Books about tourism
Dangers in tourism, imaginary and valid
Accident in a tourist hike... What its(his) reasons, its(his) nature? Whether it is possible to provide, warn it(him)? It is told about all this in the book. It(she) contains data on experience of a safety, practical recommendations on selection in group, to training and education of tourists, examples of overcoming of dangerous situations on routes, analyses of circumstances of accidents in travel. The book will be useful to workers of tourism, an active tourist sektsy and the маршрутно-qualifying commissions, to the broad audience of sportsmen, fans(amateurs) of travel and regional specialists.The pocket manual of the tourist

In him practical advice(councils) and references about acquisition of group, preparation of equipment, catering services, the equipment of halts and lodgings for the night, explaining the ground, carrying out of socially useful work and the elementary observations over the nature, rendering of the first pre-medical help are given. The basic attention in the manual is given the most mass and popular pedestrian, water, ski and mountain travel of the first - the third categories of complexity.
The Guideline of the principal of hikes of the day off
Hikes of the day off - one of the most mass and accessible forms of the organization of productive leisure(active rest) of workers. Participation in hikes of the day off should bring up workers in spirit of love to Native land, fidelity to high principles, to inoculate the careful attitude(relation) to the nature and monuments of culture.Hikes of the day off - the first step of tourism. They prepare participants for distant travel, help(assist) to seize(take possession) tourist skills, provide necessary physical training.
Tourist camp equipment

Hazards in mountains
