The Organization of amateur travel

Tourism - the most mass form of productive leisure(active rest) and improvement of the workers, one of the important agents of education of the Soviet people. During travel tourists get acquainted with the past and the present of our Native land, its(her) natural resources, monuments of culture, perform socially useful work, spend observations above the nature, safeguard it(her).     

On character of the organization of travel share on scheduled and amateur. Scheduled are made on route in advance developed and prepared by any organization, with granting every possible services and housing on tourist centers and in hotels. Tourists are in amateur travel on full self-service, solve all the questions bound to a choice of a route, maintenance with equipment, development of the train diagram and t. The item correctly organized and spent tourist amateur travel provides good rest(tour), physical development and sports perfection of tourists, dilates their outlook, brings up a collectivism, love to the nature, discipline, courage and the initiative.

Tourist hikes are a constituent of the All-Union sports complex « Is ready to work and defense of the USSR ».

The order of the organization of travel is defined(determined) by Rules of the organization and carrying out of amateur tourist hikes and travel in territory of the USSR which are approved(confirmed) by the Central advice(council) on tourism and excursions of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and educations, geology and other interested departments b the central organizations are coordinated(agreeed) with the allied Ministries of Internal Affairs, health protection.

According to these Rules amateur tourist travel can be spent by advice(councils) on tourism and excursions, committees on physical training and sports, advice(councils) of voluntary sports societies (DSO), tourist sports clubs, collectives of physical training of the enterprises, collective farms, state farms, the organizations, establishments, educational institutions, improving туристско-sports camps, stations of juvenile tourists, comprehensive schools. Palaces and Houses of pioneers and schoolboys.

Uniform all-Union sports classification operating(working) now divides travel depending on a way of movement and conditions of their fulfilment into some kinds. Most mass of them - the pedestrian, water, ski and mountain.

By way of increasing complexity amateur tourist travel are sectioned into hikes of the day off and lasting many days travel I, II, III, IV, V and VI categories of complexity.

Definition of a category of complexity of lasting many days travel is made public tourist marshrutno-квалификациониыми by the commissions (MKK) depending on following parameters (for I-III categories of complexity):
Parameters      Categories of complexity of hikes
I      II      III
Duration of hikes in days (not less)      6      8      10
Extent of hikes in kilometers (not less):     
Foot      130      160      190
Ski      130      160      200
Mountain      100      120      140
Water (on rafts and rowing courts(vessels))      150      175      200

Duration of hikes is specified without taking into account days of rest(tour) and reserve days bad weather. Though the maximal duration does not stipulate, but if the number of days will appear much more normative without the sufficient bases on that MKK have the right will lower test complexity of a hike owing to insufficient intensity of a load.

Extent of a route pays off including radial yields(exits) if they do not exceed the fourth part from the general(common) extent of a hike. Thus the radial yield(exit) considers a site of a route duration no more than four running days with homing in an index point. The distances which have been passed(which have been taken place) in ring(annular) radial yields(exits) (with homing on other way), are set off completely, passed(taken place) in linear radial yields(exits) (with homing on the same way), are set off in polovinnom the size.

Obligatory condition at definition of a category of complexity of hikes - their conformity to lists of the classified tourist routes and the classified passes approved(confirmed) by Federation of tourism of the Central advice(council) on tourism and excursions. In the specified lists the main criterion for definition-complexity - quantity(amount) and quality of natural obstacles in routes is concluded.

In each kind of tourism the certain(specific) kinds of natural obstacles are considered. For mountain travel the category of complexity is defined(determined) in view of a set of passes:
Category of complexity of hikes      Total of passes      Quantity(Amount) perevalog, hikes defining(determining) complexity (p.o to categories of difficulty)
1А      1Б      2А
1      2      2          
2      3      1      2     
3      4           1      2


The tourist group should represent monolithic collective, each of which members is soldered to others friendship and unity of an object in view. Therefore it is desirable, that tourists in group had all about identical age and the physical preparation, similar skills and the knowledge, close interests.

Acquisition of group is recommended to be spent from the tourists working at one enterprise, in establishment or trained in one school, technical school, institute. Such groups are most homogeneous and stable, them to organize and provide with equipment easier.

