History of the OutdoorUkraine
Sometimes tourists gathering for the first time to go with us to the mountains, afraid to ask about reliability . Can they trust OutdoorUkraine? I think the best antidote to such doubts will be our story - stages of development of the project , since the advent of the first site back in 2005 . We are not a one-day site, we have a story , have a reputation .
But for those who have long been familiar with us, in this article , too, have a couple of surprises - such as the "address" of rock from our logo and our first screenshots of the little-known sites .
April 8, 2005 . The first site .
Launched our first site of the campaigns . It was located on a free hosting and called Narod.ru not OutdoorUkraine. The site did not actually have hiking trails , and only mentioned the possibility , if necessary, to make them :) 90 % of the information was in German , as we originally planned to focus on foreigners .

May 2, 2005 . Organized the first campaign !
first campaign organized by us. And of course it was the Crimea in May ! Route , which later became the basis for the " Water and Stones " - from Perevalnogo through Chater-Dag , and Demerji Karabakh Fishing . Oddly enough , the group was not a single foreigner. Russian citizens who were in the group was 80 %, I do not believe in aliens .

June 1, 2005 . Second version .
We bought the domainOutdoorUkraine.com. By the way, you know Outdoor ?
Our site is the campaigns got a new design - drew his own during Frontpeydzhe (first made in the notebook ) .
The site is static, without the engine - to add an article , you must create an html file , upload it via ftp and add a link to it from the main page .
All this is quite inconvenient and nevertheless developed site - added routes and photo reports passed campaigns.
July 12, 2005 . First foreign clients .
You will not believe , but there were still people took seriously our German website . Brelina of the Carpathians , in his car rolled up Grüter family ( father, mother , son) . Communicating in a mixture of English and German , we went with them route by Montenegrin ridge , participated in rodeo with drunken foresters missed President and generally had a good time.

August 11, 2005 . Logo OutdoorUkraine.
During the afternoon break far away from the Big Gate Pass (Crimea, route " Water and Stones " ) , tourists from Russia , Andrew and Lisa made some pencil sketches . They drew a small rock sticking out right in front of our rookery . At the end of the campaign they presented pictures to me, and I used them to create a logo OutdoorUkraine - Great Red Rocks with black bush :)

April 2, 2006 . Third version .
During the winter we were able to understand the Joomla ( engine for construction sites ) and convert it to the site. Already formed the basic " branded " routes laid fundement Reviews section for tourists , developed some basis of corporate identity ( logo, red- black-and- white palette , men ) . The next 8 years, the "base" will be virtually unchanged . Some solutions ( schedule tours in the right column , the article " how things work " in lieu of summary reports full reviews) seemed fortunate not only to us and have been adopted by numerous imitators .

May 2008 . Equipment Rental .
We bought the first batch of equipment ( backpacks, sleeping bags , mats ... ) especially for the rental . Prior to that there were so few orders that need to hire a couple of quite satisfied own sleeping bags and backpacks .
June 2008 . We guide Lonely Planet.
In June 2008, a second edition of Lonely Planet guidebook devoted to Ukraine. To our great joy , this issue was mentioned and recommended project OutdoorUkraine.com

Summer 2008 . Legkohodstvo .
familiar with this relatively "new" ( in domestic tourism ) as legkohodstvo phenomenon . It turns into a backpack hike is not necessarily to be heavy (ie weigh more than 12 kg). Lots of experimenting with homemade and purchased equipment, exchange experience with tourists .
July 17, 2008 . First corporate .
By order distribution company " Sweet Life " (sweetlife.ua) hold a three-day corporate campaign in the Crimea (District Demerji and the Valley of ghosts ).

September - October 2008 . Study of the Eastern Crimea .
We make more than a dozen attacks on intelligence in the triangle of East Crimea Feodosia - Old Crimea - Sudak . Here , unlike the district Demerji or Ai -Petri , hardly walk multiday group information is missing , and the report date. According to the results of exploration create route Scarlet sails as well as describe some springs for the project Yuri Jezierski " Springs of Crimea ".
January 3, 2009 . Winter hike with a group .
Instructor OutdoorUkraine go to the mountains all year round. But until now, in the winter they went for the most part by themselves, without the tourists. And only on the New Year's holiday in 2009 we were finally able to collect a full band wishing to exchange Olivier and firs and pine trees in the snow (Crimean course). Read Review about this campaign .
September 25, 2009 . Extreme Marathon .
Together withSebastopol instructor Sergei Nazarov involved in tourism marathon "Crimean weaving ." Step , running and jumping overcome 100 kilometers from Angarsk pass before the Crimean Observatory in less than 30 hours and took a respectable second place . Sincerely please and many udvivshis such a high result , I still concluded that tends to quieter forms of tourism .

