The literature

Abalakov Century of M. of the Basis of mountaneering., FiS. 1958.

Agadzhanjan. And, Mirrahimov M. of M. of Mountain and a resistance of an organism. "Science", 1970.

Mountaneering. FiS, 1954. Appolov B.A.Uchenie about the rivers. Publishing house of the Moscow State University, 1963.

Bashenina. Century Formation of a modern land forms of an earth surface. "Higher school", 1967.

Berman A.Puteshestvie on skis. FiS, 1968. Bernstein A.Chelovek in conditions srednegorja. "Kazakhstan", 1967.

Bogdanov, Krakovjak, Minh Hygiene. FiS, 1966. Bogdanov, Krakovjak Hygiene. FnS, 1969.

Bogolyubov And. Century Mudflows and their diffusion in territory of the USSR. gidrometeoizdat, 1957.

Bogorodsky of Century of Century Physical methods of research of ice cellars. gidrometeoizdat, Л1958.

Brawlers of Century of M. the First medical care. "Medicine", 1969.

Vasileva Century, Deshin D. . The medical control and medical physical training. FiS, 1968.

Questions of dynamics(changes) and modern evolution of ice cellars. The collecting vessel of clauses(articles) under red. Avsjuka "Progress", 1964.

Gazenko, Gippenrejter, Malkin of Century the Reason of disease-гипоксия. Magazine « the Science and a life » 1, 1970.

Galanin N.F.Luchistaja energy and its(her) hygienic value(meaning;importance). "Medicine", 1969.

Lapidaries, Weizman, SHimanovsky Century Mountaineering. FiS, 1966.

Gusev And. M. the Climate and weather. Publishing house AN of the USSR, 1966.

Dajson. L. In the world of an ice. gidrometeoizdat, 1966.

Dimaksjan Century of M. radioopovestitel of a mudstream. gidrometeoizdat, 1966.

Dobrovolsky of Century Prophylaxis of damages, pathological states and diseases at playing sports. FiS, 1967.

Evreinov Century N.Gidravlika. Publishing house MRF. Leningrad, 1947.

Life of animals, volume II. Under edition Zenkevicha of L.A.Uchpedgiz, 1941.

Life of animals, volume III. Under Soldatov's edition of Century of K.Uchpedgiz, 1939.

Overseas A.D.Atmosfernye of the phenomenon. gidrometeoizdat, 1959.

Kalesnik With. Century Sketches of glaciology. geografgiz, 1963.

Kotljakov Century of M. the Snow mantle of land and ice cellars. gidrometeoizdat, 1968.

Kropf f. In mountains. FiS, il966,

Krjazhev B., Maevsky A.Tehnika's of M. bezopasnostng at utilization szhizhennyh gases. "Bowels", 1969.

Kuzmin, Rukodelnikov B.Obuchenie of climbers. FiS, 1965. Lyres of Century, Stikkej K.Gipoksija. Medicine, 1967. Maleinov It is scarlet. Security measures in mountaneering. profizdat, 1955. Maleinov It is scarlet. The Rescue service in mountains. FiS, 1940.

Middlton U.Istorija of theories of a rain and other forms of deposits. gidrometeoizdat, 1969.

Main principles and methods klimatolechenija. Under red. Vishnevskogo A.S. "Medicine", 1965.

Pans D. The General(Common) geomorphology. "Higher school", 1966.

Weather and summer holiday. gidrometeoizdat. pogosjan X. Item Terrible natural phenomena. "Knowledge", 1968.49

pogosjan X., Sitnikov And. What weather will be tomorrow? Voenizdat, 1967.

Problems of space medicine. Under red. Parina century of Century Moscow, 1966. Pfejfer F.Pogoda interests all. gidrometeoizdat, 1966.

Management(Manual) by inner illnesses(diseases). Volume X. Under red. Kurshakova N.A.Medgiz, 1963.

Salvage operations in mountains. Publishing house TSS OPTE, 1936. Talyzin F. . Toxicant animals of a land and the sea. "Knowledge", 1970.

Tushinsky of K.Ledniki, snow patches, avalanches of Soviet Union. The geographer-gas, 1963.

Fljajg Century Attention, avalanches! Publishing house of the foreign literature, 1960.

CHertousov D.Inzhenernaja's M. hydraulics. Publishing house LGI. Leningrad, 1934.

SHimanovsky Century F.Gornolyzhnyj tourism. FiS, 1965.

SHoven R.Mir of insects. "World", 1970.

Schukin And., Schukin O.E.Zhizn of mountains. geografgiz, 1959.

Shapoval A. . The Vernal encephalitis. Medgiz, 1961.

SHtjurmer J.A.Opasnosti in Tourism, imaginary and real.; FiS, 1972.