The modular tourist groups uniting people with the general(common) interests or completed to any other attributes are widespread also.

The quantitative contents of the tourist group which are taking part(are participating) a hike of the day off, is not limited. The tourist groups gathering(going) routes I-III of categories of complexity, should consist not less than from four person.

Demands to principals and participants of travel:

Principals of amateur travel. Get out tourists and affirm the organizations spending travel.

Principals should be the politically correct, cultural, strong-willed, physically developed people possessing organizing abilities and necessary tourist skills. They are obliged to keep security measures and to be ready to render the necessary help to the comrades, to watch(keep up) the careful attitude(relation) of tourists to the nature, tactful behaviour on. To the attitude(relation) to local residents.

Principals of travel I of a category of complexity should have experience of a management(manual) by hikes of the day off, and principals of travel II and above categories of complexity - experience of a management(manual) by travel on one category below and experience of participation in travel of the same category of complexity by the given kind of tourism. So, if the group gathers in a ski hike of III category of complexity head it(her) the one who has passed(has taken place) a ski route of similar complexity and besides has experience of a management(manual) by a ski hike of II category of complexity as the participant can only.

Principals of groups bear the responsibility for preparation and accident-free carrying out of travel. Indicatings of principals of groups during travel are obligatory for all members of group.

The principal of group can be the tourist who has reached(achieved) 18-years age.

Participants of amateur travel. Affirm the organizations spending travel.

All participants of travel I of a category of complexity should have experience of hikes of the day off.

The contents of group for travel II and III categories of complexity joins basically those who already has experience of travel accordingly I and II categories by the same kind of tourism. In connection with that sometimes happens difficultly to pick up equal contents of the group, operating(working) rules suppose participation in travel of II category of complexity of beginning(starting) tourists with experience of hikes of the day off, and in a hike of III category - tourists with the experience of travel I of a category. However the quantity(amount) of those who has such negligible tourist experience, should not exceed in group of one third of number of all tourists.

In case of time(temporary) separation of group into a route in each subgroup (and on water travel - on each vessel) the seniors providing coordinated(agreeed) actions of tourists and performance by them of indicatings of the principal of group are allocated.

All participants kategorijnyh travel irrespective of a kind of tourism should be able to float, to know receptions of salvage rolling(drowning) and to be able to render the pre-medical help.

To travel on routes I of a category of complexity participants 14 years are supposed is not younger, on routes of II category of complexity - 15 years are not younger, on routes of III category of complexity - 16 years are not younger.

Additional demands

Depending on specificity of water, ski and mountain travel .k to participants and principals additional demands are made.

The principal of water travel should have experience of a management(manual) by travel on the same species of boating (a raft or a rowing vessel - a kayak, a boat).

Participants of ski travel II and III categories of complexity should, have experience of field lodgings for the night in winter conditions. And field lodgings for the night are understood as lodgings for the night outside of human settlements: in tents, under an awning, at a fire, in a tent, in a snow cave, the hunting log huts, etc.

Participants and principals of mountain travel I-III of categories of the complexity providing transitions through high-mountainous (classified) passes, should have special preparation:

If on a route there are passes IA of a category of difficulty participants of group should be trained in volume of precamp preparation on a badge « the Climber of the USSR », and the principal - to have a badge « the Climber of the USSR » or preparation in volume of a special part of the program for instructors of mountaineering and experience of passage of two passes IA of a category of difficulty;

If on a route there are passes 1Б categories of difficulty participants of group should have a badge « the Climber of the USSR » or preparation in volume of a special part of the program for instructors of mountaineering and experience of passage of pass of category IA, and the principal - to have in addition experience of passage as the participant of a hike of pass 1Б and as the principal: pass IA of a category of difficulty;

If on a route there are passes 2А categories of difficulty, participants of group should in addition (to experience of overcoming of passes 1Б) to have experience of passage of pass 1Б categories of difficulty, and the principal - to have in addition experience of passage of pass 2А as the participant of group and pass 1Б categories of difficulty as the principal.

