Attributes and character of influence of a mountain disease

The mountain disease can suddenly be shown, especially when the person for a short time interval has considerably exceeded borders of the individual acceptability, has tested an excessive overstain in conditions of air hunger. However more often the mountain disease develops gradually. Its(her) first attributes are the general(common) weariness, not dependent on volume of performed work, apathy, muscular delicacy, a sleepiness, a malaise a giddiness. If the person continues to remain at height signs of illness(disease) accrue(increase): digestion is broken, the frequent nausea and even a vomiting is possible(probable), there is a frustration of a rhythm of respiration, a cold fit and a fever. Process of convalescence proceeds slowly enough. At the first stages of a course of a disease, it is not required special measures of treatment. More often after active work and high-grade rest(tour) signs of illness(disease) disappear are testifies to offensive(approach) of acclimatization. Sometimes illness(disease) continues to progress, passing in the second stadiju-chronic. Its(her) signs same, but are expressed in much stronger degree: the headache can be the extremely acute, the sleepiness is more strongly shown, receptacles of brushes of arms(hand) are overflown by a blood, probably nasal bleeding, the dyspnea(short wind) is sharply expressed, the thorax becomes wide, barrel, the acrimony is observed, the loss of consciousness is possible(probable). These attributes speak about serious disease and necessity of urgent transportation of the patient downwards. Sometimes the listed displays of illness(disease) are preceded with the stage of exaltation (euphoria) very reminding alcoholic intoxication.

The mechanism of development of a mountain disease is bound to insufficient saturation of a blood by oxygen that affects functions of many intestinal offals and systems. From all tissues of an organism nervous-most it is sensitive to an oxygen failure. The person who has got on height of 4000-4500 m and inclined to disease by a mountain disease, as a result of a hypoxia all over again has an exaltation expressed in occurrence of feeling of complacency and own force. He becomes cheerful, talkative, but thus loses the control over the actions, cannot really estimate(appreciate) a situation. After a while there comes the period of depression. The gaiety is replaced by gloom, peevishness, even pugnacity, and even even more hazardous attacks of irritability. Many of such people in a dream have not a rest: the dream is restless, is accompanied by the fantastic dreamings which are characterized bad presentiments.

At greater(big) heights the hypoxia renders more serious influence on a functional state of the maximum(supreme) nervous centers, causing an obtusion of sensitivity, disturbance of correctness of judgement, loss of self-criticism, interest and the initiative, .inogda loss of memory. Rate and accuracy of reaction noticeably decreases, as a result of weakening processes of inner inhibition coordination of movements is upset. There is the mental and physical depression expressed in slowness of thinking and actions, appreciable loss of intuition and ability to logic thinking, change of conditioned reflexes. However thus the person considers(counts), that its(his) consciousness not only is clear, but also is is unusually acute. He continues to do(make) in what was engaged before serious influence on it(him) hypoxias, despite of sometimes hazardous consequences of the acts.

At ill there can be an obsession, feeling of absolute correctness of the acts, intolerance to critical remarks, and it if in such state there will be the principal of group-person who is responsible for a life of other people, becomes especially hazardous. It is noticed, that under influence of a hypoxia people often do not do(make) any attempts to leave of pronouncedly hazardous situation.

It is important to know, what most widespread changes in behaviour of the person occur(happen) at height under influence of a hypoxia. On frequency of occurrence these changes range in following sequence:

-несоразмеримо greater(big) efforts at performance of the task;

Critical attitude(relation) to other participants of travel;

-unwillingness to carry out brainwork;

The-raised irritability of sense organs;


-irritability at remarks on work;

-difficulty in concentration of attention;

-slowness of thinking;

-frequent, obsessional homing to the same theme;

-difficulty of storing.

As a result of a hypoxia it can be broken(disturbed) and a thermoregulation because of what on occassion at low temperature development(manufacture) by an organism of heat decreases and at the same time its(his) losses through a skin raise(increase). In these conditions the person, ill a mountain disease, is more subject to cooling, than other participants of travel. In other events probably occurrence of a cold fit and a fervescence on 1 - 1,5 With.

The hypoxia influences and many other things organs and systems of an organism.

Organs of respiration. If in a state of rest the person at height does not test a dyspnea(short wind), a disadvantage of air or difficulty of respiration at an exercise stress in high-altitude conditions all these phenomena start to be felt noticeably. For example, one of participants of an ascention to the Everest on each step at height of 8200 meters did(made) 7-10 full inspirations and exhalations. But even at such slow rate of movement he had a rest about two minutes through everyone of 20-25 meters of a way. Other participant of an ascention for one hour of movement at a finding at height of 8500 meters has risen on light(mild) enough site on height only about 30 meters.

Working capacity. Well-known, that any muscular activity, and especially intense, is accompanied by rising of blood supply of working muscles. However, if in conditions of plain the organism can provide necessary quantity(amount) of oxygen rather easily with rise on the greater(big) height, even at maximal utilization of all adaptive reactions, stocking of muscles by oxygen is carried out is disproportionate to a degree of muscular activity. As a result of such disharmony air hunger develops, and nedookislennye metabolic products collect in an organism in abudant quantities(amounts). Therefore working capacity of the person with augmentation of height sharply decreases. So (on E.Gippenrejteru) at height of 3000 m she makes 90 %, at height of % of 4000 m-80, 5500 m-50 %, 6200 m-33 % and 8000 m--15-16 % from a maximum level of the work made at height of a sea level.

