
Gold fever

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 30.07.2007 Having a rest after a dinner on a heap of backpacks at bottom of the cave city of Chufut of Calais, I listened to conversations passing by chelovekov. Tourists discussed blizlezhajshie parking and springs, lonely having a rest all searched for a fortress (it(she) was at them above a head), and the organized groups of tourists of last forces were dragged for the guide, vlekomye its(his) sweet voice and the promise of unprecedented miracles. The guide knew the business - each hundred meters were done(made) with a halt and told next bajku from a life ancient and not so inhabitants of a fortress.

Fire on Babugane

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 29.07.2007 Today from top Tepe Kermena I have noticed a huge white cloud rising above plateau Babugan. Most likely it is a smoke - burns a wood on southern slopes Babugana.

Mint water

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 29.07.2007 The epoch of great opening probably has not ended. My tourists today have opened (have more precisely invented) a new freshening drink - mint water. The recipe is simple - in a bottle with simple spring water it is necessary to throw a little listikov mints. Strangely enough taste turns out a little another than at mint tea. As required try(taste).  

Wind of changes

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 26.07.2007 Today I have woken up among night from strange sounds. Someone knocked a stick on a kettle. It is a little having wiped eyes, I have distinguished a female figure sklonivshujusja at a fire. It(she) threshed it on a boiler. To understand the reasons for me there was a reluctance and I again have dozed off.

Early autumn in July

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 26.07.2007 Yesterday, passing(taking place) under Northern Demerdzhi I have noticed on slopes trees with autumn yellow foliage.

New difficulties of a new mode

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 25.07.2007 Today our experiment on superearly rise has proceeded. We again have woken up in 4 mornings, have got under way in a way and to one o'clock in the afternoon were already on a following lodging for the night.

Club of pharmacists

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 24.07.2007 If in the last hike the main theme of conversations was cold kegovoe beer this time everyone stir(chatter) exclusively about medicines.

Beech and lichens

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 24.07.2007 Far not the first year I wander on the Crimean beechen woods, but only today have realized, as it is a lot of on beeches of lichens.

Disco at geologists

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 23.07.2007 There is such ancient tourist draw - " the Disco at geologists ". I to you shall not tell its(his) essence now (perhaps it will be possible sometime and you rozygrat). And I shall tell to you about a disco at Dzhurly.
Dzhurla it is very popular tourist parking in picturesque Crimean gorge. We quite often there stop, have decided to stop and this time.

Fear of height

Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî 23.07.2007 If at you fear of height, it is necessary to think ten times before to go to mountains.
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