Distribution of duties

Distribution of public duties in group is spent in view of tourist experience of participants, their practical skills, interest in execution(performance) of those or other assignments(orders).

The principal of group. Heads preparation and carrying out of travel, will organize activity of other participants, is responsible for their safety and successful passage of a route.

Deputy head. Normally it is the second tourist by experience in group. He the main assistant to the principal in all questions, and at its(his) absence (for example, at separate stages by preparation for travel or at time(temporary) separation of group into a route) - the principal of group.

(Supply manager) managing a facilities(an economy). Distributes(allocates) among participants of a duty on preparation of products and equipments, places them on backpacks, keeps account products and equipment on a route, cares of their state and updating, makes the menu.

Saninstruktor. Has training before travel special preparation on rendering the first pre-medical help, completes and stores(keeps) the hiking first-aid set, watches(keeps up) keeping by tourists of sanitary-and-hygienic demands, renders if necessary first aid.

Responsible(Crucial) for a diary. Leads record of hiking events, makes time-keeping(chronometry) running days.

At numerous contents of group (more than 8-10 person) or on a complex(difficult) route it is accepted to allocate in addition from among participants of the treasurer, the photographer responsible(crucial) for reconditioning of equipment (repairman), fizorga and t. Item

At carrying out on travel of those or other scientific observations between tourists duties by kinds of observations are distributed(allocated). Meteorological observations and so forth are allocated responsible(crucial) for topographical filming, the collecting of specimens for a mineralogical collection,

Besides duties in group can be time(temporary): for one day, transition or any hiking action. They are persons on duty on kitchen(cuisine), campfire, referring and closing on a march, responsible(crucial) for carrying out of tourist evening, competition, the organization of excursion, investigation of the further route.

The main thing at distribution of duties - to not deprive with participants of group of the useful initiative, to give more personal tasks, to lift the personal responsibility of members of group.

Obshchefizicheskaja and special preparation for travel

Obshchefizicheskaja preparation of tourists. Includes morning gymnastics, delivery of norms(rates) of complex GTO and exercises (training) during hikes of the day off. It is good, if tourists are engaged in one of sports sektsy - track and field athletics, ski and t. Item

In parallel with physical preparation it should be spent zakalivanie an organism of tourists. Zakalivanie air occurs(happens) during morning charging(charge) by which tourists should do(make) in any weather and at any time year outside of a premise(room). After charging(charge) hydrotherapeutic procedures are obligatory.

Special preparation. It is necessary for those who prepares for more or less complex(difficult) travel, especially mountain, ski or water.

Concrete exercises depend on a prospective route. If the hike on kayaks in morning charging(charge) include slow and fast inclinations of a trunk from various positions, rise and lowering of legs(foots) laying, otzhimanija, the exercises imitating rowing is planned. If there is a preparation for ski travel into charging(charge) enter long run, the walking imitating ski course, exercise for escalating force of arms(hand), a prelum abdominale, for development of mobility in coxofemoral and humeral knuckles.

Gathering(Harvesting) in mountain travel it is expedient to fulfil jumps on tussocks (stones), equilibrium with a load on a log, walking on a full foot on abrupt slopes, jumps in depth with a landing on a slope sandy slope, "rock-climbing" with the insurance.

Both special, and the general(common) physical preparation is spent in the form of joint employment(occupations) of all participants of planned travel. It promotes strengthening of collective, develops(produces) feeling "shozhennosti" between members of group.

For check fizicheskojpodgotovlennosti to travel I-III of a category of complexity it is recommended to use following control specifications:
The specification      Оценкa
Well      Well      Perfectly
Run on 100 m (secs):
Knee-bend on one leg(foot) (times):
Pulling up on a slat (for men, times):      8      9      10
Otzhimanie from an emphasis laying (for women, times):      4      6      8
Cross-country (mines):
Men of 3 km:
Women of 1 km:     
Ski (mines):
Men of 10 km
Women of 3 km     

Medical maintenance of travel. Consists in the organization before a yield(an exit) on a route of corresponding(meeting) medical survey of all participants of group (it is desirable doctors of a medical-sports dispensary) and in preparation of tourists, first of all saninstruktora groups, to rendering the first pre-medical help.

