Books about tourism
Crimean Legend - Why the Black Sea turbulent is
Long ago it was...The fairy-tale bogatyr lived in the world, he had an unheard strength and unseen courage. And he had an amazing arm - it was a fairy-tale arrow. It possessed the magic property. In the place where it was flowing the air was blazing up, the water started to boil, the ground was melting and everything alive was dying. It was a dreadful arm! Fortunately it was in reliable hands. Bogatyr was sensible and just man, he did not take the fiery arrow without any need. He did not encroach on the other countries and the enemies were afraid to attack his native land.
Crimean Legend - The origin of Yalta
Long ago Konstantinopol, the capital of the Byzantian Empire sent several ships in search for the new fertile lands. The voyage was not easy, as Pont Aksinsky - the Black Sea met the sailors by the storms and tempests. But when the tempest died away peoples' fate was not relieved. The thick fog covered the waves, it covered horizon and the sea. Many days the sailors roamed in uncertainty. There was neither fresh water nor food. Weakened and tired, people lost courage and waited for death...
Crimean Legend - The cornelian cherry - shaitan
When Allah created the world and having done such a responsible work, was having a rest, the blessed spring came. The trees were green, buds were coming out, flowers appeared.Then all the living beings stretched to the heavenly blossoming gardens and a great noise arose. Somebody grabs one, the other pulls another, everybody is quarrelling, cursing.Allah couldn't bear all that, rose from his place and started bringing order. He called everybody and said:
- I order you to choose one plant and then you will just use it. Think properly, come to me and ask...
Crimean Legend - Queen Feodora
Long long ago it was, much water has flowed under the bridge since then, but the legend of the splendid and steadfast beauty Feodora - the queen of the Sugdeya was handed on by folk-memory from generation to generation. Feodora took a celibate vow in order to focus her energies at blessing of her kingdom.
Since her childhood Feodora grew up together with two twins - Irakley and Konstantin, the sons of one of the local princes. With age their childish attachment to Feodora turned into a deep feeling of love. Competition in love caused to quarrel the brothers.
Crimean Legend - Origin of Bahchisarai
Once the son of khan Mengli-Girey went on hunting. It was a successful day for hunting as a lot of foxes, hares and 3 wild goats were hunted down. The son of the khan wanted to be alone. He sent the slaves with the prey away to the fortress, penetrated into the thicket, jumped off the horse and set on the stump near the Churuck-Su river. Suddenly he heard a rustle. A snake crawled out of the bushes. Another snake followed it. A death skirmish began... One snake, biten and broken down, stopped resistance and hung it's head. The third snake hurried to a fighting field. It threw over the winner and a new slaughter began.
Crimean Legend - Stones in the valley of Kacha
There lived a girl in a village, her name was Zyuleika. She had everithing: she was beautiful, kind-hearted, and clear minded. Zyuleika lived with her mother, a poor widow. Terrible Topal-bey lived in the valley not far from Zyuleika. But he was fearful by anything exept his two sons. They were lazy, greedy and evil. All around trembled with fear. The brothers scored villages during dark nights, burst in settler's houses, took everithing expensive with themselves, took away the girls. And none of them went out alive from Topal-bey's castle.
Crimean Legend - Fountain of tears in Bahchisaray
Khan Crim-Girey was severe and fierce man, nobody was spared by him. He never felt sorry for anybody. He ascended his throne having gone through the mass of dead bodies. Power and glory replaced everything for him - love, tenderness and even money. Khan Crim-Girey was said to have no heart in his chest. But one day khan had found himself in the twilight of his years, he had grew old, his heart had weakened and, suddenly, love came into it.
Crimean Legend - Alexander, the prince of Mangup

The mountains, not far from Bahchisaray, are wonderously beautiful. They fascinate the human's gaze with their dizzy precipices and magnificent forests.In old times on the flat top of mountain Mangup there was a city - the capital of principality Feodoro.
Once, the prince of feodorites, feeling that the evening of his life was not far off, ordered to call his heir - his son Alexander. And the prince met his son with such words:...
Crimean Legend - Adalary twin-cliffs
Once upon a time there was a gorgeous castle on the top of Mount Bear. Twin-brothers lived there in harmony, fought side-by-side, protecting each other. The princes had an faithful servant - old Nimpholis. One day Nimpholis gave each of the brothers a nacreous casket and said :
- You will the comprehend the secret of life, you will learn how the world is arranged. But remember, never use this gift for mercenary motives! Only for the joy of knowledge...
