Books about tourism
Health Problems in hiking tours
Most (82 percent) of the responding hikers had one or more health problems on the trail.
Musculoskeletal problems, including leg and joint pain, were the most common complaints.
Blisters were the most common foot complaint (53 percent of hikers).
Hikers reported a much higher frequency of blisters (53 percent) when
they answered a structured question ("For how long during your hike did
you suffer from foot blisters?") than when they answered an open-ended
request to list any medical problems (only 9 percent listed blisters).
We don't know whether it did not occur to them when asked the
open-ended question, or whether they regarded blisters as so minor and
universal as to not warrant mention. The latter suggests that there
were probably other problems that were unreported.
Useful work on travel, the organization of observations
During travel many tourist groups accept active participation in socially useful work, carry out tasks of the various organizations, spend observations above the nature. It does(makes) a hike more interesting and fascinating.The decision to perform this or that public work on a route is voluntary business of tourists. For one it is interesting to carry out tourist research of new district of travel, others are ready to act with lecture, a concert of amateur performances or to help(assist) with forest plantations, the third any concrete side of the nature - minerals, flowers, insects interests. In section some help data on the organization of useful work and observation of the separate natural phenomena in hiking conditions are cited.
Nature preservation, monuments of history and culture
The forest is your green friend. Do not mince trees and bushes on shesty and kolja for tents, do not fracture a branch for the device of tents, a drawsheet and other. In case of emergency it is possible to cut off(shear) only lateral branches, but at all top. For fires it is necessary to use only a kecks and on occassion a dead wood. In the rendered habitable places it is recommended to use inflatable mattresses, the hiking centers, kerosene stoves, gas tiles and t. ItemThe Guideline of the principal of hikes of the day off
Hikes of the day off - one of the most mass and accessible forms of the organization of productive leisure(active rest) of workers. Participation in hikes of the day off should bring up workers in spirit of love to Native land, fidelity to high principles, to inoculate the careful attitude(relation) to the nature and monuments of culture.Hikes of the day off - the first step of tourism. They prepare participants for distant travel, help(assist) to seize(take possession) tourist skills, provide necessary physical training.
Tourist tents
The most widespread kind of marching equipment is the tent. She should have the minimal dimensions, mass and cost, easily to be established(installed), provide comfortable conditions, to be idle time in manufacturing.To destination them section into types: hunting, marching, family and for a camping.
The tent of the first type 1-2 persons is calculated by capacity for short-term hikes. She is small in the sizes, has the minimal mass (counting upon one person) and provides reliable protection against a rain.
Equipment for tourist kitchen
The choice of equipment for kitchen(cuisine) depends first of all on district of travel and an opportunity of utilization of local fuel (fire wood). The defining(determining) factor is also the season. In the winter even in a taiga zone it is expedient to combine cooking with heating tent and drying of clothes.Besides in the certain(specific) measure on a choice of equipment for tourist kitchen(cuisine) the category of complexity of travel influences. So, in a simple hike with good entrances it is possible to grasp ordinary household utensils (buckets, frying pans), and also convenient, but serious equipment (for example, a petrol tile).
The Literature
1. Berman A.Puteshestvija on skis., FiS, 1968.2. A wind of wanderings, 1., FiS, 1965.
3. A wind of wanderings, 10., FiS, 1975.
4. A wind of wanderings, 12. M. FiS. 1977.
5. Lapidaries, Weizman, SHimanovsky Century Mountaineering., FiS, 1966.
6. Kolesnikov A.Turistskoe equipment., profizdat, 1968.
7. Obruchev S.Spravochnik of the traveller and the regional specialist. I., geografgiz, 1949.
Tourist camp equipment