Before a hike tourists are recommended to consult with doctors-experts, to reduce callositases, to cure attritions, dental and other diseases, and also to get(start) for the control over the health a special diary.

At definition of an opportunity of participation in hike I-III of categories of complexity after some acute diseases it is necessary to be guided by following provisional terms:
The name of illness(disease)      Term after clinical convalescence      Notes
Angina      3-4 weeks     
ORZ, a bronchitis      2-3 weeks     
Acute otitis      2-4 weeks     
Pneumonia      1-2 months      Are supposed all over again only one-day hikes
Pleuritis      1-2 months      The Same
Flu (without complications)      2-4 weeks     
Acute infectious diseases      1-2 months      At satisfactory results of assays
Hepatitis contagious      8-12 months     
Acute nephritis      8-12 months      Are obligatory kont rolnye analyses of urine
Fractures of bones of extremities:
1-3 months
3-8 months      Depending on gravity of damage
Concussion      8-12 months and more      The Same


Each group, preparing(going) for a hike, should represent its(his) purpose, the primary goal well first of all. It can be rest(tour) with a negligible exercise stress, search of "little-used" places with hunting and fishing, survey of places of interest, performance of tasks of the organization, passage of a sports route, etc. Having defined(determined) the purpose, real physical and technical readiness of participants, and also financial and other opportunities of group, tourists start studying district and development of a route.

Studying of district of travel

Studying of district includes: acquaintance to the literature (including art), maps and sharts, conversations with the people who have visited places of travel. It is useful to use also reports of tourists, to make to itself extracts about a land forms, hydrography, a climate, greenery, fauna, history, economy and a life of the population. Many valuable data, especially about concrete places of interest of a route, it is possible to gather from correspondence with local advice(councils) on tourism and excursions, the tourist clubs, separate regional specialists.

Work with maps takes a special place during preparation for travel (see with. 110). By decoding conventional signs, by means of careful measurement of distances and drawing up prevysheny high-altitude marks tourists get acquainted with conditions of permeability of district.

It is recommended to beginning(starting) tourists by means of the literature and maps to make the detailed description of a way with the indicating of distances; features of district on which the route runs; with the characteristic of roads; with the description of reference points which will be visible close and in the distance from different points, etc. Such description will enable to move confidently, not being verified continuously with a map.

Development of a route

Construction of a route depends on specificity of travel and concrete conditions of district. He can be linear (through), linearly-radial with distant excursions or prospecting yields(exits) aside from the basic way, ring(annular) with homing in an index point of a way. Planning a route, it is necessary to provide gradual ascending of complexity of natural obstacles and increase of interest of travellers to second third of travel. On this part it is desirable to leave technically the most difficult sites, visiting of the most curious museums, panoramic items(points) and other interesting objects.

The route should be built whenever possible to lower hiking loads. It is recommended to plan in advance Items(Points) where it is possible to send mail a part of equipment and the foodstuffs or where there is an opportunity to fill up its(his) stocks. It is expedient to frame also base camp from which it is possible to make various radial travel with the minimal load. Except for the basic route, it is necessary to have the facilitated reserve variant on an event of illness(disease) of one of. Participants, a bad weather, flood of the rivers, raised(increased), lavinoopasnosti and t. Item

The route should be safe and logical. The artificial set of those or other obstacles, excessive "torsion" of a way will not give satisfaction to tourists and can lead to a traumatism.

Drawing up of the planned schedule

The planned schedule of travel, the train diagram and calculation of day time transitions are developed depending on complexity of a way, physical and technical readiness of participants of group, weight of backpacks, and also presence of those or other excursion objects for which survey stoppings are necessary.

On the pedestrian travel. On the average tourists pass(take place) on 15 25 km a day. If the backpack is serious (especially in the first days of travel) or the route goes on a cross-country locality with overcoming natural obstacles and also if in structure of group there are weakly prepared beginners, day time transition should be reduced up to 12-18 km. Increase of loads should be gradual. So, in the pedestrian hike I-II of a category of complexity kilometrazh on days can be the following: 15, 18, 20, 22 km, dnevka, 22, 25, 25, 18 km. At complex(difficult) a profile of a route the most serious happens the second-third day of a hike. Therefore kilometrazh in first three days to not enlarge better, and dnevku to do(make) for the fourth day.

