As we learnt unprecedented corners of Crimea

Crimea. When you speak, that had a rest in Crimea, now it does not surprise many and does not delight, because well who did not happen in Crimea - now fashionably abroad! And here when you start to tell about adventures for these(it) 3 days (though for some reason actually you think, that was there much longer), understand, that these(it) 3 days have opened for our small company absolutely another, very grasping(fascinating) and all also fine, novel edge(territory).

For many in our company (us was 10 person), it was the first experience of a long hike(trekking tour), and fairly to admit, being adhered to to city, and a habit of rest with comfort (hotels, beaches, excursions where bring and bring), we with the husband were neuverenny in, whether and for us such rest. But, having given up as lost it, having tempted with forthcoming beauty of Crimea, and spirit of adventures, we have thrown backpacks on shoulders and have gone on a meeting novel.

The most remember for me was a way on cape Ajja, on a viewing platform of mountain the Large sum-¬бn (600м). Perhaps, because it was the first day of a hike(trekking tour), and on me many impressions have pulled hard, that I could not master them, but as we rose on mountain and what efforts it costed to me from neprivychki to such loadings, however, was not compared to feeling when I stood at top the Large sum-¬бn. It seemed, the weariness as well as was not, I stood, having stood - podomnoj a slice of the world, even clouds were below, inhaled air and it would be desirable to fly up. Even now, thumbing through photos, I experience again these emotions which are complex(difficult) for describing.

And interesting places of our spending the night were pleasant - the first night was on cape in the neighbourhood with ruins of a military complex that gave to a few(a little;little bit) mystery. After romantic provozhanija a decline, we took seat near a fire and shared horror stories - and laid at night and listened to rustles yes to sounds of a wood - sensations invigorated =).

Not less fascinating for us there was a third day - we have visited on mountain with Bochkoj death, have tried(tasted) myself in rock-climbing for the footpath up to Balaklavy was not from lungs, and have taken a walk on most Balaklave (it was amusing to attract attention among having a rest, walking on the quay, one aunt even spoke the small child - look, tourists go =)).

Well, for fans(amateurs) to lie down on a beach, to admire mountains from a balcony of hotel, sitting on an armchair and sipping a soft drink through a tubule, such kind of rest will not seem attractive. It for those who likes to plunge into adventures it is interesting to whom to try(taste) the forces who likes to go - to see a beautiful place and to reach there most who likes taste of meal on a fire, a cool breeze at top of mountain, the star sky which has been not lit by fires of city … however, I have again plunged into memoirs and have taken a great interest. For everyone who wishes to visit the visitor from the mother of the nature forgotten the world - to you here!