Gathering in a hike
Written by Ирина Голубева из КиеваGathering in a hike, I have tortured organizers a heap of questions. The main thing that it would be desirable to clear for itself - that means a high level of complexity. Whether it is surmountable for office worker, sports in the remote past. Possible(probable) heat and lack of meal, structure of our group still(even) frightened. Muchali ideas, instead of whether to descend(go) from a route of day through three ….
Observance of rules of hygiene in a hike
Written by Лена СиренкоWhat for people leave in a taiga
Written by Дмитрий Вовк из Звездного городкаWhat for people leave in a taiga, get into a jungle of Amazon, spend months at polar stations, make transitions on deserts? … this question for a long time interested me, and at all from that point of view, that they deprive with themselves any blessings of a civilization, and depart from a habitual image of the slow life, and from a foreshortening of search a little lost, but, nevertheless, absolutely necessary communication(connection) with the nature. Unknown force pulls us there, the some people give in to it(her), the some people persistently resist. I among the first.
Fantastic places
Written by Татьяна Желтухина из БалашихиCarpathians - surprisingly fantastic places where virgin woods are combined with murmur of the mountain rivers. Here it is possible to see as on an edge June snezhnika violet crocuses were dismissed. Meet Carpathians you a smell of different grasses and perezvonom handbells of grazed sheeps. Further - above, you rise to transparent blueness of the mountain sky, with each step you feel all of warmly solar beams and impulses of a wind which are ready to knock any minute you down more strongly.
Three Moscow mummies (with children)
Written by Александра Грибановская из МосквыAs for a long time I was not in Crimea! What pleasure has tested, having inhaled air smelling the sea at station of Simferopol, the inhabitant of the big city will understand only. In a word, with pleasure and the most solar expectations we were placed in a trolley bus and have reached up to Perevalnogo. We are three Moscow mummies with children. The company has stolen up that is necessary, the age of children and parents did not create difficulties for dialogue and as old friends, slowly talking, all have moved to the first object of travel - cave "emine".
Eight tourists not including a guide
Written by Олег Гапоненко из Мелитополя
So, in one of December preNew Year's days, your obedient the servant has like an idea on necessity to go … .mmm … well, even in a hike. Long fluctuations in occasion of that it will be Crimea, I did not test, it was necessary to be defined(determined) only with what it will be a hike. Here in me actually doubts, not from an abundance of variants of hikes (them at me actually was two), and from what to prefer also have arisen. I chose between velopohodom and the pedestrian hike. A greater(big) role in a final choice, all - taki, site OutdoorUkraine, namely responses of participants of hikes has played.
Note of one hike
Written by Алла Мельник из Харькова
We were first time in a hike, wished to receive new experience and emotions, to have a rest from the child and to lose a civilization. Everything, that wanted - we have received wholly. Proceeding from it(this), I have written these(it) of a note - basically emotional sensations. For those who searches new emotions...
Eastern Crimea trekking diary - 120km for 5 days
Written by Евгения Сорокина из Москвы
It was pathfinding a long-awaited new route. Very purposeful and skilled enough command(team) has gathered for so responsible(crucial) and hard task. Probably therefore also it was possible for standard five and a half of days to pass and make(take place and make) almost twice more usual. And business in fact not only in kilometers. New springs have been found, parking are reconnoitered, directions дальнешего perfection of a route are planned. The hike has gone right.
2/3 Big Crimean hikes eyes Voronezh turistki
Written by Анна Арсентьева из Воронежа
By seventh day of the Big Crimean hike I already have learned to breathe correctly more or less on rises, the body did not groan any more from weight of a backpack - already perceived it(him) as a reality … And the more so was insulting to leave, understanding, that practically all the most beautiful places - ahead …
The Hike at date of the Constitution 2012
Written by Кирилл ЯськоResults 261 - 280 of 734