Crimean Legend - Why the Black Sea turbulent is

Arrow Long ago it was...The fairy-tale bogatyr lived in the world, he had an unheard strength and unseen courage. And he had an amazing arm - it was a fairy-tale arrow. It possessed the magic property. In the place where it was flowing the air was blazing up, the water started to boil, the ground was melting and everything alive was dying. It was a dreadful arm! Fortunately it was in reliable hands. Bogatyr was sensible and just man, he did not take the fiery arrow without any need. He did not encroach on the other countries and the enemies were afraid to attack his native land.

Bogatyr lived for many years but the time to die came. And bogatyr fell to thinking: to whom should he hand the arrow down? To sons-heirs? It was impossible. Though they were honest and brave warriors they were too young and hot. They would not resist the temptation to try the power of arm and the fratricidal war would break out.

And bogatyr decided to hide the magic arrow in such a way that nobody could have found it during the millenniums. And only when people were tired to fight, learned to take care and appreciate the world at last, then they would find that arrow in order to use its magic power in the peaceful labour.

Bogatyr called his sons and told them:

- My sons, I have very little time to live in the world. Listen to my last will: take the golden arrow, you have already heard about its dreadful power, throw it in the middle of the Black Sea, the deepest sea in the world.

They were going for along or for a short time and suddenly the blue mountains appeared before them. Their high peaks proped up the blue and limpid sky as if it were from crystal. The brothers climbed up the blue mountains and the magestic picture was open to their look: huge boundless sea stretched far off below. It was sleeping yet wraped by the morning pinkish haze. The red ball of the rising sun was reflected in its silent water.

It was the Black Sea.

And suddenly the brothers felt sorry to part with precious arrow and they were seized with ambitious dreams. The brothers came to an agreement to hide the arrow in the mountains and to tell the father that they had fulfilled his will if he was alive by their coming back.

Their surprise was great when having come home they got to know that the father had discovered their plan somehow. The father went for his sons indignantly blaming them for parential disobedience.

- You will not get my blessing,- he said,- untill the majestic arrow lays the bottom of the Black Sea.

Then the sons having made sure of impossibility to keep the magic arm went again to the shores of the distant sea and fulfilled father's order.

The fire arrow fell into the sea abyss. The sea has darkened because of the anger, boiled, its silent water rose in waves.

Since the Black Sea cannot calm down. From time to time it seethes, boils, rises its huge waves trying vainly to throw out the mortal arm from its entrails.