Survival hike
Written by Марина Склярова из Харькова
Having planned this action in February, I some times represented, as it will be, my first hike and a life in tents. I saw myself nalegke, in cheerful Panama and the sandals, cheerfully skipping on lawns, photographing bright flowers, poppies, for example. And around of me butterflies, bugs, in general a life at full speed fly... Day the first - Warm-up.
And here, has come to pass, we already in Simferopol. We took from Cyril a backpack on hire, I represented its(his) small, in real it has appeared more than ours - 70-ти liter. For the first time having dressed at station a full backpack, me has started to sway and pull back. Searching for balance and a unification with this vast object, my representations about an air hike gradually dissipated...

Day since the morning has stood out cloudy, it is drizzling and here we already in a fog. All first day we clambered upwards on horse tracks through a dense fog. Forces were on a limit and legs(foots) hardly moved. Very much it would be desirable to dump(reset) from itself a hump, to sit down, eat and vzdremnut. In the spring here and not pahlo. Reminded the tightened(delayed) autumn More. The Earth a thick sphere was sent with last year's leaves, the greens practically is not present, prevailing colors brown, grey, black, yellow. On a way there were many the tumbled down trees eradicated by a wind.
The first day has seemed very tiresome because of long rises.

All were excited with a question of a обедо-supper. When have started to cook long-awaited food have found out absence salt, that a little we have puzzled. In preparation have been involved washed a tub and opolonik, Katya even has wiped last dry a napkin :)
We were sated(saturated) digested not with salty macaroni with tushenkoj which have fallen komkom in a stomach, having put an end to the first day.
Day of the second - the Survival.
Having switched off an alarm clock which has by mistake rung out in 5 mornings, I have heard magnificent, till now me not heard, singing of birds. And, appear, nothing foretold troubles. Vylazit from tent it would not be desirable, as in the street slightly it was drizzling. After a morning meal, having pushed the bodies in raincoats and kulki, we have set out. The ground under legs(foots) became razmokat and to part under legs(foots). Clay a thick layer stuck on krossovki and wished to undress me. It was necessary to fingers sezhivatsja a lump, keeping krossovok on a leg(foot). The huge hood poncho from a rain closed a review.

Because of a bad weather our conductor Victor decides to change a route a little. Having overcome the next rise upwards, we see a snow! Here they, my butterflies and blossoming poppies... Further to become more interestingly. To stop and stop off it is impossible, it is raining, the wind and everywhere a dirt blows. Besides the fog becomes our constant traveller. In some hours of rises and descents(releases) Victor speaks, that we have lost the way! To tell the truth, in the beginning it even amused me, here they, adventures which I searched, I thought. The fog is condensed, visibility vanishes and to have to keep kuchkoj, to not be lost. We leave on jajly.

Muscles of legs(foots), hands and other parts of a body which I did not feel earlier, speak, that forces will soon run low. Not simply wind, and a cold wind starts to blow. We are dressed on a yesterday's fashion - a T-short and from above vetrovka. Fast, on how many it is possible(probable), walking any more does not warm. poncho from a rain on me and Denis continually raises upwards a stream of a wind. From the inside poncho there is a perspiration. All clothes it becomes somehow imperceptible wet. In legs(foots) the swill with water and a dirt squelchs, trousers completely become wet, as well as vetrovka, hands for a long time have already freezed. Hardly moving the legs(foots) shivering any more(not so) only from a pressure(voltage), but also from a cold, we go on the dim road. Already you understand nothing, of what you do not think, you see nothing, you go, as the soldier - it is direct. And here my legs(foots) poskalzyvajutsja, I lose balance and here I lay in a dirt on one side. The clumsy hood poncho has closed to me the person(face), I see nothing, the backpack does not give an opportunity poshevelitsja. As all the same it is good, that in hikes there are such people, as closing. Thanks big to Denis, going beside with me, and to the closing Alexander which have lifted me. After a small shake-up I have a little come to the senses and the second stage - laughter has begun. But not on long.
Victor again stops, gets from a pocket magic shamansky buben - a compass. But far from it, the compass becomes wet, the arrow floats in rain water, not showing an exact rate. At me the ironical smile and thirst of adventures somewhere has disappeared. We again change a rate, not seeing any recognition symbols: neither roads, nor mountains, trees. Around cow kizjaki, a languid grass, a fog, a rain and a penetrating wind. And here we come to deadlock - to the right of us mountains, directly and at the left - breakage begin. Further road is not present.

