From Winter to Summer - the story about a tour < Above the sea > in May 2007.

наша маленькая компания на плато Ай-Петри the Problem(Task) on this hike sounded simply - to pass(take place) the Main ridge of Crimean mountains. To begin from Alushty with conquest Babugana and to finish in bay Laspi. Beginners in this hike were not - all participants were to some extent familiar with a camp life, and difficulties performance of a task in view to arise should not. Frightened by severe weather in the previous hike, I prepared for cold nights and snow fields at tops. However according to the law of meanness(low act) of complexity arise at all there where for them you wait. We trapped a chronic time trouble.


Because of problems with tickets, the group has arrived to Simferopol in the evening. We have started in 7 evenings and for the first day have passed(have taken place) only 4 kilometers, instead of planned 10. Except for that evening have appeared extremely warm, that promoted a long sit-round gathering at a fire. As a result morning gathering of camp were tightened(delayed) because of the general(common) sleepy condition. I, as could, tried to correct our daily routine, however probably still have insufficiently flown into a rage and was insufficiently rigid in questions morning pobudki. As consequence(investigation) - we left on a route in area of 11 o'clock in the morning. It was necessary to pay off for it later stops on a lodging for the night and more quick rate of walking.

Certainly, it was possible to reduce a route and to refuse an output(exit) in Laspi. But the group resolutely otvergla this variant also has agreed to go so much, how many it is required.

снег на Бабугане скалы, за которыми мы спрятались от ветра для обеда послеобеденный сон катание на ковриках

For the second day we have passed(have taken place) about 12 kilometers, thus having typed(collected) more than 900 meters of height. These faceless figures it is not enough about what speak. And for us it was the intense day - we have climbed up plateau Babugan, have crossed it(him) from the east on the West, descended(went) in a radial output(exit) to Roman Kosh and have stayed the night at a spring under Gurzufskim a saddle. The sun all the day scorched, and children(guys) have fairly scorched, not looking at protective creams. On a plateau was a lot of snow on which we vigorously stamped in shorts and T-shorts. And after a dinner to vanish, we even have a little driven from a hill on kovrikah.

непогода на никитской яйле сон на привале ялта далеко внизу

After stuffy night nobody was surprised to a morning thunder-storm with a terrible downpour and the unique lightning. It(she) has struck somewhere nearby and its(her) flash was seen even by those who laid blindly in sleeping bags at itself in tents. The elements has a little freshened us and we is cheerful potopali on the West, periodically irrigated by a rain from flying by by clouds. But in the evening again has looked out the sun and has shined(covered) Yalta and the sea far below.

синие цветочки на плато фотосессия на обрыве подбитая бронетехника

Next day we have flown on a plateau Ah-»СФУї. Time was in obrez, therefore on zubtsy we did not come to not get stuck in trading numbers(lines) and numerous chajhanah. The award for patience to us became fine evening on parking in hollow besh-ФС¬ЎС. It was on May, 9th and we suited a celebratory supper. Sang « Day of the Victory », looked the Yalta salute and simply lovely stirred(chattered).

снегозадерживающая стена на Ай-Петри подъем на Спирады геокешинг - найденный тайник пассивные рефлекторы

Plans to reach the sea cancelled nobody and next day we have run with the double eagerness. We have passed(have taken place) all bajdaro-¬бЯФУ«»«_эЯ¬ТЇ a wall from Simeiza up to Forosa, had dinner on the Devil's Ladder, have found some hiding places (among us there was a fan(an amateur) geokeshinga), have looked forosskuju church and already zatemno send(have left) on turstojanku Laspi. It is improbable, but we have executed the plan, let for this purpose and it was necessary to pass(take place) 25 kilometers today. The most impatient in the same evening, more precisely have run to the sea (any 4 kilometers) at night.

форосская церковь Мы догнали весну Доброе утро, страна Ласпи

In the morning we nespesha have gathered, have beaten off at local artiodactyl the rests of our evening cookies and have gone(send) to the sea.

Bay Laspi as always was magnificent. Here reigned the present(true) summer. The bright sun, exotic plants, picturesque buhtochki and the tender sea. On a background of all this memoirs on snow fields Babugana seem to something far and unreal though since then has passed(has taken place) only 3 days. We have relaxed and have plunged into the sea.