Crimean Legend - Seven wells
People do not remember by whom and when seven wells were digged out in steppe. They tell only how water went away. There have already been seven wells when an old German man bought this land. In this waterless area it was such a custom that the master of the wells gave water to people free of charge. The old German did not break the custom and his housekeeping was prospering. He brought up seven sons. And only the youngest son, Fritz, when he has grown up, began to reproach his father with why he was giving water free of charge, when he could take money for it.
Crimean Legend - The mermaid and the fountain near Miskhor
Once upon a time there lived a modest toiler Abiy-Aka in the village of Miskhor. He has a daughter, a dark-eyed beauty Arzy. Her stature was lithe and slender, like a vine, her bright lips glowed like ripe cherries and her delicate cheeks were rosy like velvety peaches. Everybody admired charming Arzy, but a cunning old man, Ali-Baba by name looked at her more attentively than anyone else. The old Turk was notorious for kidnapping beautiful girls and sending them to Stambul for sale to the Turks' harems.
Crimean Legend - Bear-Mountain

In far-off days right on the coast there settled a herd of enormous beasts. An old and formidable bear was their leader.Once the bears returned after their raid and found wreckages of a ship on the coast. There was a packet among them. The leader had unwrapped it and saw a little girl. The girl began to live among the bears.
The years went by, she was growing up, and turned into a beautiful young girl...
Crimean Legend - Spring near Ai-Petri
Between Alupka and Miskhor on the bank of the mountain river Hasta-bash in ancient times an old man and an old woman were living the rest of their days. The only thought that worried them was where to get money to make decent funerals.The old man decided to go to the forest in the mountains for several times, gather dry sticks, sell them on the market and buy everything they needed for the funerals.
Crimean Legend - Kara-Dag - the Black Mountain
Long long ago there in the entrails of Kara-Dag - The Black Mountain dwelled a terrible Monster - one-eyed Giant-Ogre. In the day-time the Giant used to sleep, but even his peaceful snoring frightened the dwellers of surrounding hamlets. Towards the evening the Giant would wake up and got out of his lair. Menacingly flashing with his single-eye, he would begin to bellow deafeningly.
Crimean Legend - The Thousandheaded cave on Chatyr-Dag
Long long ago it was, much water has flowed under the bridge since well-armed throngs of nomads have rushed to the South coast of the Crimea.
Dwellers of the South coast being anaware of violence had found themselves in servitude. Cruel enslavers deprived the hard-working people of everything: of freedom, honour, fruit of their labour. During three years the enslavers were ruling with impunity in the south villages. But people's patience was exhausted. Once the most brave people gathered together to think of casting off the hateful yoke...
Crimean Legend - Long fortress
It has happened in Kerch steppe many-many years ago. In that time the Crimea was already famous for its wheat.
Once upon a time a merchant nicknamed Golden Elephant appeared in the Crimean peninsula. He was of large stature, had thick arms and legs like an elephant and his nose was as long as a trunk. His boxes were stuffed with gold accumulated during long years of money-grabbings. Golden Elephant began to construct a building on a cape of Kazantip. Thousands of poor people were constructing this building. The merchant's answer to curious persons was:..
Crimean Legend - The ruins of Castle on the Krestovaya Mountain
Two tribes lived in the Crimea long ago. People, who inhabited the shore, were occupied with garden cultivation and catching fish in the sea. People, who lived in the forest, were busy with hunting and stock-breeding.
There was no agreement between the coastal and forest people. They were often at war with each other. But forest people were the winners more often than the coastal ones. Having been hardened in hunting, they were more brave, more lively and more enduring.The ruller of the forest people had a son - an heir, a brave and persistant youth. He had his tutor, a slave. He told the youth about the life of other people, that the ruller of the coastal people had a daughter of uncommon beauty.
Crimean Legend - The blacksmith from Demerdji
The hordes of nomads - the conquerors rushed into the Crimean land long ago. The inhabitants of the Crimea were not submitted to the newcomes, they exterminated a lot of uninvited guests. The more the conquerors moved deeper into the peninsula, the much need in arms the inhabitants had.And they came to the mountain, which name was Funna - the Smoking Mountain. The neighbouring inhabitants were famous for their blacksmith's skill.