The Strawberry Sea
Written by Кирилл ЯськоTravel obormotov, or an improvisation Celebration
Written by Михаил Пеньков, ПодмосковьеGathering for this route, I imagined mountains Kimmerii a little differently - flat enough and, thanks to it, simple in passage. However the severe reality has broken these representations: liftings have appeared quite to themselves abrupt, and descents... Perhaps, three-year prescription of impression of descent in Haphaluzhe were a little erased, but descent with Sandyk to Krasnokamenke, then - descent with Echki-Daga to Urbashu, and then - with Ah-georgija to the Kopselsky bay there were rather rich on impressions, emotions and events.
Three on a stove bench, one on a table
Written by Максим КибаScarlet Sails - video from a hike on the Eastern Crimea
Written by Кирилл ЯськоAt the May holidays Crimea crowded with tourists. But there are places where even the little people in May and we can be alone with nature.
Fairy tale for three days
Written by Анна Задорожнюк, Одесса
As though to tell to you about the impressions so that you have felt though a small share of that I felt. But also it will be is it is necessary to worry, experience a little. To inhale this pure air, to see a fantastic dawn, to take a sip sweet water from a stream. It is all it seemed to me returning home …
But here about the very first day of a campaign I did not guess at all where I have got. I even could not present that will be so hard. That my backpack will seem three times heavier, and feet will refuse to go almost further.
Bad people do not go to a hike
Written by Изотова Елена
In Ivano-Frankovsk we have met other participants of a campaign and our guide Alexander. The group has gathered small - 6 persons together with Sashej, all remarkable sincere persons, and we had time to get acquainted and become friends in that hour when bus sending expected. So the statement «bad people do not go to a campaign» correctly for all hundred percent! So, by the bus we have reached Kvass where zatarilis very tasty mineral vodichkoj, and have set out to a place of our first spending the night to village. Weather pleased us, on the way had time to admire surrounding nature. And next morning we were expected by(with) a surprising picture - below in a valley clouds lay, from height it was similar to whipped cream on a saucer:
August in Carpathians
Written by Виктория Погодина
I have got to Carpathians unexpectedly enough. In a campaign gathered, it is true, but to Crimea. And here, when tickets already were on hands, with holiday the question is solved also things are almost combined, in connection with fire-dangerous conditions access to the Crimean woods has been closed. What to do? Cyril has recommended to look at Carpathians, the blessing exit date on a route coincided. In Carpathians I was not, and, after some fluctuations have decided that it is necessary to visit there.
Good morning or Unique Crimea
Written by Анжелика РусиноваLater two weeks after I have come from a campaign, there was time to write about this unforgettable, fantastic, magnificent (much still it is possible to write beautiful words), and also a hard mountain-pedestrian campaign.
Long we waited with the girl-friend of this round, carefully approached to it (to a campaign understood that will be a little heavy) though went for the first time.
At last, that long-awaited morning when we have arrived on the Simferopol station where we were waited by instructor Anton has come. We with the girl-friend had control over on big (more precisely on huge) to a black package in hands which has been filled by clothes, a mug, a spoon, a plate, a minimum of tablets and sanitary articles, a sleeping bag, a rug, and also I in road have bought one lemon. We hardly lifted these packages, took all the most necessary and warm. Already during this moment asked itself a question: «And how I all it will incur on the shoulders throughout all campaign? Мммммдддааа … ….».
Mountain of Love - a hike in Transcarpathia
Written by Кирилл Ясько- Next tour:
- custom made tour is possible
Our route will take you to the most beautiful places of Transcarpathia. Svidovets & ndash; this is a real mountainous country, where meadows and lakes are reminiscent of Switzerland. And right in the middle of this country stands the Mountain of Love, in honor of which the route is named. And further, further, Polonina Red impresses with its expanses and views, ascending to & nbsp; span> Mount Strimba (1719 m) and descent to the authentic Transcarpathian village of Kolochava.
Ivano-Frankivsk - Yasinya – Dragobrat – Svidovets Ridge - Mount Stoog (1704 m) - Mountain of Love - Polonina Red – pass Prislop – Mount Strymba (1719 m) – village Kolochava – Saddle of Popadi - Mezhgorye – Ivano-Frankivsk
From Sinevir to Borzhava
Written by Кирилл Ясько- Next tour:
- custom made tour is possible
This route is rich in sights. First we will have to walk along the stone peaks of Gorgan, then through the Polish-Czechoslovak border forgotten in the forests, we will admire the Sinevir lake, we will walk along the alpine meadows of the Borzhava valley and see one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Transcarpathia - the Shipot waterfall.