
History of the OutdoorUkraine

Written by Кирилл Ясько 17.03.2014

Sometimes tourists gathering for the first time to go with us to the mountains, afraid to ask about reliability . Can they trust OutdoorUkraine? I think the best antidote to such doubts will be our story - stages of development of the project , since the advent of the first site back in 2005 . We are not a one-day site, we have a story , have a reputation .

But for those who have long been familiar with us, in this article , too, have a couple of surprises - such as the "address" of rock from our logo and our first screenshots of the little-known sites .


Outdoor - What does it mean?

Written by Кирилл Ясько 26.02.2014 Что значит Outdoor?

The name for the site comes up with in those days, when we were sure that our main customers will be foreigners (from Western Europe). Thats why we choose name understandable to any English-speaking visitor - Outdoor Ukraine. But what does it mean - Outdoor?


Equipment for a bike tour

Written by Алексей Лебедев 20.02.2014

This list is made for summer cycle campaigns to the Carpathians and spring, summer and autumn cycle campaigns to the Crimea. Unless it is possible to take less warm things in the summer Crimea more bathing suits :)

Again, consider that this list of equipment is focused on ordinary participants of commercial cycle campaigns in whom a remnabor, the big first-aid kit, the navigation and kitchen equipment are provided with the organizer and are at the instructor.


How to choose a bike for bicycle tours?

Written by Алексей Лебедев 20.02.2014 Как выбрать велосипед для походов

Everybody knows what is a bicycle. Someone in the childhood has a city-bicycle, someone already familiar with the modern variety of bicycles and ride it in the park alleys or asphalt tracks. But what bike is perfect for bicycle tours?


"Castles and waterfalls of Transcarpathia" - a cycling tour

Written by Алексей Лебедев 19.02.2014
  • Next tour:
  • custom made tour is possible

Transcarpathia is famous for its castles! In this bike tour through the Carpathians we will see both well-preserved masterpieces of architecture, and much depleted, but not lost their attraction ruins. Also we will not pass by natural wonders: numerous waterfalls that give rise to rapid rivers; opening from polonin peaks and breathtaking mountain roads (asphalt 120 km, soil 30 km).

Uzhhorod - Perechin - Lumshor waterfalls - polonyna Runa - Turya Polyana - Chynadiyevo - Mukacheve


Carpathians Sea Eye - bike tour to the lake Sinevir

Written by Алексей Лебедев 14.02.2014
  • Next tour:
  • custom made tour is possible

Bike trip to Sinevira - the largest and most famous lake of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Synevyr is located in the inner massif of Inner Gorgan Mountains. The path to it leads through picturesque Carpathian passes along the fast-moving mountain rivers. To come to him on his two-wheeled friend is the dream of any bicycle tourist who comes to the Carpathians.

Volovets - Pilipets - Mezhgore - Lake. Synevyr - Freedom - Mind - Benefit - Morshin - Stryj


Hike to the clouds

Written by Алексей Жук 09.02.2014 Наша группа Report a hike on Carpathians highest peaks 09 - 14.06.2013 , the Author: Alexey Zhuk . Rating: 4.5 Began to break through the window light and then I realized that a new day has come , the same long-awaited day when I see that what had long dreamed of . But rising from the bed and looked out the window , my joy had disappeared . I saw thick, gray fog . Throughout Ukraine forecasters rains passed . But approaching ever closer to Ivano- Frankivsk miracle happened - the fog and disappeared over the horizon seemed clean and clear sky . The train stopped and the comfort of his soul was filled with joy and happiness.

Do not need to relax

Written by София Аккерман 08.02.2014 About a hike in Crimea over the sea 4.08-9.08 2013. Author: Sofia Ackerman. Rating: 4.5 That ended our way: finally we Balaklava bay! We rejoice because all lengthy transitions, exhausting climbs and no less difficult slopes left behind. Already you can relax, take a shower and normal civilized stretch your legs on a soft little bed. But on the other hand somehow sad at heart. Have to say goodbye to the people that had become friends, with fresh mountain air, spring water and beautiful scenery.

My first Crimean campaign

Written by Кулешова Анастасия 08.02.2014 Поход по Крыму Report hike across Crimea Water and Stones 13-19.07.2013 Author: Anastasia Kuleshov, Komsomolsk, Poltava region, Ukraine. Rating: 4.5 Looking back, I remember with a smile the day when my mother showed me a poster OutdoorUkraine, which she found quite by accident. After a brief negotiation, we ventured out on our first trip to the Crimea - "Water and Stones".

Hike - not walk through the meadow

Written by Мария Романова 08.02.2014 Сушим спальник Report hike across Crimea Crimea Canyons July 2013. Author: Maria Romanova. Rating: 4.5 Want to share your travel experience a small part in the campaign. The story will be of interest to anyone who is going to go camping for the first time, and especially girls, who have never even could not imagine that ever dare to go to such and "walk."
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