![Питьевая вода Питьевая вода](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/sights/rodniki/koklyuk/pitevaya_voda.jpg)
During development of a new route across East Crimea, I have gone on searches of a spring in area of mountain of Klementyev. It(he) has been designated in the atlas "Sojuzkarty", a number(line) was available artificial lake (obviously demanding a source of a moisture) so, all chances were on my side..
![Родник на горе Урбаш Родник на горе Урбаш](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/sights/rodniki/urbash/spring_urbash_source.jpg)
In October, 2008 investigating(researching) East Crimea, to be exact vicinities ща Kiziltash, our command(team) has found out some springs on mountain Urbash. To find a spring in Crimea, it always a holiday. And to meet a spring not designated on a map - the true event. I, at least, very much was delighted.
![киногородок Чалка киногородок Чалка](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/sights/kinogorodok/bashnya.JPG)
In the east of Crimea on a half-way from the Solar valley in the Fox bay there is rather remarkable place, - Film-small town. On coast of bay CHalka the small wood-plaster settlement in east style was stretched. It(him) have constructed in 2004, as scenery for shootings film " the Alive fish ". Since then the film-small town became local sight.
![родник Акинак родник Акинак](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/sights/rodniki/akinak/rodnik akinak.JPG)
Spring Akinak is located in 3,3 km on the West from village Wood. On this site 196 tourist route represents quite naezzhennuju a first coat slowly gaining height aside of mountain Cat (chatal-¬бn). After the next rise, the road vypolazhivaetsja and is literally in several meters from its(her) track is seen kaptazh
![партизанская пушка партизанская пушка](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/sights/pushka/pushka.JPG)
In Crimea on mountain Juki-Tepe (the Height 1025) stands a unusual monument - real gun. In city the similar monument would not cause surprise - we for a long time have got used to the tanks installed on pedestals, guns and planes. But what the gun in mountains does?
The cable-way on the Ai-Petri - a piece rather popular, and I think there is no necessity to explain, that it. But it is necessary to tell about some features of its(her) use (the prices, the schedule, turns and alternatives).
![фото ялта набережная фото ялта набережная](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/articles/yalta/pan_yalta.jpg)
last day a seminar I was pulled out(has escaped) on an hour per Yalta. It would be desirable to be passed(be taken place) simply on quay, to make pair a photo. Since time of previous my visit for quay of Yalta has passed(has taken place) more than three years. Even then (and business was in the winter and at night) it(she) has made upon me quite good impression. Well and this time all was simply wonderful - the bright sun, an easy(a light) breeze and not enough people.
![вид с гурзуфской яйлы на беседку ветров вид с гурзуфской яйлы на беседку ветров](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/report/zima2007crimea/besedka.JPG)
Passing this winter on Gurzuf jayl, I with surprise have found out there signs " Is protected. An archeologic monument ". Was surprised because already happened there earlier, and signs has noticed just now... Survey of a place has given nothing, all has been brought by a snow. What have archeologists found on Gurzuf jayl (approximately in 500 meters on a track from Gurzufskogo saddles to Arbour of winds)? To find out it I has addressed to the uniquitous Internet.
Successfully having written about the deep seas, I have decided to find out what sea the fineest. The manual approves(confirms), that the fineest sea - Yellow (it in Pacific ocean near to China). Its(his) depth does not exceed 106 meters. On the second place there was Baltic sea - only 470 meters. Karskoe and the seas Barentsevo with 600 meters of depth divide 3 place in a rating of the fineest seas of the world.
the deepest sea in the world - Coral. It is in Pacific ocean. Its(his) maximal depth - 9174 meters. The sea of the world second on depth too in Pacific ocean. This Banda sea, with the maximal depth of 7440 meters. On the third place the deepest sea of Atlantic ocean - Caribbean. Depth - 7090 meters.
![Какова глубина Черного моря? Какова глубина Черного моря?](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/report/crimea090706/P7140170.JPG)
Black sea deep enough in comparison with other seas of our country. The maximal depth of Black sea - 2245 meters. Average depth about 1197 meters. Along coast of Black sea the continental shallow lasts. Depths here no more than 200 meters. The shallow abrupt ledges goes down to the central part of a bottom of Black sea.
