Written by Кирилл Ясько
If desired, take a shower during the trekking in Nepal can at least every day. But what exactly is this shower? What to prepare? Whether it is necessary to wash in the highlands? In this article I will tell you about the main types of Nepali showers and will share the secrets of their operation :a) Why write about this kind of stuff, you ask? Does bathing - that's a serious question. In the mountains all seriously - even the way you stand up from a chair.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
Nepali lodges is a small guest house (Guesthouse) or inexpensive hotels along the trekking routes. Thanks to them you can travel through the mountains of Nepal without tents and food supplies. At the Lodge you will shelter and feed. What else does the traveler? I mean undemanding in the comfort of the traveler, who in his wanderings looking for new friends and mesmerizing landscapes, and not the level of service and the square footage to the TV. I personally Nepali lodges seem chic place to relax - here cheap, wildly beautiful and very soulful. I hope that after reading this article, you will understand what are these "wildness" and "warmth" and then will prepare for the trip to Nepal more consciously :)
An ordinary hike in an unusual place is trekking among the unearthly landscapes of Iceland. There will be blue ice, black volcanic valleys, stunning waterfalls, hot geysers and of course a hurricane wind and changeable weather (as without it). The mountains themselves are not too complicated, we will fight mostly with the weather :)
A winter trip to the Carpathian Mountains with overnight lodging in a touristic house (a hut with a stove) in the Pollenka Polonina. From this shelter, we will make a radial foray into the neighboring peaks of the Northern Gorgan Mountains. Namely - we go lightly to the mountain Grof and Mount Parenki.
A short winter trip with lodging in a shepherd's cottage (kolyba) with a stove. The goal of the trek is to climb the third highest mountain of the Ukrainian Carpathians, Pop Ivan Chernogorsky (2028 m).
At its top is an abandoned observatory, which in winter is covered with a meter layer of ice and turns into a fabulous "White Elephant".
If you are lucky with the weather, you are waiting for the stunning panoramas of the snow-covered Montenegrin ridge (visible to Hoverla) and the Romanian Carpathians. And if you are not lucky - then you will feel at your own skin what snowdrifts and snow storms are like.
But how nice it will be then to return to the warm stove :)
Ivano-Frankivsk - with. Verkhovyna - with. Shibene - Polonin Vesnyarka - Mount Pop Ivan Chernogorsky (2028 m) - Shibene - Ivano-Frankivsk
I do not know if I agreed to this adventure if it knew in advance what I will have difficulties
overcome, but now, after it, I can say most definitely - I liked it.
Quite unexpectedly for myself, I was in an environment that required complete all forces - and
physical and moral. And it was great.
This is my first trip to the Carpathians. Prior to this, only went to the Crimea, so I'll say it's not the Carpathians
Crimea and to compare them with each other can not, because they are two completely different regions with different climates and
the nature of the terrain. Carpathians affect its color, boundless expanse, majesty and mystery.
Written by Шинкина Яна, Москва
Upon arrival at the starting point of the hike by myself backpack - here and understand what you have to go. First, it seems that the road will never end, but the heaviness behind gradually goes away as soon as fabulous views of the mountains, and already go and absorb the smell of the oil. Our group was very lucky - it's raining on the second day. But even he has brought a lot of impressions - thunder, literally stun and whizzing through the mountains echo for a minute.
In the Carpathian Mountains, I never went, and in the west of Ukraine was not. Before the campaign, I knew one distinctive feature of these ancient mountains, there are very often raining.
Promonitoriv the weather for the past few weeks I realized that it would be wet. And so it happened. Upon arrival in the Ivano-Frankivsk weather greeted me with open arms - ie rain and wind. This meeting I never for a moment confused. To the surprise of the group has a considerable (14 people with an instructor) and this fact gave me confidence that in spite of the bad weather campaign must succeed.
Written by Карина Фуголь, Днiпропетровськ
With our first breath we begin to explore the world around them. Every day we become aware of ourselves and our planet more and more. But no book, no film or the most eloquent review will not be the best for the trip, for personal communion with nature.
Actually, I'll take talking about their experiences and personal impressions from a short trip called "the Highest peak".
The Carpathians, no doubt, were, are, and will be unique and distinctive place. And the biggest mistake I could make is to compare them with the Crimea. No matter how much time passed, but I seem to forget I can not.