Native open spaces
Written by Евгения Сорокина, Москва
the truth about a hike on August, 24th 2008г.
Fast train « Moscow - Sevastopol », 7 o'clock in the morning. The hot Crimean air filled by a smell of a juniper and burnt sun of a grass, reaches me through the open window. And behind a window of darlings to heart in a Crimean way long a poplar! Hi, my favourite Crimea! From comprehension of forthcoming travel there is a pleasant excitement! To not tell, that I went to a hike behind new sensations. In a hike I am already far not for the first time and consequently all in Crimea for me became native
Figures on stones
Written by Сон Тамара, Челябинская область
In hammered by people and backpacks a trolley bus « Simferopol - Alushta » have reached up to picturesque Perevalnogo. Taras has told: - Ishachka unpleasant, but it(she) should be passed(taken place), it will be then easier. And here we go...
Extreme amount of unforgettable emotions
Written by Степанова татьяна, г. Пенза Impressions about round " Water and Stones " started on August, 31st 2008г.It would be desirable to express huge gratitude for a hike. Has received extreme quantity(amount) of unforgettable emotions:) Andrey (guide) - disappears under thick glasses(spots) (though without them to it(him) much better), a modest smile and is simple ofigennym appetite:) Thanks it(him) separate for pleasant night conversations. For the reason, that it(he) spent the night with us in tent we have felt its(his) all charm pribyvanija in mountains in current of 4 months and its(his) special tactics of deleting of socks.
Rain every day
Written by Кириенко Ольга, Донецк.
So, a little bit I shall stop on how I have got in this hike. Somehow, in nothing the remarkable June working day, during a dinner razgovorilis with the colleague on a theme of holiday from which I have learned(have found out), that the colleague gathers in August in 6 dnevnyj a hike across mountain Crimea, that the pier has found a suitable site here chooses in what hike to go.
Taras and We
Written by Шуклинова Анастасия из Харькова
« We creep … », « Have come crawling. Are meanwhile alive », « Today ate a porridge with mushrooms », « And at night to us read Alisu in the World behind the looking-glass », « Has forgotten things in an another's backpack … » - is not present, it I have not gone mad in mountains, it really response about a hike, in the form of mine SMS on "continent". And in fact so all both was - and crept, and mushrooms (normal mushrooms:), and magic Carroll's reading for the night.
Fairy tale on many Stones and far Water
Written by Ольга Пугач из Москвы
Recollecting a youth
Written by Антон Гвоздиков, Сумы
About a hike from July, 31st till August, 1st 2008г.
Mountains... Crimea... Attempts to recollect when I was last time in Crimea in what do not result(bring). Memory gives out result - more than 20 years and further to work refuses. Only vague memoirs on school days when our teacher of physics, the inveterate tourist, drove us in hikes across Crimea and Caucasus each vacation. Since then a lot of water has flowed away...
Many thanks
Written by Дмитрий Киселев из Киева Response about a hike " Cave cities of Crimea " from August, 3 till August, 8th, 2008For the organization and carrying out of a hike « Cave cities of Crimea » I put +12 on new (12) ball system. Many thanks to you, Cyril, for the organization of a hike and certainly to the instructor and a conductor Anastass. The group has stolen up very good. Participants: Dmitry - the author (Kiev), Andrey (Kiev), Katya (Kiev), Ivan (Kiev), Nastja (Kiev), Jeanne (Krivoi Rog), Ruslan (Russia, Voronezh), Tatyana (Russia, Voronezh).