Victor makes a decision to creep on mountain upwards. I thought, it(he) jokes. Here I already cost(stand) on stones, from below me podpihivajut, from above Victor's hand drags me upward. I poncho soars beside with me, as a pack on the ballerina. And on top the same landscape - all in a fog. The hailstones begins. Here the body is spoken, that with it now skukozhitsja, and we do(make) two minute stop to find in backpacks of a jacket. Having removed(having taken off) hated poncho, then a backpack, vetrovku, having remained in a T-short under a hailstones, I put on a jacket and a cap. The body groans for pleasure.
Already soon we leave to any road on which to us continually there are turns same, as well as we, blukajushchih tourists. At each group the conductor, the route and one trouble - is not present reference points. Victor the next time changes direction, we start to do(make) a loop, to reel up circles, to meet the same people from other groups. All as in delirium, a bad dream, I here was not present. I cannot understand, how it is possible with the greater(big) experience lazany on mountains and tourism to lose the way, there should be a card(map), a compass, whether GPS that?! I would like to bite Victor for a leg(foot).
To us two travellers lost in a fog are beaten, they give us the compass, and we leave on road. Stamping all the day long! With one 2 minute rest for changing clothes, Victor encourages, that else through an hour we will be on a place, that we on a true way. From last forces we volochem the bodies in searches of a haven, water and fire wood.

The shelter is found near to a guerrilla glade. The desire one - to be warmed and change clothes in something dry. While we put tent, Victor is masterful plants a fire on Zoe Kosmodemjanskoj's method, using only wet branches, on the wet ground and having matches and a toilet paper. Having thrust legs(foots) in kulki, we decide to dry wet krossovki above a fire. On vetochkah and rogatkah on a circle from a fire all variety of our clothes hangs. The second circle we sit.
About as the buckwheat cereal was tasty in that evening! Filling stomaches simply surprising обедо-supper, the stress from the gone through day gradually descends(goes) and, apparently, now to us nothing is terrible. Tea now can be stirred(prevented) safely the broken stick, opolonik already nobody wipes, the dirt is not so terrible.
That evening has burnt slightly much our clothes - socks, some pairs footwear, a jacket. But also it already was a trifle, in fact we send in addition(have reached)!

I admit has run in whom in the afternoon before all ideas have left(abandoned) a head and a body, I went and thought, what I here do(make)? Thought that I - mountain-tourist and hardly it(him) still sometime shall be. And there were moments when simply it would be desirable to dump(reset) mine 70-ти a liter backpack which simply stuck into a body, and to stop, can even burst out crying, as last little girl, but nobody has surrendered.
This day has united our group, has made us more strongly. Now I recollect this day with a smile, all body hurts, but it is a pain pleasant.
Day the third - Returning.
The third day was not so terrible. At me has again rung out an alarm clock in disconnected(switched-off) phone in 5 mornings and my day has begun with pleasant, caressing hearing, singing of birds. With ideas, that it do not put a marmot, I have laid down to sleep further. This night, unlike the first, was cool, and vylazit from tent it would not be desirable in any way.
Having woken up in the morning, through tent the sun was visible! Yes, all of us waited for it(him). Well cannot gizmetio so all to deceive! While we dared to rise or not, the sun has disappeared and again the sky has tightened(delayed) clouds.

When we have set out again the rain, but not such as yesterday has started to drizzle. Roads on former have been washed away(have been dim), legs(foots) all as slided, but today already nobody bypassed a dirt, anybody was not afraid of it(her). All the day long we went down, rises was not much. My body has got flexibility, and I already squated with a backpack, the desire of photohunting has woken up.
Quickly enough having reached a terminal point, a part of children(guys) have gone to Simferopol, t.k their train before all departed. And we five together, two fighters from Kharkov also three from Moscow, have decided to rise for remained time to falls Dzhur-джур.

Having got dirty in a dirt it is final, we have reached it(him). It is the first falls which I have seen in the life, a kind shaking(amazing;tremendous). Back from a falls up to a stop we went by the open machine(car) on enough narrow, slippery road with the mad driver who did not wish to brake on turns. It was as an attraction the American hills.

All our clothes dirty, places prozhzhennaja with a smell of a fire and sweat. But, features poberi, it was healthy!
P.S. I do not know plainly where we went as the mountains surrounding us which it was not visible because of a fog referred to. The events described by me, can, are slightly exaggerated, but all and was. Thanks children(guys) for maintenance of spirit by clockwork songs and, certainly, to our conductor - to Victor Semenovichu Telnomu.