Even upon termination of work, despite of the termination(discontinuance) of muscular activity, an organism continues to be in a strain, consuming some time the raised(increased) quantity(amount) of oxygen to liquidate oxygen debts. It is necessary to note, that time during which this debts is liquidated, depends not only on intensity and duration of muscular work, but also from a degree trenirovannosti the person.

The second though also less important reason of depression of working capacity of an organism the overload of system of respiration is. The respiratory system due to intensifying the activity up to the certain(specific) pore can compensate sharply increasing oxygen inquiry of an organism in conditions of the rarefied air medium.

Table 1

Height, m

Augmentation pulmonary
Ventilations in %
(At the same work)











However opportunities of pulmonary ventilation have the limit which the organism reaches(achieves) earlier, than there is a limiting working capacity of heart, than the necessary quantity(amount) of consumed oxygen dropping of partial oxygen tension leads to intensifying of pulmonary ventilation and consequently, and to strengthened "illuviation" from organism CO2 decreases to a minimum. Such limitations speak to that. But decrease of partial pressure СО2 fall backs activity of the respiratory center and by that limits volume of pulmonary ventilation.

At height pulmonary ventilation reaches(achieves) limiting magnitudes already at performance of average for ordinary conditions of a load. Therefore the maximum quantity of a hard work for certain(specific) time which the tourist can execute in conditions of high mountains, less, and the deoxidiziry period after work in mountains is longer, than on a sea level. However at long stay at the same height (up to 5000-5300) due to acclimatization of an organism the level of working capacity raises(increases).

System of digestion. At height appetite considerably(much) changes, the absorption of water and nutrients(nutritive matters), allocation of a gastric juice decreases, functions of digestive glands that leads to disturbance of processes of digestion and mastering of nutrition, especially Adepses change. As a result the person sharply loses weight. So, during one of expeditions(dispatches) to the Everest the climbers who have lived at height more 6000 m within 6-7 weeks, have lost in weight from 13,6 up to 22,7 kg. At height the person can feel imaginary feeling of completeness of a maw, raspiranie in an anticardium, a nausea, the diarrheas which are not giving in medikamentovnomu to treatment.

Vision. At heights of the order of 4500 m normal visual acuity is possible(probable) only at brightness in 2,5 times more ordinary for flat conditions. At these heights there is a narrowing a peripheric field of vision and appreciable "misting(caligation)" of vision as a whole. At greater(big) heights accuracy of bracing of a view and correctness of definition of distance decreases also. Even in conditions srednegorja vision weakens at night, and term of adaptation to darkness is extended.

Painful sensitivity in process of increase of a hypoxia decreases down to its(her) full loss.

Deaquation of an organism. Allocation of water from an organism, as is known, is carried out basically by kidneys (1,5 l waters in day), a skin (1), lungs (nearby 0,4) and an intestine (0,2-0,3). It is established(installed), that the general(common) intensity of flow in an organism even in a state of full rest makes 50-60 g at an o'clock. At an average exercise stress at height of a sea level the intensity of flow increases in normal climatic conditions up to 40-50 grams day on each kg of weight of the person. In total on the average in ordinary conditions in day it is allocated nearby 3 l waters. At the strengthened muscular activity, especially in conditions of heat, allocation of water through a skin (sometimes up to 4-5) sharply increases. But the intense muscular work made in conditions of high mountains, in connection with a disadvantage of oxygen and dryness of air, sharply strengthens pulmonary ventilation and by that enlarges quantity(amount) of the water allocated through lungs. All this leads to that the general(common) leakage of water at participants of complex(difficult) high-mountainous travel can reach(achieve) 7-10 l in day.

The statistics testifies, that in conditions of high mountains more than the case rate of organs of respiration is twice enlarged. The pneumonia often accepts the croupous form, the resorption of the inflammatory centers-much more(-much) more slowly, than in conditions of plain proceeds much more hardly, and.

The pneumonia begins after physical overwork and a frigorism. In an initial stage the bad state of health, some dyspnea(short wind), the speeded up pulse, tussis is marked(celebrated). But already approximately in 10 hours the state ill sharply worsens: frequency of respiration-from above(-over) 50, puls-120 in a minute. Despite of reception of Sulfanilamidums, in 18-20 hours the fluid lungs representing in conditions of high mountains greater(big) hazard develops. First attributes of an acute fluid lungs: dry tussis, complaints to squeezings a little below a breast bone, a dyspnea(short wind), delicacy at an exercise stress. In serious events the pneumorrhagia, a dyspnea, serious frustration of consciousness then there comes mors takes place. Disease frequently does not exceed also one day.

In a basis of education of a fluid lungs at height the phenomenon of rising of penetrability stenok pulmonary capillaries and alveoluses owing to what foreign substances (albuminous masses, elements of a blood and germs) get into alveoluses of lungs lays, as a rule. Therefore the useful capacity of lungs during short time is sharply reduced. The hemoglobin of the arterial blood washing an external surface of alveoluses, filled not air, and in albuminous masses and elements of a blood, cannot be sated(saturated) with oxygen to the right degree. As a result from insufficient (below admissible norm(rate)) stocking by oxygen of tissues of an organism the person quickly perishes.

Therefore, even in case of the slightest suspicion on disease of organs of respiration, the group immediately should arrange to the prompt draining off ill downwards, it is desirable up to heights of the order of 2000-2500 meters.