Written by Борис Давиденко
Report hike on Montenegrin Ridge (route "Highest peak)
Do you happen to have been in the Carpathian Mountains in the middle of August 2010? No, do not hit! Well, you lost a lot!
"Good luck, that's lucky, how did you podfartilo" - these and other similar meaning words I heard probably 60 times during the five-day trip (from 8 to 13 August). To express its joy at our good fortune hurry almost all encountered our guides, foresters and local residents only. I not only disagree with each of them, but I can safely say that was lucky, at least to me much more than they expect. But let us all about it ...
Trekking to Lake Sinevir, Carpathians
Written by Кирилл Ясько- Next tour:
- custom made tour is possible
Lake Synevyr is covered by legends, a protected lake. It hid in dense coniferous forests on the other side (for us and with you) of the Carpathians. The path to it lies through one of the most beautiful corners of the Gorgany mountain range - Grof summit. Only after passing through it and several other Carpathian peaks we can get to Sinevir (of course, it was possible to go by transport, but this is not our method).
Ivano-Frankivsk — s.Osmoloda — Mount Koretvina (1671m) — Mount Popadja (1748m) — Mount Grof (1740m) — Mountain of Youth (1724m) — Valley of the River Tereblya — Lake Synevyr — Mezhgore — Ivano-Frankivsk (or Mukachevo).
"Polonina Borzhava" hike in the Carpathians for the weekend
Written by Кирилл Ясько- Next tour:
- custom made tour is possible
Polonina Borzhava is one of the largest ridges in the Carpathians (it is quite long, but not too high). In the name of the ridge, the word "polonin " (pasture) - the mountains here are covered with grass, not cold cobblestones. A hike in peace-loving Borstva is easier than conquering Hoverla, besides there are much fewer people, which is especially important for hikes for holidays and weekends.
Lviv - Volovets - waterfall Shipot - mountain Veliky Top - mountain Stoy - mountain range Polonina Borzhava - Volovets - Lviv.
Hot it will not be
Written by Иван Бобрович
* Carpathians it is beautiful
* Carpathians (even in the summer) is not to you Crimea :) Weather can be awful, hot will not be exact and is necessary corresponding snarjaga from a rain and a wind
* a Trekking tour not from the lungs taking into account numerous sets and dumps of height and weather conditions; beginners should think, whether to go for the first time at once there.
A list of equipment for trekking in Nepal (ABC trek)
Written by Кирилл ЯськоThe ban on visits to the mountain zone in the Crimea
Written by Кирилл Ясько
6 August issued a decree of the Council of Ministers of Crimea on a total ban on visiting the mountain forest zone. This is done to prevent the threat of fires in a heat wave. Rescue Service to terminate the registration of tourist groups. So far, only until 15 August. But if the weather does not change, then the ban will be extended.
In connection with this invitation to all of the Carpathians. It was a rainy summer, the threat of fires, no, no and wild heat. For tourists already inscribed on the trip to the Crimea (15 August), offering an additional 10% discount for referral to the Carpathian hiking.
Dark blue mountains
Written by Валентина Торохтий, Киев
Perhaps, I will begin from the very beginning - time dopohodnogo. This time includes also tourist meetings at school, and university runaways from pairs in the spring to Crimea, and constant presence of thought: «Instead of whether to go to us somewhere?». But, at any vital stage all it shrouds a life and monotony fog: the backpack appears presented to someone as superfluous, the tent has definitively dampened on a summer residence, friends prefer sea tour in five-stars hotels … And you in heart still has pressing melancholy behind clouds, a wind, a smoke of a fire and freedom …
To be or not to try ... or not?
Written by Василь ЛізанецьWhere to hide from a heat?
Written by Кирилл Ясько
Trekking in Nepal Himalaya
Written by Кирилл Ясько