Good morning or Unique Crimea
Response about a campaign "East express train" on September, 12-17th 2010г.Later two weeks after I have come from a campaign, there was time to write about this unforgettable, fantastic, magnificent (much still it is possible to write beautiful words), and also a hard mountain-pedestrian campaign.
Long we waited with the girl-friend of this round, carefully approached to it (to a campaign understood that will be a little heavy) though went for the first time.
At last, that long-awaited morning when we have arrived on the Simferopol station where we were waited by instructor Anton has come. We with the girl-friend had control over on big (more precisely on huge) to a black package in hands which has been filled by clothes, a mug, a spoon, a plate, a minimum of tablets and sanitary articles, a sleeping bag, a rug, and also I in road have bought one lemon. We hardly lifted these packages, took all the most necessary and warm. Already during this moment asked itself a question: «And how I all it will incur on the shoulders throughout all campaign? Мммммдддааа … ….». Near to the instructor already there were our fellow travellers: Миша (from Ukraine), Julja (with Belarusii), Natasha from подмосковья. Also to us have told that at the Red cave we will be waited by pair which will go with us to this fascinating pedestrian round. The instructor has given out to us with Tanej on a backpack and tent. Хм … and as all contents of a black package should be located in this backpack, but also products ….???
On a cloth Anton has laid out products (porridges, small horns, dried milk, chocolates, sugar candies, dried fruits, tea, coffee, sugar tablets), казан, поварёжку, a kettle. We should spread out all products on the backpacks. The instructor has helped us to pack a backpack correctly. From products to me have put 4 banks of pastes, 4 jars of sprats, and 4 packages of small horns. After the backpack has been packed, I tried to lift it two hands, it turned out - but with huge work.
After everyone has packed a backpack, we should go to the bus to move to the beginning of our campaign in with. Перевальное. Perfectly I remember that moment when on my shoulders have shipped this huge backpack (its weight was less in 4 times of my weight): the back departed back (the first question has arisen then in a head which I have not decided to sound aloud: instead of whether I will break a back?); a backpack pulled downwards, yes so - that was difficult to walk and it was not clear as I will go with such weight to this campaign!!!
Having looked at the girl-friend, only has laughed, it stood with the same look and spoke: «What it heavy!!! How at you state of health?». Think we not simply laughed, and истерически laughed. Now group it was necessary to reach at least the bus which was in 100 metres from a place of our meeting ….!!!!!
At last, we have appeared about the bus, our backpacks have shipped in a luggage space, and we a smile upon the face and ease on shoulders have embused and have gone in with. Перевальное. Village Perevalnoe. In with. Перевальном we have changed clothes in easier clothes and have gone to a long journey.

Our way began with flat district, with each step we came nearer to the Crimean mountains. On road instructor Anton told to us about beautiful places of Crimea where it has visited, various cheerful stories from the campaigns, it was interesting to listen to it. On the way the backpack constantly somewhere pressed, was stirred on shoulders, it was heavy for bearing, constantly it was necessary to correct it. And here our first pass at the equipped stop where we have removed from ourselves these heavy backpacks.

Here we накушались tasty plum and, a few having had a rest, having dressed on itself enormous backpacks, on the sly and with преогромным interest have begun lifting in the Red cave. On road Anton has shown us that place on a grief where we should rise today is was very far, after all our way only began.

At lifting in the Red cave we passed through falls. Having embodied some beautiful photos at falls and having risen on mountain we have appeared at a red cave. Here our fellow travellers have joined us - the Shaft and Maxim from St.-Petersburg. Before cave visiting already it would be desirable to eat. Then we have stopped for a dinner where for the first time have learnt that such a mountain dinner. Anton has laid a cloth on the earth and has told: «to Get from the backpacks of 2 packs хлебцов, 2 banks of paste, and jars of sprats, a package of dried fruits, half-sticks of cheese, a half-stick of sausage and a cucumber»; then has told the recipe of preparation of sandwiches: on small loafs smear the beef paste, from above fish, and from above a cucumber segment. During that moment has thought: «What muck how it is possible to eat fish and meat simultaneously??? And at all with bread, and with small loafs which consisted of corn groats more. And why Anton has told: half-sticks колабасы and cheese!!!???»
After a dinner we have visited natural boundary the Cornel-koba (the Red cave).
After excursion, directly from a cave we have begun lifting on Dolgorukovsky яйлу. To clamber on top with a backpack it was heavy. It was necessary to rise upwards, and a backpack pulled downwards. Behind the going companion sometimes it was necessary to ask to push a backpack upwards. Thanks, to Instructor Anton who to us helped to rise on mountain, rendered a help hand.

At last, we have risen on Dolgorukovsky яйлу. From height of mountains, already it seemed that all that is before feet so a little that you hardly see a line on which we went by the bus to village Perevalnoe. It was so far that the line has turned to a thin line, at home in points, it was madly beautiful.

