation of snow bricks is had on some excision from a place of breakdown of tent or building-up a needle, a way between them designate skis, palkami or the tense cord.

      If you are compelled(forced) to move to snowstorm on tundra, a plateau or a wide valley, to not become puzzled, especially at movement downwind, it is recommended to referring to adhere a cord and to pass(miss) it(her) through straps of backpacks of all other participants (as though to string them on a cord). Last ties a cord around of a girdle and, braking, keeps it(her) in the tense position. The others, slipping along it(her), have an opportunity, not stirring(preventing) another to adjust(regulate) the movement. Rate decreases a little, but there is a full safeguard, that nobody will be lost!

      On rather sloping slopes it is possible to move in the same way, but only without skis.

      Obligatory rule: each participant should have NZ products, matches in hermetic packing, ten tablets of dry alcohol and an avalanche shovel.

      Those principals of groups who by preparation for a hike do not regret time for training of the comrades to building-up of shelters from a snow on one person and the organization of spending the night in extreme situations are right. It should become obligatory for all tourists-skiers and find reflection in programs of their preparation.

P.I.Lukojanov Winter sports hikes.