On ski travel. On a ski track even beginning(starting) tourists rather easily pass(take place) on 20-30 km a day. At movement on snow idle field with overcoming natural obstacles or in conditions of complex(difficult) orientation rate falls up to 12 .18 km a day. Rate of movement in a thawing weather, and a blizzard, a sharp cold snap seriously decreases, the strong head wind in general is better for waiting in a human settlement. Therefore till 1/4-1/5 all times in a winter hike it is planned as reserve and. It is left on incidental detentions in a way.

On mountain travel. Time necessary on rise, is defined(determined) by summation of prospective expenses of time for movement of group across (average rate of 3-4,5 km at an o'clock) and on rise on a vertical (rate about 0,3-0,4 km at an o'clock), Duration of draining off on a simple way are counted proceeding from rate of 5-6 km at an o'clock. At planning transitions it is impossible to forget about an opportunity of deterioration of weather.

On water travel. Except for the general(common) kilometrazha, quantities(amounts) and qualities of obstacles, the excursion objects which are available on a route, and a necessary reserve of days on a bad weather, by development of the planned schedule consider such specific parameters, as a bias and tortuosity of the river, rate of its(her) current. And not only average on all route, but also on its(his) separate sites. At a river fall up to 1 m/km (0,001) and rates of current of 4-5 km at an o'clock rate of movement of tourists will be a little bit less sums of rates of current and their own rate. At ascending a bias and rate of current rate of group can not be enlarged, as a lot of time is required on preliminary viewing of obstacles and the prevention(warning) of emergencies (to beginning(starting) tourists on such rivers to go does not follow).

Real rate of movement on paddles or becheve against current makes 1-2 km at an o'clock (at a bias up to 1-1,5 m/km), and on overcoming on the flat river of the obstacle demanding posting or obnosa, is spent about an hour of time. On the average for calculations it is possible to believe, that rate of a tourist vessel in hike I-II of categories of complexity makes 4-5 km at an o'clock.

Profile water marshrutaris. 1. A profile of a water route (data conditional).

Profile of a route. By preparation of a water, mountain or mountain-skiing route, even the most simple, it is useful to construct its(his) longitudinal a profile. The profile of a water route is drawn in two scales: fine larger undertakes for marks on length of a route, - for drawing water edges (fig. 1). On a profile from literary and cartographical sources transfer(carry) the calculated river falls given about character of a valley, shores, bottoms(funduses), mark(celebrate) places of natural and artificial obstacles. It allows to estimate(appreciate) really features and complexity of a route, to break it(him) for convenience of passage into the sites demanding approximately one technics(technical equipment) and tactics of movement.


Travelling documents

All tourist groups should before a yield(an exit) on a route legalize corresponding(meeting) papers.

Routing leaf(sheet). It is the travelling document of the group going amateur travel, less complex(difficult), than a hike of the first category. Routing sheets of the established(installed) specimen stand out to tourists MKK and subscribe the principal of the organization (or its(his) surrogate), spending nekategorijnoe travel or a hike of the day off.

To a routing leaf(sheet) deposit list contents of participants of travel, a route with breakdown on sites, the indicating of ways of movement and socially useful work which, the group plans to spend in a way.

Upon termination of travel the routing leaf(sheet) comes back the organization which have given out it(him).

The routing book. The travelling document of the group going travel I and above categories of complexity.

Control items(points) and terms of feed of cables are deposited to the book from a route list contents of group with nameplate data on each participant, the detailed planned schedule of travel on days of a way. The book stands out to the principal of group only after check in MKK correctness of the developed route and readiness to it(him;them) of tourists.

