The hike program

Day 1. Departure to Turkey, collection in Antalya

Анталия - вид на залив и горы
Анталия - старый город Калейчи
Анталия - улица зонтиков
башня с часами в Анталии

Citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus do not need a visa to visit Turkey (for up to 30 days). You can fly to Turkey by any convenient flights (check Turkish Airlines and UIA first). Air tickets are all bought by yourself. If you have any difficulties with this - write and we will help.

Collecting a group in Antalya, in our beloved hotel in the heart of the old city. You can fly at any convenient time - in the morning, in the evening, at night. Late in the evening, when everyone is ready, we will arrange a small meeting on the roof of the hotel. We'll have a cup of tea, discuss the route, distribute the products and check the equipment.

Day 2. Transfer to Fethiye, Oludeniz lagoon

ликийская гробница в Фетхие
лагуна Олюдениз
гора Бабадаг
начало Ликийской тропы

Early in the morning we go to the central bus station of Antalya, where we take a bus to the seaside town of Fethiye. He goes about 4 hours - have time to sleep off. Upon arrival in Fethiye we take a taxi or minibus and first we visit the famous Lycian tombs carved into the rock high above the city. Then we move to the other side of the mountain, where there is a solemn arch marking the beginning of the Lycian trail. We put on backpacks and go!

The path gradually gains height, scrambling along the spurs of the massif Baba-Dag (1989 m). But most of the time our eyes are directed not to the mountain, but down to the sea. There you can see the lagoon of Oludeniz (a bay with fairy-tale water) and a chain of islands leaves into the distance. For the pass (720 m) we take a little to the north, we get closer to the stone "mirror" of the mountain Baba-Dag. Above her, incidentally, often circling in the ascending streams of paragliders. We break up a tent camp in a clearing with a spring near the village of Kirme.
Distance: 12 km, climb: 600 m.

Day 3. s.Faralya, Valley of the Butterflies, s.Kabak.

каньон Долина бабочек
спуск по канату в долину бабочек
пляж в долине бабочек
ликия - море у поселка Кабак

Soon after the start we leave to the village of Faralya, who was sitting on the edge of a deep seaside gorge. At the bottom of this canyon is the famous Valley of the Butterflies. But without any butterflies, this gorge and the dizzying path to it are worth our attention. We leave backpacks in a small restaurant and lightly begin extreme descent along steep stone ledges. For the insurance along the route ropes are made, but if you are afraid of heights or do not want adrenaline yet, you can just wait for the group in the cafe. Having reached the bottom of the gorge, we first take a walk to the waterfall, and then relax on the beach.

We return to the backpacks, have dinner and continue to move to the east. The path with small elevations leads us through flowering meadows and abandoned old gardens. To the right is the sea to the horizon. We pass the village with the eloquent name Kabak and we go to the picturesque gorge, where we stop for the night at the species site with the source of Kara-Kartak.
Distance: 17 km, climb: 900 m.

Day 4. Karadag, the gorge of Kara-Kartak, Bogazici.

горы у родника Кара-Картак
у горы Карадаг в Турции
бухта у села Алинка в Турции
Авланкара Тепе

From the parking lot, we continue to traverse the ravine, the split foot of the Kara-Dag mountain. After a couple of hours we leave to the village of Alinka. From here a good view of the coast from a different perspective opens up. We go along the asphalt towards the village of Bogazici, where you can slightly replenish food supplies. Slightly rise on the northern spur of Mount Avlankar Tepe and camp on the ancient terraces.
Distance: 12 km, lift: 700 m.

Day 5. Tombs of Sidima, Bel, descent to the sea near Gavuragili.

Сидима - ликийская гробница, саркофаг
у села Бель
Ликийская тропа
закат над Средиземным морем

Just above our parking lot are the ruins of the ancient settlement of Sidima. We look there Lycian tombs, towers and other antiquities, and then we turn towards the sea. On a wide primer we pass the village of Bel and start a long descent along the stony slope. As a result, we leave to the village of Gavuragili, where we put tents next to a gorgeous pebble beach.
Distance: 15 km, climb: 400 m.

Day 6. Kara-Dere beach, the ruins of Xanthos, moving to Kash.

Учагиз - бухта
пляж Кара-Дере (Патара)
барельеф Медузы
Каш в Турции
Каш - на улице

Climb to a small summit (271 m) with which you can see an excellent view of the many kilometers of sandy beach of Kara-Dere-Patara. We descend to the sea along the way visiting the ancient fortress of Pidnai. For a short time we say goodbye to the sea and on foot (or by minibus) we move deeper into the vast ancient complex - the ruins of the Lycian city of Xanthos (amphitheater, mosaics, collonades, etc.). After that, we sit down on the minibus, which will take us to the resort town of Kash.

