Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
02.08.2006 |
The most widespread kind of marching equipment is the tent. She should have the minimal dimensions, mass and cost, easily to be established(installed), provide comfortable conditions, to be idle time in manufacturing.
To destination them section into types: hunting, marching, family and for a camping.
The tent of the first type 1-2 persons is calculated by capacity for short-term hikes. She is small in the sizes, has the minimal mass (counting upon one person) and provides reliable protection against a rain.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
02.08.2006 |
The choice of equipment for kitchen(cuisine) depends first of all on district of travel and an opportunity of utilization of local fuel (fire wood). The defining(determining) factor is also the season. In the winter even in a taiga zone it is expedient to combine cooking with heating tent and drying of clothes.
Besides in the certain(specific) measure on a choice of equipment for tourist kitchen(cuisine) the category of complexity of travel influences. So, in a simple hike with good entrances it is possible to grasp ordinary household utensils (buckets, frying pans), and also convenient, but serious equipment (for example, a petrol tile).
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
02.08.2006 |
1. Berman A.Puteshestvija on skis., FiS, 1968.
2. A wind of wanderings, 1., FiS, 1965.
3. A wind of wanderings, 10., FiS, 1975.
4. A wind of wanderings, 12. M. FiS. 1977.
5. Lapidaries, Weizman, SHimanovsky Century Mountaineering., FiS, 1966.
6. Kolesnikov A.Turistskoe equipment., profizdat, 1968.
7. Obruchev S.Spravochnik of the traveller and the regional specialist. I., geografgiz, 1949.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
02.08.2006 |

the Success of tourist travel in much depends on correct selection and quality of camp tourist equipment. The mass of camp equipment makes from 3 up to 10 % of mass of all load which should be transported during travel. Therefore very important correctly to pick up, and in some events to finish or make(produce) camp equipment with reference to conditions of a forthcoming hike. It will allow to reduce expenses of forces and time for camp works and will provide standard conditions for high-grade rest(tour) and a delivery that is especially important in marching conditions.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
02.08.2006 |

About the basic hazards of trapping climbers in high-mountainous hikes. First of all about gornjashke - a mountain disease. About its(her) diagnostics and prophylaxis. Also such potentially hazardous factors as a sunlight and hazardous insects are surveyed.
Written by Èãîðü Êîëîäåíñêèé
02.08.2006 |

Having visited the past to year on beach rest in Turkey and having collected in carelessness and serenity on 2-3 kg for a week we with wife Anya independently from each other have reflected - instead of whether to try something is romantic-mobile with a light extreme as rest this summer. In our disposal there was a week for a such adventure. As territory Crimea, as earlier visited and familiar since the childhood has been unanimously chosen. Searches on the Internet of the one who offers such services by inquiry " hiking tour across Crimea " have begun. Such it was collected a little and we had been chose Kirill Jasko's site, as the most informal, friendly and is benevolent-emotional.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
01.08.2006 |
On a degree of influence klima factors on the person existing classification sections (conditionally mountain levels on:
-low-mount-up to 1000 m. Here the person does not test (in comparison with the district had on a sea level) of negative influence of a disadvantage of oxygen even at hard work;
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
01.08.2006 |
The mountain disease can suddenly be shown, especially when the person for a short time interval has considerably exceeded borders of the individual acceptability, has tested an excessive overstain in conditions of air hunger. However more often the mountain disease develops gradually. Its(her) first attributes are the general(common) weariness, not dependent on volume of performed work, apathy, muscular delicacy, a sleepiness, a malaise a giddiness. If the person continues to remain at height signs of illness(disease) accrue(increase): digestion is broken, the frequent nausea and even a vomiting is possible(probable), there is a frustration of a rhythm of respiration, a cold fit and a fever. Process of convalescence proceeds slowly enough.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
01.08.2006 |
The dry free air contains: nitrogen of 78,08 %, oxygen-20,94 of %, carbonic acid-0,03 of %, argon-0,94 of % and other gases-0,01 of %. At rise on height this percentage parity(ratio) does not change, but the density of air, and consequently, and magnitudes of partial pressure of these gases changes.
Under the law of diffusion gases pass from medium with higher partial pressure on medium with lower pressure. Respiratory metabolism both in lungs, and in a blood of the person is carried out owing to available. Differences of these pressure.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
01.08.2006 |
At long stay at height in an organism there come series of changes which short is reduced to conservation of normal vital activity of the person. This process is called as acclimatization. Acclimatization-sum of organism responses as a result of which the good general(common) state is supported(maintained), is saved a persistence of weight, normal working capacity and normal course of psychological processes. Distinguish full and incomplete, or partial, acclimatization.