Hazards in mountains

On a degree of influence klima factors on the person existing classification sections (conditionally mountain levels on:-low-mount-up to 1000 m. Here the person does not test (in comparison with the district had on a sea level) of negative influence of a disadvantage of oxygen even at hard work;
Attributes and character of influence of a mountain disease
The mountain disease can suddenly be shown, especially when the person for a short time interval has considerably exceeded borders of the individual acceptability, has tested an excessive overstain in conditions of air hunger. However more often the mountain disease develops gradually. Its(her) first attributes are the general(common) weariness, not dependent on volume of performed work, apathy, muscular delicacy, a sleepiness, a malaise a giddiness. If the person continues to remain at height signs of illness(disease) accrue(increase): digestion is broken, the frequent nausea and even a vomiting is possible(probable), there is a frustration of a rhythm of respiration, a cold fit and a fever. Process of convalescence proceeds slowly enough.The Mechanism of development of a mountain disease
The dry free air contains: nitrogen of 78,08 %, oxygen-20,94 of %, carbonic acid-0,03 of %, argon-0,94 of % and other gases-0,01 of %. At rise on height this percentage parity(ratio) does not change, but the density of air, and consequently, and magnitudes of partial pressure of these gases changes.Under the law of diffusion gases pass from medium with higher partial pressure on medium with lower pressure. Respiratory metabolism both in lungs, and in a blood of the person is carried out owing to available. Differences of these pressure.
At long stay at height in an organism there come series of changes which short is reduced to conservation of normal vital activity of the person. This process is called as acclimatization. Acclimatization-sum of organism responses as a result of which the good general(common) state is supported(maintained), is saved a persistence of weight, normal working capacity and normal course of psychological processes. Distinguish full and incomplete, or partial, acclimatization.Rendering assistance at a mountain disease
If despite of taken measures at someone from participants of a high-mountainous hike signs of a mountain disease are shown, it is necessary:-at a headache to accept Citramonum, Pyramidonum (no more than 1,5 g in day), Analginum (no more than 1 g on one-trip reception and 3 g in day) or their combinations (trojchatka, pjaterchatka);
-at a nausea and vomiting-аэрон, acidic fruit or their juices;
-at a sleeplessness-ноксирон when the person badly falls asleep, or Nembutalum when a dream insufficiently deep.
Influence of the sun
Sun burns. From long influence of the sun on an organism of the person on a skin sun burns which can become the reason of a morbid state of the tourist are formed.Solar radiation-stream of beams of the visible and invisible spectrum having a various biological activity. At an irradiation the sun simultaneous influence takes place:
Toxicant animals
It is necessary for tourists to consider, that the more close they cost(stand) to the nature, the the high probability is got with an opportunity of their occurring with toxicant animals, and also with animals-carriers of illnesses(diseases). According to the World organization of health protection, from only one stings of snakes on which share the twentieth part of the general(common) number of all events of a lesion of the person toxicant animals is necessary, annually suffers nearby polumilliona people. 40 thousand from them perishes. Still a lot of victims is totaled from stings and nyxes of the animals belonging to numerous type of arthropods.Misuse of heating devices
In mountains where often it is necessary to make hikes on bezlesnym to zones, tourists are compelled(forced) to use fire gases, kerosene or gasoline as fuel.The literature
Abalakov Century of M. of the Basis of mountaneering., FiS. 1958.Agadzhanjan. And, Mirrahimov M. of M. of Mountain and a resistance of an organism. "Science", 1970.
Mountaneering. FiS, 1954. Appolov B.A.Uchenie about the rivers. Publishing house of the Moscow State University, 1963.
Bashenina. Century Formation of a modern land forms of an earth surface. "Higher school", 1967.
Berman A.Puteshestvie on skis. FiS, 1968.

The book which you have read through, is, as well as the author, survey specifies. It is necessary to carry that she gives a wide picture of a camp life on a camp to its(her) advantages, allows to imagine even a part from diverse "snarjazhencheskogo" creativity of the tourists wishing “ to stand well ” - with all convenience and it is safe.Naturally, to the reader, wishing to reproduce this or that design, follows, having studied(investigated) the resulted(brought) descriptions, poraskinut and own head, podnaprjachsja and to make not an exact repetition, and something, fitted under its(his) needs and concepts about hiking comfort, having apprehended that is offered to him here, creatively.
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