Kash is a relatively large settlement, with good shops, so we primarily purchase products. Then we have lunch on the embankment and again harness ourselves into our backpacks. The sea is next to us: bays, islands, yachts - all in full. We go along the coast to the Gulf of Liman Agzi, where we camp.
Distance: 16 km, climb: 400 m.          

Day 7. Volcanic Beaches: Choban, Ufakdere, Uzum

пляж Чобан
прибрежный стланик
вулканический пляж
рожковое дерево под Звездами (Турция, Западная Ликия)

In appearance, the usual rocks that make up the local landscape, on closer inspection, are the streams of frozen lava with an intricate configuration of through "wormholes". In places where the lava broke off into the sea, fanciful volcanic beaches were formed, through which our path lies. Often the path goes right along the bottom of the lava cracks, then climbs up, then deepens into the jungle of the elfin. In general, a good attraction for fans of labyrinth :)

So we pass the bay of the bay (Choban and Ufakdere) and we settle for the night in the third (Uzyum), the most exotic of all. Stone ugliness here deserves a thoughtful admiration, and the presence of a source of water and shade makes living comfortable.
Distance: 14 km, climb: 300 m

Day 8. Roman road, Apollonia, Aperlae, boat to Uchagiz.

ликийские саркофаги
лодочный домик в Турции
как саванна
слегка затонувшая яхта

On a hill adorned with the ruins of an ancient tower, we climb the no less ancient path ennobled by the Romans, or maybe earlier. Again we leave the sea to glimpse the remains of the Lycian city of Apollonia, and then we again descend to the water in the area of another ancient settlement of Aperlae at the base of the huge peninsula of Sychak. There is a wonderful boat house and if we get along with the owners we will continue our journey on the boat. Our goal - a nice resort town Uchagiz. We break up the campground on its outskirts and go shopping :)
Distance: 9 km,   lifting: 500 m, Descent: 1500 m.  

Day 9. Calais, Simena, Mira, St. Nicholas, Antalya.

Крепость над Сименой
Симена - Кале
затопленный город Симена в Турции
пляж Чакил

Literally opposite to the place where we slept, on the ledge of a high cape, under the protection of fortress walls, the village of Kale was sheltered (from the Turkic fortress). Once there was a coastal city of ancient Lycians - Simena. But then the sea level changed and Simena went under water. Nowadays, the sunken city has become the main attraction of these places - at the height of the season, many boats with transparent bottoms carry tourists along the bay dividing Simen and the island of Kekova. If desired, we can also ride there on a boat.

колонна в Мире
амфитеатр Мира

Turn off the camp, go to Uchagiz on a minibus to Demre (30 minutes on the road). There we see the ruins of Myra (entrance fee, 15-20 lire per person). They are notable for the huge antique amphitheater and the many bas-reliefs on the rock tombs. For those who have already been to the World, there is an alternative program - we climb on the rock to the ruins of the fortress. And then we'll look to the church where the same Saint Nicholas worked as a bishop long ago, which became the prototype of Santa Claus.

At the bus station Demre we sit on the minibus and in 3 hours we are at the bus station of Antalya (usually around 5pm).

You can fly home (flights departing no earlier than 20:00) or get acquainted with another magical corner of Turkey - go with us totour of Cappadocia . If your plane is only in the morning, then we will help to book a hotel in Antalya. The instructor also usually leaves in the morning, so he will help with all organizational and transport issues.

Videos from the campaign "West Lycian Way"

Route map

Reviews of tourists about this hike

The cost of the tour: 200$

for children between the ages of 7 and 15, a 30% discount. For the tip about the trip, a discount of $ 10.

Payment order: To reserve a place in the group, you must pay an advance payment - 30% of the cost of the tour. In case of refusal to participate, the prepayment is not refundable, but can be transferred to another participant or saved for future (to pay for other tours). The rest of the cost of the tour is paid at the meeting of the group in Turkey. In the event of a premature departure from the route, the money will not be returned.  

The cost of the tour includes :

The tour does NOT include a price : In the amount of additional costs in Turkey will need about 115 dollars (250 Turkish liras). Thus, the total travel budget is $ 200 (tour) + $ 200 (airplane) + $ 130 (local costs) = $ 530 per person. Payment is possible in both currency and hryvnia (at a commercial rate).

In the route are possible изменения (depending on the weather, the condition of the group and our wishes with you). For traveling abroad you need a passport :)

Additional materials

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Application for participation

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