Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
06.10.2006 |
We continue to accept requests for trekking tours to the mountains of Ukraine (Crimea and the Carpathians) in spring, summer and autumn of 2012. To take part in tour you have to:
- choose in schedule a suitable tour and the date
- feel free to ask any questions that you have and submit a booking form
- purchase flight and train tickets in advance
- quietly collect bags (backpack, tent, sleeping bag and pad can be taken from us on hire)
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
06.10.2006 |
We continue to accept requests for trekking tours to the mountains of Ukraine (Crimea and the Carpathians) in spring, summer and autumn of 2012. To take part in tour you have to:
- choose in schedule a suitable tour and the date
- feel free to ask any questions that you have and submit a booking form
- purchase flight and train tickets in advance
- quietly collect bags (backpack, tent, sleeping bag and pad can be taken from us on hire)
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
05.10.2006 |
C 6 on October, 8th, 2006 in Crimea there will pass(will take place) the next adventure race of series "X-Crimea". In it(this) to year an extreme the marathon will represent three lines - distances L, M and the X-class (on a choice of participants). Distances are routes of tourist travel consisting of stages which include elements of a bicycle line on a cross-country terrain (for the Õ-class), foot, mountain, speleo, water kinds of tourism, mountaneering and rock-climbing, sports orientation on a card(map) and on a legend, satellite navigation in extreme conditions (during dark time of day, in conditions of the limited visibility, the raised(increased) humidity, the lowered temperature, etc.) which are necessary for overcoming for certain time.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
27.09.2006 |
On September, 27th, Ukraine marks(celebrates) the World day of tourism. The history of the International day of tourism has begun on September, 27th, 1980 when in Manila the first World conference on the international tourism has opened. On her the decision on carrying out annually on September, 27th worldwide under aegis World tourist the organizations (WTO) of the World Day of tourism was accepted.
Written by Ëþáà Ôîðñèëîâà èç Ïèòåðà
23.09.2006 |
Greetings Cyril! As well as promised I write a response about a campaign August, 6-12th "Ghosts Valley". All huge greetings from three northern girls from far Peter. At us now rains, and only the Crimean memoirs on a campaign warm already almost freezed ours ñåðäå÷êè. Certainly, many thanks to Cyril which for six days has opened for us Crimea on the other hand would be desirable to tell. THANKS! We have seen not only all beauty of mountains, but also have communicated to children from different cities.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
21.09.2006 |
Prevention of all tick-borne diseases can be divided into several strategies. These are environmental, personal, and prophylactic (after a tick bite has occurred).
* Environmental strategies (control of the population of deer and other vectors and tick control measures) are beyond the scope of this section.
* Personal strategies include avoiding grassy areas with shrubs that attract ticks, wearing white or light-colored clothing so that attached ticks can be seen easily and removed, tucking pant legs into socks, walking in the center of paths to avoid vegetation on which ticks lie in wait of a host, applying lotion containing diethyltoluamide to the skin (avoiding face and hands), applying permethrin to clothing, and performing daily tick checks and removing ticks as soon as they are detected.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
21.09.2006 |
Tick-borne diseases are diseases or illnesses transmitted by ticks. As the incidence of tick-borne illnesses increases and the geographic areas in which they are found expand, it becomes increasingly important that health professionals be able to distinguish the diverse, and often overlapping, clinical presentations of these diseases.
Tick-borne illnesses are caused by infection with a variety of pathogens, including rickettsia and other types of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Because ticks can harbor more than one disease-causing agent, patients can be infected with more than one pathogen at the same time, compounding the difficulty in diagnosis and treatment.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
21.09.2006 |
Tick is the common name for the small arachnids that, along with mites, constitute the order Acarina. Ticks are ectoparasites (external parasites), living by hematophagy on the blood of mammals, birds, and occasionally reptiles and amphibians. Ticks are important vectors of a number of diseases.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
21.09.2006 |
Tick's mouthparts have reverse harpoon-like barbs, designed to penetrate and attach to skin. Ticks secrete a cement-like substance that helps them adhere firmly to the host. If you find that you or your pet has been bitten by a tick, it is important to remove it properly.
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
21.09.2006 |
You know, what in Crimea there are ticks(mites;tong)? For certain know. Well also what further? What to do(make), if you gather for the nature (in mountains, the savage on a beach)? How to protect itself from creeping reptiles?
I shall not tell that, I own the fullest information on this question, but something I can prompt. As my advice(councils) I have checked up all on myself personally.