Treating and the statement of a route

The tourist group preparing(going) travel I and above categories of complexity, for reception of the routing book represents in MKK zajavochnuju the book containing a specification on a route of prospective travel, data on contents of group, experience of tourists, material maintenance (equipment, a delivery, the first-aid set, the estimate), complex(difficult) sites on a route and ways of their passage. Zajavochnaja the book is assured by the organization spending travel, and for modular groups - club of tourists, advice(council) on tourism and excursions, DSO and t. Item

Zajavochnaja the book is represented in local MKK not later than a month prior to the beginning of travel. If this commission has no necessary powers the book is referred in higher MKK, but also not later than a month before travel.

MKK it is obliged to check up development of a route and the train diagram by the basic and reserve variants, knowledge the principal and participants of a route of conditions of movement and natural obstacles, correctness of the measures planned by group on an event of incidental deviations from a route and the train diagram, safety measures of travel. During treating a route for conversation participants of planned travel can be caused(called) all and for them control checks in field conditions are appointed(nominated).

At positive decision MKK not later than 15 days prior to the beginning of travel gives out to the principal of group the numbered registered form of the routing book certified by die MKK, and kopnju zajavochnoj books with the conclusion.

Simultaneously MKK deposits, in case of need, in routing and zajavochnuju the book special indicatings to group, marks(celebrates) in them a place of check in of group before a yield(an exit) on a route in corresponding(meeting) контрольно-saving service (KSS).

On the basis of conclusion MKK and medical information(inquiries) on a level of health of all members of group the organization spending travel, resolves to group a yield(an exit) on a route and makes out the routing book the signature of the responsible(crucial) face of this organization and a press(seal).

The control over preparation and carrying out of travel

The organization spending travel, carries out the control over preparation and training of group, equipment by its(her) necessary equipment, and also over carrying out of travel to target dates.

At carrying out of travel II and above categories of complexity the organization spending travel, should not later than 10 days before departure of group a place of the beginning of a route to report tourist KSS corresponding(meeting) advice(council) on tourism and excursions the planned route and terms of travel, control items(points), a surname of the principal and number of participants of group.

During travel tourist groups are obliged to do(make) in routing books of a mark about passage of a route in tourist, and at their absence in other organizations and establishments, to report on telegraph passage of control items(points) of the organization spending travel, MKK (under its(her) demand) both to advice(council) on tourism and excursions in which district passes(takes place) travel.

If travel passes(takes place) on district where is available tourist KSS the group after arrival is obliged to get registered in the nearest контрольно-saving item(point) (group, a post) and to receive additional consultation on passage of a route.

Drawing up of the report

During carrying out of travel tourists lead a hiking diary and write down results of various observations on a route (about conducting a diary see with. 205). Upon termination of travel the principal of group in time no more than 4 months reports to the organization spent travel, and MKK.

Reports on travel should contain, as a rule, following sections:

1. Help data on travel: a kind of tourism, a category of complexity, time of carrying out, district, a route, ways of movement; contents of group; extent and duration of travel as a whole and on sites with overcoming natural obstacles; when also what MKK travel is surveyed.

2. Data on district of travel: brief obshchegeograficheskaja the characteristic of district; the tourist characteristic based(founded;established) on own observations and conclusions of group, the materials collected by group by correspondence and on a route, and having for an object maintenance of the subsequent tourist groups with concrete data on natural features of district, objects of survey, roads, local transport, about opportunities of updating of a stock of products, etc.

3. The description on travel: the characteristic of the passed(the taken place) way, a condition and traficability; complex(difficult) sites of a route (passes, thresholds, ferries, places with complex(difficult) orientation, etc.); the applied ways and agents of overcoming of natural obstacles; safety measures and actions of group in complex(difficult) conditions.

4. The detailed table of day time transitions with the indicating kilometrazha and a way of movement, quantity(amount) of running hours, kilometrazha with overcoming natural obstacles and the brief characteristic of weather.

5. Lists of personal and group equipment and food stuffs, it is desirable with their estimation based(founded;established) on experience of spent travel.

6. The estimate of charges.

7. The list used: literatures.

The general(common) is applied on the report on travel kartoshema with drawing a route and places of lodgings for the night, and also sketches of the most complex(difficult) sites with the indicating of a way and terms of their passage.