October 27, 2009 . First trekking in Nepal .
We spent a month in Nepal , there were two classic tracks ( Around Annapurna < / a> and to the Base Camp Annapurna Base Camp ), visited Kathmandu , Bhaktapur , Patan, Pokhara , Chitwan reserve . Developed tourist infrastructure of Nepal ( mountain shelters, catering , porters ) allows us to see the Himalayas even tourists introductory level , made us the most that neither is the best impression . Since OutdoorUkraine spends every year on 3-4 campaign in Nepal , usually in March-April and October-November .
May 17, 2010 . The first campaign in Turkey .
In March 2010, we traveled to the south of Turkey in the rental car and thoroughly impressed by the combination of such important factors as "heat - already -in- March," a bunch of historical ( ancient ) attractions , good marked trails, to stand with a tent by the sea and relatively inexpensive flight. Early as May 17 we returned to Turkey with a group of tourists and went on the Lycian trail from the canyon Goynuk to Cape Gelidoniya and more love this land . With our easy hand mashrut on the Lycian trail came into vogue and now most of the tourists on this trail - our compatriots ( up to 2010 was dominated by the Germans ).
June 17, 2010 . Cycling trip to the Crimea .
Timidlytry their hand at a new niche - the organization велопоходов. Attract experienced instructor and bicycle mechanic , ran in the first bicycle route on the Eastern Crimea , get acquainted with the specifics of this type of tourism , buy rolling equipment .
February 2011 . Extreme hiking with ropes .
To meet the demand of fans of adrenaline and technical gadgets Feodosia our instructor Sergei Zaporozhchenko develops extreme route Two rope . As entertainment on the route used rope crossing over the precipice , " dyulferyanie " waterfalls , caves unprepared slopes .
June 6, 2011 . The first campaign specifically for parents with children .
Children are not so rare guests in our campaigns from the outset of OutdoorUkraine. But only in the summer of 2011, when a little podrasli our own children , we finally realized that it would be nice periodically arrange special tours for children - with an extremely easy and comfortable route rate movements . Moreover, in the company of their peers , young tourists are much easier to tolerate the difficulties of camp life (ie no TV and chips )
August 18, 2011 . The first campaign of Montenegro .
The idea of thiscampaign appeared so suddenly that we do not had not even really a band. As a result, the three of us went . So much the worse for having missed his chance - tiny Montenegro was incredibly cute country. Mountains here are low (2500 m), but it's great " toothed " ( rocky and sharp ) . Even in bad untwisted Reserve Durmitor people were few , and in the border Prokletije was nobody ( even the guards ) . Well, about the azure Adriatic Sea and the medieval walled city , you probably know without me .
November 4, 2011 . Everest Base Camp .
Our group reached the base camp of Mount Everest from the Nepalese side . Height of 5369 meters. Highly controversial route , in the sense that high popularity and desirability of Everest leads many to go here prematurely, not having gained enough experience and health. As a result of the constant risk of acute mountain sickness of participants in the campaign significantly complicates the work of the instructor ... And yet ignore such a beautiful track is impossible - add it to your collection , and the annual calendar .
June 7, 2012 .
Project OutdoorUkraine again " lit up" in the Lonely Planet ( known guide for independent travelers ) . In article "Top 10 things to do in Ukraine" we recommended , as the organizers of hiking excursions, ie campaigns.
July 22, 2012 . The first campaign for Georgia .
Our regular customers - Kharkov Marina Sklyarov and Denis Teslenko literally kicks made us gather and organize quickly hiking in Georgia , which is due to slowness airline confined visit Svaneti , but also included a visit to the Kazbek . Thank them all thanks!
November 10, 2012 . China's opening .
We simultaneously discovering a new country and a new kind of tours - guided or semi- cultural . Our route Jade Dragon is 10 pereleetov 14 days to have time to see how many Chinese hostels and national parks. Such travel is already difficult to plan , but it was not enough to us and in 2013 we have successfully conducted a " Jade Dragon " right -China during the holidays (all simultaneously billion going on holiday ) . Now we wizards level 99 :)

July 12, 2013 . First in the Tien Shan .
The emergence of relatively inexpensive flights to Kazakhstan encouraged us to develop march on Tianshan . Traditionally, the first , experimental group enrolled permanent " autdorovtsy " , which is some uncertainty and the prospect blukanut in the border region are not afraid , but on the contrary winds .
September 13, 2013 . Elbrus from the North .
Our instructors have been numerous on Elbrus , but in 2013 we finally decided to lead a group of tourists there . The first pancake turned out delicious - at the complex, " northern" route to the highest peak in Europe climbed all 10 participants campaign .