On edge of the Earth

Village Green - roads, village fences, sheaves of hay, ЛЭП, still at home with plates of satellite TV. Still bridges are man-made, from concrete and armature.

Still horses someone's, with horseshoes and saddles. But it is a little above on current sometimes only you see a lonely hut, as in an animated cartoon " On edge(territory) of the ground "

Карпаты хаты

You get in a valley of " the Alpine meadows ", постриженных, as the best football fields of the world

Карпаты - луга

And a blackberry … You burst its(her) handfuls, you try to collect it(her) in листик a burdock, not getting out from prickly bushes


The wood becomes unfriendly. Dry branches strive впиться, to pull out at you a piece of a jacket. Mosses are deep also soft as a mattress. Between them black holes - those holes gape, roofing felts of a den … Stones part from under legs(foots) … " You here did not call, protect eyes " speak local fur-trees. It is necessary продираться but SO it is pleasant to be pulled out from their embraces and on полонине to be pleased to a footpath

карпаты - лес

On top and on slopes of a field of stones, as though any invisible giant "hardly" присыпал tops the huge salt.


Рипна - you look and you can not see enough of dark blue far tops. Light-brown grasses reach around, they such soft, it would be desirable to be absorbed and fall asleep. To fall asleep, and to dream color короткометражки. The sky still is enough светло that you have had time to absorb in yourself all shades green, yellow, dark blue. And here, as the beam of a space projector makes the way a column of light, and to you so it is good from this last shy heat

Stones, поросшие a lichen, alternate with a cowberry and сланником. A track - very conditional name of road on which you go along a ridge, gradually taking away upwards. - the pleasure of gluttony overflows plantations of a cowberry from such extensive pastures.

горы Горганы

And here there, at stone top, you cost(stand) on a huge ridge boulder and the sensation of the negligibility struggles with эгоистичным and гонорным " I have made it ". Negligibility before the NATURE which has created such … Grasps spirit from these kinds.

на вершине Карпат

There, on edge(territory) of the ground, the Wind howls in stone crevices, it(he) rustles in junipers, it(he) knocks down. LIKELY from it(him) слезятся eyes and you PAINFULLY to look afar, you SHOULD come back in camp that THEN, in a train or the machine(car) to understand, that there, there, in a far devil wood, you it is good. You the melancholy on the people, clear eats this road with you.

прощальный костер

To you frankly badly and alone in the native city, you do not understand all these people in the underground, you are surprised to soft armchairs at restaurants, you on another concern to hot water and presence in an apartment of a bathroom, you sleep on a pillow, instead of on combined флисе or a jacket. The sharp feeling of refinement of a life covers you. You have lost a particle of heart - there, in mosses, in woods, in smells, in ringing air. You have distributed on slightly from yourself to your group, you recollect a conductor, as the main person in the world.

карпаты - природа.

 Sipina Olga. Moscow 2009.