Written by Кирилл Ясько
03.08.2006 |

tents for various kinds of travel, climatic zones, seasons, and also mobile and stationary outdoor recreation are issued by the Industry.
Tourist tents to destination can be classified on tents
For high mountains, for srednegorja, for plain.
In each of these three categories there is a conditional separation into the "upper", "average" and "low" tents. This gradation depends on applied materials of arches and an awning, technologies, impregnations and a design.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
03.08.2006 |

the Question:
Than properts of material Polartec® speak? Whether there is a difference between Polartec® and flisom?
The answer:
Soft and warm Polartec® perfectly saves heat of a body. The principle of action Polartec® is based(founded;established) that between pile the interlayer of air which is the best termoizoljatorom is saved. Besides unlike natural tissues, Polartec® does not accumulate a moisture, and provides necessary ventilation at an overheat and deduces(removes) outside a condensate, - activly moving, you will feel comfortably.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
03.08.2006 |

to you any bad weather if you will put on as follows will be not really terrible. The first layer - special underwear which will adjust(regulate) tap(removal) of a moisture from a body, leaving a skin dry. The second layer - a heater which will save precious heat. Well and to the third layer of the demand not less serious - he should protect you from external nuisances - a wind and deposits, and also to promote conservation of heat and a condensate drain. To cope with such problems(tasks), the outer clothing - a jacket and trousers - should be functional and should be executed from a technological tissue. And though functionality costs(stands) on the first place, appearance of these clothes too is important, in fact meet on clothes...
Written by Кирилл Ясько
03.08.2006 |

the Backpack, certainly, is the integral part of tourism. Words <tourist> and <hike> associate with it(him) at the majority. If in Russian a word <tourism> designate everything, from an ascention to the Everest before week lying on a beach at hotel in the West distinguish hiking - something of type of walk on the nature, PVD (a hike of the day off) on ours; trekking a-campaign, it is ordinary on a hilly terrain (and plains at all of them are opened or built up), with small 2 - 3 days independent transitions between camp sites; and backpacking - the present(true) long independent hike.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
03.08.2006 |
Small selection of the Kiev items(points) of hire of equipment. I really used only one. But for a change we shall specify also others. By the way if you know about existence of other items(points) of hire in Kiev (and other cities), report to me - I shall necessarily publish them on a site.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
03.08.2006 |
In what item(point) of hire of Moscow it is possible to lease tourist equipment (tent, a sleeping bag) and other? I have tried to find item(point) of hire which under the low prices offers a wide range of the various goods in rent in this research. I have touched the order of 30-40 companies, but it has appeared, that it is not enough interesting items(points) of hire. A typical situation - very small choice and old assortment (the Soviet tents). The part of the companies either was closed, or closed.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
03.08.2006 |
In what shop of Moscow the low prices for tourist equipment (tents, backpacks, sleeping bags and other)? I have selected a little bit potentially the most interesting shops and the wholesale-retail companies of Moscow trading tourist equipment: ß»«ÓÔ¼áßÔÑÓ-discount, TTS the Extreme, a net of shops of the company Turin, Старт-1, Простор-2000, wholesale-retail shop Turgalantereja, wholesale-retail company Oboronteh, a wholesale-retail warehouse the Biont-lux, a net of shops Alpindustrija.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
03.08.2006 |
Ekipirovochnyj the center " Command(Team) eks "
The address: street Vyborg, 49. Ph. 453-1304, 466-4410
Operating conditions: pn.-пт. From 11:00 till, sb. Till 18:00, vs. - the day off
Site: travel.org.ua/eks/, http://www.ex.com.ua E-mail: dumala@ukr.net, bkol@mail.ru
Written by Кирилл Ясько
02.08.2006 |

In the manual brief data which can be useful to tourists at the organization and carrying out of lasting many days amateur travel are included(switched on).
In him practical advice(councils) and references about acquisition of group, preparation of equipment, catering services, the equipment of halts and lodgings for the night, explaining the ground, carrying out of socially useful work and the elementary observations over the nature, rendering of the first pre-medical help are given. The basic attention in the manual is given the most mass and popular pedestrian, water, ski and mountain travel of the first - the third categories of complexity.
Written by Кирилл Ясько
02.08.2006 |
Tourism - the most mass form of productive leisure(active rest) and improvement of the workers, one of the important agents of education of the Soviet people. During travel tourists get acquainted with the past and the present of our Native land, its(her) natural resources, monuments of culture, perform socially useful work, spend observations above the nature, safeguard it(her).