Children of the nature
Written by Светлана Прищенко, Одесса
- Well and what лешего you there have forgotten? I thought, перебесилась already … Really in a year you have enough close dialogue with the nature of times? In fact was in Crimea in the summer in this hike(trekking tour), in the end of June like?... передышишь oxygen, you can be sure of that … do not forget, детка, we now more likely Homo Urbanus, than children of the nature … Well you are silent? Do not anger me!
- Lag behind, I gather … Will stir(prevent), again I shall forget something, and suddenly it will appear strategically important thing and what then to do(make)? You Will be guilty …
Everyone has his own way to mountains
Written by Владимир Tuman, ПолтаваEveryone has his own way to mountains. I has begun 25 years ago, and has interrupted for 25 years). That has left, that the first attempt of storm Чатыр-Дага has been undertaken very much for a long time … And here coming back from Crimea from the "seal" rest I have told - everything, I go to a hike(trekking tour). Has imperceptibly flown by time allocated(removed) on gathering, докупки and purchases and here Simferopol, station, a meeting with group and a slow trip by a trolley bus …
There is a contact
Written by Хворостян Ольга, Москва
When you the first time in Carpathians, and we were in 1-st time, any route becomes opening of these mountains, and there it will want to return necessarily. Our route was flexible and interesting. Day of passage of a windbreak, wild and very wild places on a wood without a track was especially remembered. It(he) has entered into history of a hike(trekking tour) as day of "Ur-wood"! Impressions and adrenaline everyone has received wholly, actually, then and went to Carpathians.
On edge of the Earth
Written by Сипина Ольга. Москва
There, on edge of the Earth , the wind howls in stone crevices, it(he) rustles in junipers, it(he) knocks down. LIKELY from it(him) слезятся eyes and you PAINFULLY to look afar, you SHOULD come back in camp that THEN, in a train or the machine(car) to understand, that there, there, in a far devil wood, you it is good. You the melancholy on the people, clear eats this road with you.
Voronezh goes to Crimea again
Written by Арсентьева Анна из ВоронежаTo bottom Chatyr-daga we went on edge(territory) of a plateau, observing below already seeming unreal the civilized life. And when the ascention, actually, has begun, very interesting and pleasant mode of rise has been declared(announced). Its(his) essence consist in a phrase " See that tree?.. "
Ice and Stones
Written by Кирилл Ясько
6 days. 65 km. 220 Euro. Complexity: high.
" An ice and Stones " - the winter version of the most popular tourist route in Crimea - Water and Stones. On the Crimean plateaus since December on the middle of March the present(true) winter reigns. Landscapes familiar to each tourist get especial smack. It is not so warm (and as many think "neseryoznyj") Crimea, and the present(true), "high" mountains with snow caps at tops and serious character in a head.
Simferopol - bottom plateau chatyr-dag - cave emine-bair-hosar (or Marble) - Eklizi-Burun - Angarsk pass - glade MAN - Crown Demerdzhi - Dzhurla - a plateau Northern Demerdzhi - plateau Tyrke - plateau Karabi - Rybachie
As we went to Crimean mountains
Written by Влада Марцинкевич
How many all is already written and copied. But it is our history. Otherwise could not be!
It was planned, that August holiday will be sated(saturated), with a hike(trekking tour), the sea, and a trip still where-нибуть... As a result, all should be changed plans at the last minute. But I have decided to not change cardinally even initially conceived - to descend(go) in a hike(trekking tour), even if itself, with unfamiliar group! As necessary in a hike(trekking tour) подсобиралась and the tent was to that the culmination. To be solved on such step to me the site and responses of tourists already last the same “ kilometers of pleasure ” and a call has helped(assisted) certainly to Svetlana who has told, that practically always go on 1-2 persons in compound groups.
Pleasure everywhere
Written by Екатерина Вжечинская из Киева
To me, to the usual office employee, breathing by the filtered conditioner air and drinking 3-5 cups of coffee in the working day, it was dreamed of rest on the nature, but it is obvious not about one more standard mode « we go on picnic », and the body simply asked about what that to greater physical activity than impacts by fingers about keys of the keyboard and a hike(trekking tour) with papers on office there-here. Well, and dreams, as is known, come true!))))
Funny stones and the jolly water.
Written by Надя Лисицына из ХарьковаCrimean mountains
Written by Андрей Зубкевич из МинскаWe have gone(send), everyone as can. For me it was complex(difficult). But I have understood, that I shall make it, and that with each step I feel all more strongly, the confidence filled me. With numerous short passes (30-50 seconds) I have got. Vetrishche - ears hurt. Such freedom - such huge world - so is fine a life - here these ideas at once have visited(attended) all. With Vanej have set up my wet vest on any shest in the top - symbolically in fact.
This height (somewhere 1457 meters) has very much admired me - and has ceased I it(her) so to be afraid. And joyful it was such, inside, naruzhi for some reason, probably, it was poorly appreciable, but inside - a song.
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