Just Something Else

Crimea resort?

People in Europe don't know much about Crimea peninsula. Travel agencies are at the very beginning of promoting this nice place. But in a few years advertising will do it and Crimea will be ordinary place like all other resorts.

Too Much or Not Enough?

About one hundred feet from the trailhead you begin to feel the weight of you pack and start to wonder, why is my pack so heavy? There are many people out there who try to convince you to pack as little as possible, but I am here to tell you that weight is OK. Let�s not go overboard, there is a limit to what you should take on a trip, but you can also make your trip a little more enjoyable by packing some things which you might otherwise have left at home.

To itself the rescuer

Sometimes in ski hikes some participants beat off from group. Similar can occur(happen) not only on a route, but also during the device of a camp: during a bad weather the wind quickly brings traces, to be covered there is no place, difficultly to define(determine) the site. Such events terminate in serious traumas, sometimes lead to a tragical outcome, if the lost the way tourist does not know how to operate(work) in the circumstances, is not able to construct the elementary shelters, to plant a fire on a strong wind and in a snowfall, it is rational to use clothes, and the main thing, not in forces to cope with the despair which has captured it(him) and a hopelessness.

Advice(Councils) on the pre-medical help in a hike

Necessity of rendering of a medical care for a ski hike is bound to a frigorism of an organism and traumas as a result of falls more often.

      The cold and strong wind can become the reason of a freezing injury(frostbite) and freezing which serious consequences, down to destruction, are possible(probable) not only at low temperatures, but also at 0 and even a little bit above.

My Bear Encounter

Author Robert Macdougall

Back in the fall of 1975 in I was living and working in the Loedgepole and Pembina Oil Fields, near Drayton Valley, Alberta. I worked for a large American Petroleum company, and did everything from repacking well heads, to electronics and telemetry maintanince. It was quite a good job I'd say. It wasn't without its dangers of course, sour gas and explosions have killed many before and since. It was often hard work too, many a time I was pulling on 48 inch pipe wrenches with snipes or pipefitting a gas station to add telemetry equipment. I was hired for my electronics knowledge, but really any Grade 8 electronics student could have done the job. Easy and honest money I always thought.

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