Reports are illustrated by the photos describing complex(difficult) sites of a route and action of group on them, the nature and places of interest of district, etc.

The concrete volume and character of the report on travel I-III of categories of complexity, and also opportunity of its(his) representation in the oral form, is defined(determined) MKK. For school tourist groups the report in written form is obligatory.

Offset of travel and assignment of categories

Offset of the perfect(absolute) travel makes MKK, surveyed materials on a yield(an exit) of group on a route. Check of the report handed over by group, and also keepings by tourists during travel of operating(working) rules, norms(rates) of behaviour or indicatings of the commission is preliminary made.

At offset the passed(taken place) travel are classified according to operating(working) digit specifications and in view of the conditions existed during a hike.

On the basis of given out to the principal and participants of information(inquiries) on passage of a route by it(him) this or that Sports category can be appropriated(given;pocketed).

At the positive conclusion competent MKK advice(council) on tourism and excursions, the tourist or sports club, advice(council) DSO or collective of physical culture at which are framed and work MKK, appropriate(give) to tourists the category in conformity with following demands (data are resulted(brought) up to I the category):
The category      Categories of complexity of hikes      Quantity(Amount) of hikes
I      II      III      IV
The participant      The Principal      The Participant      The Principal      The Participant      The Principal      The Participant      The Principal
I      1      1      1      1      1      1      1           7
II      1      1      1           3
III      1           1
I youthful (14-15 years)      1           1
II youthful (13-14 years)      To make one five-day hike or two (13-14 years) a three-day hike in the general(common) extent not less than 65 kilometers
III youthful (12-13 years)      To make one three-day hike or two (12-13 years) a two-day hike in the general(common) extent not less than 30 kilometers

Hikes are set off irrespective of, by what kinds of tourism they are accomplished. In calendar to year it is set off no more than three hikes, if they not above III category of complexity. The gap between two set off hikes should be not less than month.

For assignment III, II and I sports categories replacement of a management(manual) with hikes I, II and III categories of complexity by participation in hikes accordingly III, IV and V categories of complexity is supposed.

The hikes accomplished on same route, and also repeating sites of routes, are set off, if they are passed(taken place) in various kinds of tourism or if for the first time the hike is accomplished as the participant, and in the second - as the principal.

For assignment III, II and I categories it is necessary, that tourists have handed over norms(rates) of complex GTO and by it(him) was executed accordingly not less than 14, 16 and 19 years.

For assignment of the sports category (except for III and II youthful) it is necessary to have also a badge « the Tourist of the USSR ».

Badge « the Tourist of the USSR »

The badge « the Tourist of the USSR » is handed over to the tourists participated within year in one or several hikes by total(cooperative) duration not less of 5 days and the general(common) extent not less of 75 kilometers on foot or on skis, not less than 100 kilometers by boats, kayaks, rafts, catamarans, not less than 150 kilometers on bicycles or on horse routes, not less than 500 kilometers on motorcycles, 1 000 kilometers on cars (only for drivers). In conditions of strongly crossed (mountain) district the specification for the tourists making hikes on foot or on skis, can be lowered, but no more than on 15 kilometers.

To delivery of norms(rates) on a badge « the Tourist of the USSR » the faces which having the permission of the doctor on employment(occupations) by physical training and have reached(achieved) 14-years age are supposed.

For schoolboys performance of norms(rates) is supposed within two years and only at consecutive passage of five one-two-day hikes by total(cooperative) duration not less than 5 days and specified above by the general(common) extent.

At fulfilment of tourist hikes in summertime participants should spend not less than two field lodgings for the night.

Offset on a badge « the Tourist of the USSR » is accepted by the commission consisting not less than from three person (one sportsman of III category on tourism or the instructor on tourism and two znachkistov « the Tourist of the USSR »).

Documents on a badge « the Tourist of the USSR » are made out by clubs of tourists, tourist sektsijami collectives of physical training and military units, city (regional) tourist clubs of advice(councils) on tourism and excursions, tourist centers, stations of juvenile tourists, Palaces (Houses) of pioneers and schoolboys, comprehensive schools and other organizations spending tourist work and organizujushchimi tourist hikes.