Outdoor Equipment

Report on the hiking in Montenegro

гора Боботов Кук в Дурмиторе The report on the pilot route hike "Prokletije Durmitor" 18-29 August 2011.

When I was just going to Montenegro, then, frankly, did not feel much etuziazma - new country promised a new difficulties, and expensive succeed. But it was necessary "to get involved in a fight," come into the country, all at once adjusted. Montenegro was very nice and friendly, and mountains of Durmitor Prokletije and subdued me from the first second singles. These magnificent mountains where few find. I did 400 pictures a day and realized that is not able to photograph and a fraction of this miracle of nature. Yes and we should do it? After all, I will come back to Montenegro ...

Taste of cakes from my childhood

Воспоминания вкусны, как булочка из детства Report hike in the Carpathians, the route of "The highest peaks" July 17, 2011.

  Our emotions and feelings only thing that remains natural in our increasingly artificial world today, and it is for them and I went with a group of OutdoorUkraine in the campaign for the highest peaks of Ukraine - Carpathian Ridge Montenegrin. My background to the decision to go to a campaign similar to the hundreds of stories of people who described to me his meeting with OutdoorUkraine. The only difference in comparison with others, is that the route I chose to hike in places that had already happened many times.

Six happy days in the mountainous Crimea

привал на снегу - северный склон ЧатырДага в апреле Comment on the campaign, "Water and Stones" from 17 to 23 April 2011.
Returned from a trip to the Crimea. Tired, burned, prozyabshie and happy. Places insanely beautiful, breathtaking. Sergei Zaporozhchenko instructor liked to relax, we do not take into account and give suggestions.

The team we had a small but friendly. There were five (with instructor). Good company added a restless dog Sergei Taya. Route (taking into account the abundance of snow this April) for us was difficult, but it did not stop us to enjoy the beauty.

Live for today

Жить сегодняшним днем Comment on the hike "Scarlet Sails" 24.07-29.07 2011.

This hike in addition to beautiful views of the sea and adventure gave me a mood that is not so easy to buy, "live for today."

When you leave a week from civilization and forget about the things that the city seemed to be important to you, changing attitude. Breathing becomes easier and more pleasant to live ...

Another World

турецкая черепашка на руках Comment on the march in Turkey 10-20 May 2011 Route: Lycian trail + Unreal Cappadocia
  In a small airport close Juliani for a long time before the flight met all of our team. Approaching to Antalya I enthusiastically looking at the mountains with snow caps, beautiful landscapes, anticipating an extraordinary journey. The weather was clear and sunny. And the sea alluring, bright blue.

  Already in Antalya we met our guides and Cyril Alex. Our large group was with Sasha on the standard route, and the second, in less went with Cyril on the pilot route (another part of the Lycian trail). According to the results of a small vote, amended the route, adding a trip to Cappadocia.

The route, which conquers you forever

Лежишь, и в руки спускается небо The emotional feedback about the campaign, "Water and Stones" from 12 to 17 July 2011.
  A review on the tourist trail, "Water and Stones" I, honestly, quite a long time to write. Could not give the most correct verbal form to his feelings and emotions that gave me (and, of course, not me alone), this unusual route.

    I do not think that should say a lot of words on the route - one who decided on his own all know, see, experience, feel, understand ... I do not want to deprive people of confidentiality and, so to speak, raisins)) this field trip. Let me just say some of their emotions (one million appeared to me in those days, emotions are not be conveyed). But this, believe me, is not easy. Too amazing Crimea is revealed in this campaign - the words being said, do not pass ... but just a little try.

Coming off the ground

отрываясь от земли - над Долиной привидений в Крыму Comment on the hike, "Water and Stones" 12.06.2011-17.06.2011
It was the first in my life, "wild" holiday. And perhaps the most extreme. Body only managed to be surprised))) Every time we set out to guide a new goal, I wanted to ask, "Alex, you're kidding or what? That's impossible! "But what's funny, we as a whole without Herculean efforts overcame the descents and ascents. Although the first ascent to the lower plateau us great surprise)) Never thought I could walk up the hill with a 20-pound backpack in 2 hours. But when we finally took our first this height, we shouted for joy.

