
Ecologically pure(clean) washing in a hike

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 05.03.2007 Usually in hikes nobody is engaged in washing. Simply take a stock of linen, and about cleanliness of other clothes temporarily forget. Too hlopotnoe business - washing in a hike. First water - that not always probably is necessary, and secondly the washed things should be dried somewhere. Also all here would seem to complexity... An is not present, it is necessary to think of ecological consequences of the washing still.

Russian fighting art Seminar

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 05.03.2007 From March, 8 till March, 11th the Federation of Russian Fighting Art of Ukraine holds the international seminar in Yalta. The seminar on Russian hand-to-hand fight is trainings 3 times day, dialogue with relatives on spirit people and a traditional  mountain trip. I was invited to be a guide on this small travel across mountain Crimea. It is considered two variants of a route: through the Valley of Ghosts on Southern Demerdzhi or on Taraktashskoj to a track on the Ai Petri. The choice will depend on presence of a snow on slopes and weathers. In any case to miss will not have.

Water on Gurzuf saddle

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 02.03.2007 Plateau Babugan and nearby jajly are waterless enough. One of places where it is possible to expect to find water - pass Gurzufskoe a saddle. Water the truth not on the pass, and on descent(release) from it(him) aside in the seas. The first source can be found behind the first coil of a streamer in a ravine to the right of road to 100-150 meters from pass, is more exact from a green barrier on pass. The second source of water still below. Up to it(him) to go minutes 20 (about kilometer). A reference point - a glade with not clear construction (the destroyed small house of the forester). Beside tiny lake and the equipped spring (pipe).

Carpathians on May holidays

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 02.03.2007 Me often ask, why for May holidays I shall organize hikes across Crimea, instead of on Carpathians. The answer is simple - in Carpathians in the beginning of May too heavy weather conditions. Tops of Carpathians and ridges are covered by a snow. Avalanches are possible(probable). Below other misfortune - flooding and mud have sat down(lodge). Approaches are complicated. Numerous ferries and walking on the footpaths which have turned streams are inevitable. Wet legs(foots) garantirovanny. Weather unstable. The frost and a rain can replace without ceremony each other.

The Sanctuary of Tauris on Gurzufs Jayl

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 28.02.2007 âèä ñ ãóðçóôñêîé ÿéëû íà áåñåäêó âåòðîâ Passing this winter on Gurzuf jayl, I with surprise have found out there signs " Is protected. An archeologic monument ". Was surprised because already happened there earlier, and signs has noticed just now... Survey of a place has given nothing, all has been brought by a snow. What have archeologists found on Gurzuf jayl (approximately in 500 meters on a track from Gurzufskogo saddles to Arbour of winds)? To find out it I has addressed to the uniquitous Internet.

Stacking of a backpack

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 28.02.2007 ðþêçàê íà ìíå about three Years ago I have adopted a fashion to spend stacking a backpack preliminary having thrust in the sleeping pad inside curtailed(turned) by a pipe. This way has advantages - the sleeping pad gives to a backpack additional rigidity, plays a role of a back, supports(maintains) the correct form of a backpack, protects things from a rain. However there are also lacks. The sleeping pad borrows(occupies) a lot of place. It(he) "eats" from 10 up to 20 litres of volume of a backpack (depending on a cut and a way of stacking).

Water-repellent impregnations

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 26.02.2007 Even the best jackets with a membrane demand regular processing by water-repellent impregnations. It is necessary for the several reasons. The membrane moistened can cease "to work" as water and you will get wet. Except for that the fabric is sated(saturated) with a moisture and becomes heavy and more vulnerable. vodoottalikavajushchie impregnations cover a surface of a fabric with a thin layer of special substance with low factor of a superficial tension. As a result water does not moisten a fabric, and downwards " as water simply rolls down(slides) from a duck ".

The fineest sea

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 26.02.2007 Successfully having written about the deep seas, I have decided to find out what sea the fineest. The manual approves(confirms), that the fineest sea - Yellow (it in Pacific ocean near to China). Its(his) depth does not exceed 106 meters. On the second place there was Baltic sea - only 470 meters. Karskoe and the seas Barentsevo with 600 meters of depth divide 3 place in a rating of the fineest seas of the world.

The deepest sea

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 26.02.2007 the deepest sea in the world - Coral. It is in Pacific ocean. Its(his) maximal depth - 9174 meters. The sea of the world second on depth too in Pacific ocean. This Banda sea, with the maximal depth of 7440 meters. On the third place the deepest sea of Atlantic ocean - Caribbean. Depth - 7090 meters.

The maximal depth of Black sea

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 26.02.2007 Êàêîâà ãëóáèíà ×åðíîãî ìîðÿ? Black sea deep enough in comparison with other seas of our country. The maximal depth of Black sea - 2245 meters. Average depth about 1197 meters. Along coast of Black sea the continental shallow lasts. Depths here no more than 200 meters. The shallow abrupt ledges goes down to the central part of a bottom of Black sea.  
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