23.07.2007 |
There is such ancient tourist draw - " the Disco at geologists ". I to you shall not tell its(his) essence now (perhaps it will be possible sometime and you rozygrat). And I shall tell to you about a disco at Dzhurly.
Dzhurla it is very popular tourist parking in picturesque Crimean gorge. We quite often there stop, have decided to stop and this time.
23.07.2007 |
If at you fear of height, it is necessary to think ten times before to go to mountains.
22.07.2007 |
In krymu now terrible heat. So terrible that my tourists were solved on bespretsendentnyj an act. They have agreed to rise early in the morning to slip the open site of a way up to heat.
22.07.2007 |
I all time roughly propagandize hikes, I tell about that as it simply, is accessible and it is clear. Time for a small doze of an anti-advertising has come.
19.07.2007 |
It was possible to me to observe today the camp from height (meters 10). Business was in the evening, in darkness. Tourists suetilis below with small lamps. Actually chelovekov it was visible not, only snovali there here beams of light-emitting diode small lamps.
18.07.2007 |
In the morning through Dzhurlu the fire car has passed. "Fire" - has thought Stirlitz and has gone after car.
17.07.2007 |
On the last parking near to our camp the lonely girl has settled down under sejkvojami. Though lonely this not absolutely suitable word. It(she) was one, but apparently special inconveniences in it(this) did not see. Sat to itself on kovrike at kosterka and meditated under a ring of the Chinese handbells dangling(hanging about) on a wind.
16.07.2007 |
10 minutes ago we have gone down to a civilization, is more exact to its(her) main thing and polnomochnejshemu to the representative - to shop. Since then I sit in proud loneliness on a heap of backpacks. All send(have come), even have run in shop, and to leave similar do not gather.
24.04.2007 |
For those who wishes to go to a hike across Crimea for May holidays, but cannot remain in Crimea for all week, we shall organize a separate hike - from April, 29th till May, 2nd. It(he) is created on motives of a route " Water and Stones " and includes visiting such sights of mountain Crimea as the Valley of Ghosts, falls Dzhurla, Dzhur-Dzhur and the Geyser.
12.04.2007 |
At numerous requests we shall organize a children's hike. Actually adults there will be more than children. To nurseries a hike have named because the route is simplified up to impossibility, kilometrazh is reduced up to a minimum, and in general - not a hike and continuous rest.
The route of it(this) of " a children's hike " is laid on motives of a route on Cave cities of Crimea.
23.03.2007 |
Next our seminar walk initially reflected as a superascention on Ah Petri. I gathered for one light day (from 6 mornings till 6 evenings) with group of 20 person to pass(take place) from the Glade of fairy tales up to a falls Wuchang-су to rise on a plateau on Taraktashskoj to a track, to reach up to kanatnoj roads and to leave on it(her) downwards. Quite a practicable plan, but not for us... First to leave so early we could not - in 6 morning training, and then a breakfast. Total, start not earlier than 10. Secondly the snow and barrels strong enough wind above laid. The greater(big) part of group was obuta in gym shoes and possessed the extremely "muffled" wardrobe. Well and the most important - to make such feat, is necessary to want it(this) very much. I in our numbers(lines) have not noticed such enthusiasm and have decided to cut down the program of travel before modest walk on Botkinskoj to a track.
22.03.2007 |
Shortly before March, 8th to me the group of tourists of the Kiev section "Vertical" has addressed. On forthcoming days off they were going "to take a walk" on Gorgany and asked to share a GPS-track of our last year's
winter hike on Carpathians . In exchange guys have promised to write about the adventures. And here today I publish their report.
22.03.2007 |
As well as promised, I write about the impressions of a seminar on Russian hand-to-hand fight of style Kadochnikova which is passed(is taken place) from March, 8 till March, 11th in Massandre (Crimea). That long not tomit I shall tell at once - it was pleasant to me. These four days have passed(have taken place) very much nasyshchenno and at the same time nenaprjazhno. I at last have found Nikitskuju a cleft, have had fun at a palace in Massandre, have twice visited gorge Uch-Kosh, have lead our children on Botkinkoj to a track from the Glade of fairy tales up to a falls Uchan-Su
21.03.2007 |
Continuing movement on the West from Nikitskoj clefts, I have appeared on grutovoj to road going in parallel highway, but on one hundred meters above. To go here it was obvious more interestingly, than on asphalt and if not tablets with threats, razveshannye local junnatami, it would be possible raslabitsja and to be forgotten. Soon a composition has added prickly the prowolf on trees, and it became absolutely interesting. From road the marked track has curtailed(turned) upwards. I was not kept and have followed for it(her). Having got on the nearest rock (on a card(map) it is designated as height 489), the track has broken, probably it(she) conducted on any skalolaznyj a route. But I am far below has distinguished siluet Massandrovskogo Alexander's palace 3.
21.03.2007 |
For the first time I have read about Nikitskoj cleft through many years back on the Internet. A pier very beautiful place, behind each turn new miracles, and kinoshniki manage to remove there lasting many days travel, not descending(going) with places. I intrigued by such description have conceived to find this miracle of the Crimean nature and personally to study(investigate). It is necessary to tell, that it was possible to me only this spring. Before Nikita laid away from my routes and the cleft remained "unopened".
16.03.2007 |
If you love spring Crimea, but are not inclined to divide it(him) with thousand other tourists, you should go to a hike till May holidays - in April. April - ideal time for a hike on cave cities of Crimea. Here is warmer than on high plateaus, the snow for a long time has descended(gone), all blossoms and smells in the spring. Possible(probable) dates of a hike - on April, 3rd and 17.
15.03.2007 |
On March, 8th 2007года walking in searches of Nikitskaya cleft (Crimea, near Yalta) I with surprise have found on the clothes an active tick. Next day after walk in gorge Uch-Kosh on clothes one more tick has been found out. Till now I have been assured(confident), that the season of ticks begins only in the end of April. In practice ticks have appeared free from prejudices and wake up when will want, instead of under the schedule.
05.03.2007 |
From March, 8 till March, 11th the Federation of Russian Fighting Art of Ukraine holds the international seminar in Yalta. The seminar on Russian hand-to-hand fight is trainings 3 times day, dialogue with relatives on spirit people and a traditional mountain trip. I was invited to be a guide on this small travel across mountain Crimea. It is considered two variants of a route: through the Valley of Ghosts on Southern Demerdzhi or on Taraktashskoj to a track on the Ai Petri. The choice will depend on presence of a snow on slopes and weathers. In any case to miss will not have.
24.02.2007 |
First time I have seen waterfall Golovkinskogo in the autumn of 2005. It is possible to find it(him). But it has much more difficultly appeared to find a track from a waterfall on Babugan. It is so difficult, that I have not found it(her), and have gone on Babugan to a forehead. It was completely not simple and has borrowed(occupied) about 4 hours. Tracks were not, only a steep slope among pines. Having risen almost up to the edge of a plateau, I began to be displaced to the left (on the east) in searches of passage between sebaceous walls. Eventually I have found an input(entrance) in small gorge which has deduced(removed) me on Babugan.
23.02.2007 |
I can not tell about all Crimea, but Feodosiya today has swept up a snow. In an hour it attacked about 20 centimeters of a snow, and yet the extremity(end). Thus it is cold enough, so all this will thaw not soon - the winter proceeds. And I already, to tell the truth, thought that
hikes in March will be " dry and warm ". But, probably, will have to wander a little more on a snow