Magnificent pictures

поход по берегу Средиземного моря Pictures-memoirs about a trekking tour "Beginning of the Lycian way" in May 2011. 
Greetings to all participants and organizers of a recent campaign on the Likijsky track!!! After perusal of the story of Svety could not refuse to itself pleasure (though and not in such art form:) too to share impressions of our campaign.
It, certainly, emotions, positive emotions and to describe their words difficultly enough. But, I think that each participant will understand me, when I will tell that it was healthy. After all all there were and saw the same beauty the eyes. Truth?

It not a dream. It is a reality!

Это не сон. Это - реальность! the high points of a campaign on "the Likijsky track" in Turkey (May 2011).

Cвое in Turkey we have planned an adventure even in the autumn of 2010 and with impatience approach of 2011, SPRING, APRIL waited! And you know, it is possible to write much, but all the same there will be no words to transfer all that beauty, those emotions which we have worried for these 11 days.

«A Likijsky track» - very sated and various route. There was all: both mountains, and falls, both wood, and snow, both a wind, and the sea, and the sun. A route not from the lungs, in day passed from 10 to 18 km., but it is that costs!

Cultural shock

цвет морской волны существует ! Some opening made in a campaign across Turkey (a route "Start of the way"). 
Vague representations about Turkey from school textbooks of history, fiction - an image of the country aggressive, rigid voitelej; the countries of backward, world culture huddling on boondocks. 
The first trip to this country has reversed these representations. 

Let's begin with that Mediterranean sea, fantastic Mediterranean sea, absolutely transparent and colours of a sea wave! It has appeared that colour of a sea wave exists! It not an invention of artists!  


Lycian Way - a trekking of contrasts

поход контрастов - Ликийская тропа the Response about a trekking across Turkey on May, 10-20th, 2011 

 «Lycian Way» was my dream since the moment as I have seen this route on site OutdoorUkraine.com. But at that point in time holiday has been already settled, and there is time for everything. And here last day winters I took and have taken the first step to dream - have made an application on a route, and next day and tickets have been aboard the plane already bought … And the long period of expectation-preparation-realisation of necessary purchases … has begun  

 And day "X" has come. To tell that I like to fly, it to tell nothing. It also was one of factors thanks to which I have decided to subdue mountains of the Tauri. Therefore the beginning has pleased me - easy launch and soft landing, a circle over Mediterranean sea, and we already in Antalia …

With a kindergarten across Crimea

поход с детьми по Пещерным городам Крыма the Response about a campaign with children on Cave cities of Crimea (on May, 1-6st 2011).

This year anybody from friends on the May did not go anywhere. With our topographical kretinizmom we have not dared to go. Therefore for the first time in life have dared at a commercial campaign. To tell the truth, confused me this circumstance very much. But the choice was to go here or not to go in general. As a result both the campaign and group have developed fantastically successfully. Voobshchem it was pleasant all but, perhaps, cost.
So about all one after another.

Advantages of a trekking with travel agency

Плюсы похода с турфирмой Reflections cast by a campaign for Easter (April 2011, a route "Round Demerdzhi).

I go to campaigns 3 years. But till this spring I always collected a command of tourists or adjoined to already gathered. We thought out a route, discussed all organizational questions, bought products and tickets and went for 2-3 days to picturesque places. I also have noticed site OutdoorUkraine.com just ransacking on open spaces of the Internet in search of a new interesting route.

This spring we with friends have planned a campaign in Donetsk area for Easter. But it is unexpected at all there were important issues, and a campaign have decided to transfer without day. At me other plans for these days were not, and the desire to escape from a city was. And here I have remembered about commercial groups. At OutdoorUkraine just there was a three-day route approaching me. My demand very quickly have processed, I have bought tickets and began to prepare for travel.