![отроги Тай Коба отроги Тай Коба](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/report/tai_koba.jpg)
One of my most favourite places in Crimea - summit Tai Koba. It is the highest point of plateau Karabi (1259 meters). The excellent(different) kind and at coast (from the Meganom up to Au-Dag) and on environing mountains (Demerdzhi, Tyrke, CHatyr Dag) From here opens. Especially it is necessary to note a kind on bottom plateau Karabi. Only having looked at it(him) from Tai Koba, you will understand, why grassy Karabi name " a lunar landscape ". From height stone waves and uncountable karstic holes covering all plateau become visible.
![коктебель карадаг коктебель карадаг](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/sights/krim2/karadag_golden_gate.jpg)
Gathering(Going) this summer to Crimea, we have decided to visit Feodosiya. One of the reasons of it(this) was affinity of Feodosiya to known clothing-optional beaches. Most popular of which is in settlement Koktebel (was(former) Planerskoe). If to be more exact during Soviet times "Koktebel" the state farm which is being nearby was called, and already then this name has been transferred(carried) and on settlement.
Greece is well, but is far. And here I like to have a rest in Crimea where nudists is found too much. However, places where is officially legal to become bare completely, at Sonth coast of Taurida to me did not meet yet. But this misunderstanding with interest pays off existence of uncountable flock of so-called wild beaches. Their coordinates can be inquired at any compatriot, though time had a rest in Crimea (as is known, during former times all there have visited). And it is possible to learn(find out) directly on a place: any casual fellow traveller with pleasure will report, where, in its(his) opinion, the pure water, the cosiest beach and the most mild guards of the order.
![Нудистские пляжи Крыма Нудистские пляжи Крыма](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/articles/nude_girls.jpg)
that Crimea - the ideal place for interested persons is known позагорать-be bought stark naked, likely, all. But, unfortunately in the majority of sources both in traditional mass-media and in the Net as unique territory where it is possible to spend time without ceremony absolutely freely from prejudices it is represented either Koktebel or a nearby Fox Bay. Meanwhile even small personal experience shows what to get rid of swimming trunks-bathing suits it is possible practically in any place of the Crimean coast...
Small, but very cosy settlement Ordzhonikidze is in East to Crimea, near to Feodosiya. From three sides it(he) is environed with the sea. Ordzhonikidze not so well-known, as its(his) well-known the neighbour - settlement Koktebel. The distance between them only 10 km, and sea by and is shorter than that. Here there is no such chaos of people as in Koktebel or in Feodosiya and the prices, accordingly, below. And such zerkalno-a pure water you it is rare, where will see in Crimea. Privacy small buhtochek where are available and galechnye, and recreational sands have to silent pleasant rest(tour). Curative air and medical muds will help(assist) you to correct for health.
For July, 14th participants of festival " Genoa helmet-2006 " which of the Pike perch will begin on July, 15th in medieval alcoholic content have been registered all. As have reported to our correspondent in organizing committee, there have already arrived many members of traditional clubs of historical reconstruction.
In it(this) organizers of festival prepared year a historical holiday more carefully. For example, are laid down such conditions: everyone should be in "historical" clothes and footwear. Krossovki and T-shorts - only for visitors. It is impossible to establish(install) to participants of festival and tent: only the tents reflecting an epoch.
![желтый чемодан казантип желтый чемодан казантип](https://outdoorukraine.com/images/stories/sights/festival/box.jpg)
whether It is possible to get free of charge on festival Kazantip? It is possible! For this purpose it is necessary... The Yellow suitcase. The yellow suitcase - a national symbol of festival " Каzантип " also entitles visa-free entrance to republic Z. I.e. at presence of the given attribute the input(entrance) on festival " Казантип " will be free-of-charge.
Festival Kazantip to find it is easily - Crimea - Evpatoria - with. popovka - Kazantip. And here to find and skachat new hymn Kazantipa it has appeared much more difficultly. Here I have collected some references(links) applying on a loud rank " Skachat hymn Kazantipa ". Clear business that all from them really is far not deserve this honour.
The festival is from the 15th of July until the 26th of August 2006.
The ultimate mega techno house party. 6 weeks. Expirience the rush of Crimean summer. Sun down to sun up. Woodstock a la Russia? An Ukrainian Ibiza?
A paradise beyond your wildest immoral dreams, fun-packed, long sandy beaches, warm sea and loooonng nights. 12 dancefloors featuring the cream of Russian and international DJs.
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