Lycian Yolu - Turkey similar to Crimea

Lycian Yolu - Ликийская тропа в Турции the Story about a campaign across Turkey on May, 10-20th 2011 (a route "the track Beginning")
What it will turn out if to take a freakish relief and relic vegetation of mountain part JUBK, sharply to increase all it in scales, to mix with abundance of sources and snow at tops of caucasus, generously to flavour with picturesque East hospitality and to add a little bit of colds and fogs of Altai?

It will turn out Lycian Yolu! It Lycian Way. It - the Likijsky track. Two years quiveringly leleemye me dreams took and became a reality - and scope "rjukzachnyh" wanderings on life at last has reached also distant Zagranichja.

Such did not happen ye

    Отзыв о походе

Response about a campaign "the Romanticist коллекшн" on April, 30th - on May, 8th, 2011
9 days - such did not happen yet. In whole, in a route arranged all: and places on which we should pass, both kinds, and a direction, and especially the company in which it should be made. Fears were inspired only by duration of a campaign - and whether can?

Could. And you can - do not doubt at all.

Travel obormotov, or an improvisation Celebration

Путешествие обормотов Memuar about a Trekking route the Crimson sails, made from July, 25 till July, 30th 2010.  
Gathering for this route, I imagined mountains Kimmerii a little differently - flat enough and, thanks to it, simple in passage. However the severe reality has broken these representations: liftings have appeared quite to themselves abrupt, and descents... Perhaps, three-year prescription of impression of descent in Haphaluzhe were a little erased, but descent with Sandyk to Krasnokamenke, then - descent with Echki-Daga to Urbashu, and then - with Ah-georgija to the Kopselsky bay there were rather rich on impressions, emotions and events. 

Three on a stove bench, one on a table

трое на лежанке - один на столе the Campaign «the Highest tops of Ukraine» from June, 20 till June, 25th, 2010.
Group structure - 3 tourists plus a conductor Alexander Kushnarev. Have got to the strong bad weather, two days have stayed in a small izba (on local - kolyba), therefore from planned were in time a little - Petros and Goverlu.

The campaign has left strong impressions, there was all - both a heat, and a cold, both the beautiful nature, and descent with Petrosa in a fog in the rain. Instead of interesting, but a predicted route, the extreme-round full of unexpectedness has turned out. I remained is very happy.

Fairy tale for three days

полонина Боржава Impressions of a campaign of "Polonina Borzhava" in August 2010.

As though to tell to you about the impressions so that you have felt though a small share of that I felt. But also it will be is it is necessary to worry, experience a little. To inhale this pure air, to see a fantastic dawn, to take a sip sweet water from a stream. It is all it seemed to me returning home …

But here about the very first day of a campaign I did not guess at all where I have got. I even could not present that will be so hard. That my backpack will seem three times heavier, and feet will refuse to go almost further. 

Bad people do not go to a hike

    Плохие люди в походы не ходят the Story about a campaign on Goverlu (a route "the Highest tops") on August, 29th 2010г.
In Ivano-Frankovsk we have met other participants of a campaign and our guide  Alexander. The group has gathered small - 6 persons together with Sashej, all remarkable sincere persons, and we had time to get acquainted and become friends in that hour when bus sending expected. So the statement «bad people do not go to a campaign» correctly for all hundred percent! So, by the bus we have reached Kvass where zatarilis very tasty mineral vodichkoj, and have set out to a place of our first spending the night to village. Weather pleased us, on the way had time to admire surrounding nature. And next morning we were expected by(with) a surprising picture - below in a valley clouds lay, from height it was similar to whipped cream on a saucer:

August in Carpathians

август в Карпатах the Report on a campaign across Carpathians on August, 15-20th 2010г, a route "Above falls".
I have got to Carpathians unexpectedly enough. In a campaign gathered, it is true, but to Crimea. And here, when tickets already were on hands, with holiday the question is solved also things are almost combined, in connection with fire-dangerous conditions access to the Crimean woods has been closed. What to do? Cyril has recommended to look at Carpathians, the blessing exit date on a route coincided. In Carpathians I was not, and, after some fluctuations have decided that it is necessary to visit there.
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