On this pass it was already forgot that I bore a heavy backpack. After a small stop have gone further to a way. In some hours we have crossed a plateau from the West on the east, liftings were not, the way was a lung. On a way have met bicyclists who passed on rough roads. By the evening left on a glory Barrow

Then have stopped on a lodging for the night in wood where the guerrilla camp once settled down. Yet затемнало, we put tents, Anton to us has made a tasty supper with which we with pleasure ate.
This evening we strongly were tired and after a supper have gone to sleep on the tents. Before leaving to sleep - the instructor us has warned that all products, backpacks, it is necessary to take away with itself in tent since at night in territory of our parking animals which with pleasure will eat our food can go. When has settled in tent understood that something does not suffice me!! Lay and thought!!! ПОНЯЛА:рюкзак now was not on shoulders (it already became as native), and was in feet. In the first night we fell asleep under чирикание and щебетание birdies, and at night I have woken up from an interesting sound and foliage rustle, seemingly, on territory the fox went.
Today we have passed 12 km.
The second day. GOOD MORNING, mountain tourists!!!!
Since the morning (with 6,30) while group slept, Anton has started to make a breakfast - dairy porridge with raisin.

On the sly one after another with a sleepy kind left tents. Next morning Anton told that to it someone clambered under tent.
In several tens metres from a lodging for the night place the spring from which water hardly ran settled down. Water from a spring should be typed a mug. Having had breakfast we collected tents, backpacks and in 9,30 have left our place of a lodging for the night, having left in memory those beautiful sounds of birds under which fell asleep at night. Today our way moved ahead on the big canyon of the river Burulcha. On road from a tree a cornel we broke fruits of berries and them ate. Further lifting on яйлу Orta сырт was coming us. This lifting to me has seemed to the heaviest and high.

Having risen on mountain, under a huge canopy of rocks we have stopped for a dinner.

Having had dinner, I have sat down on edge of a rock and enjoyed mountain silence, beauty of mountains which were both close, and in the distance from us. The kind from here opened is so beautiful that when I looked afar at mountains - at me ran мурашки on a skin... One mountain reminded me a green cap, during that moment it would be desirable to turn to a birdie and, порхнув wings, at least for a short while to appear on one of them which saw.

In a rock there was the small grotto which has got to tourists in the inheritance from the guerrilla and cave people.

During a dinner we did not sit in place and have risen upwards on a rock where have made some remarkable pictures on these Crimean open spaces. After a tasty sandwich-type dinner we have gone further to a way. Отходив from this cosy place, I constantly turned around back and admired beauty of rocks and that kind which remained behind.

On a way have made a memorable photo on a place of the former guerrilla airdrome, and have gone on a plateau of Karabi.

Lifting was hard, Maxim with Valej aspired to rise quickly on this plateau. And when we already have almost risen, Maxim stood on one of high points a payment and gave to us from above up as a bad job.

Having risen, Anton has shown, where we should come today is a meteorological station. Our group actively walked some hours to our new place of a lodging for the night.

And in 5 evenings we were on a meteorological station. We have put tents on a grief and have gone to a meteorological station building to make a supper where we were met by uncle Oleg.
Meteorological station this one of cold places of Crimea. Weather suddenly by the evening began to spoil, the instructor посоветал to get raincoats on a rain case. In a building on a gas cooker we have made a supper - small horns with тушёнкой, uncle Oleg has made to us invigorating mountain tea, also has offered salty грибочков, but in advance has warned that still it is possible to eat mushrooms within three days. Very much it would be desirable mushrooms, therefore everyone has eaten on a few. On kitchen I have seen red onions and have asked for the worker of station whom we with pleasure have eaten. Terribly it would be desirable something tasty and while uncle Oleg was in the street, whether I have looked there is something at it such in cases. Unfortunately, has found a jar of jam which has been closed, it has not dared to take, about what further was sorry in a campaign.

Without having reached yet a meteorological station at me the sole from left кроссовки began to come unstuck and with it it was necessary to do something, after all the campaign only began!!! On a meteorological station uncle Oleg has given me glue, a round needle and threads. To paste and stitch кроссовки to me the man's help was necessary. With it I was helped by Misha, for what to it many thanks!!! Миша to me has pasted a sole and a sole has sewn to a heel кроссовки. Now in these кроссовках it was possible to go to a long journey safely.
On gas we have warmed in кастрюльках water and descended to be washed on street in cold a shower. The shower delivered us improbable pleasure, during that moment we were the happiest. And at this time in the street has darkened, weather spoilt also all was in a fog. The meteorological station became an excellent place to be warmed in the evening after a shower. Having had supper, having drunk hot tea and having dried up in a building of a meteorological station we have gone to sleep in tents. Have dressed on itself all clothes, have got into a sleeping bag and have gone to bed. BUT far from it … our Tent stood near to tent where there were Misha, Natasha and Julja (this tent we named «the National team of the CIS»). In the second night they roughly discussed political problems at what laughed. We присоедились to their conversation, laughter. There were +5 degrees at night. As we have been dressed warmly, anybody from us this night not мёрзнул.
Today we have passed 15 km.
The third day. ББББррррр, cold, morning, is time to rise!!!!
Morning was cold. Since morning it would not be desirable вылазить from a sleeping bag and, especially, from tent. It was necessary to rise! Leaving tent, it was visible only the next tents and no more that. It was not visible the open space, those mountains which surrounded us.

Since the morning we had breakfast on a meteorological station, have collected tents, backpacks, have embodied some photos in a fog.

Such sensation was that we have a rest not in Crimea, and in northern small town of Russia. From a meteorological station we left in warm jackets, trousers, caps, backpacks became easier. Before an exit Anton has told: «Today visibility very small, Maxim will go the finishing. If someone lags behind, speak. If someone was tired, we will rise on pass!» Now our way went to a cave the Big Buzuluk. Throughout this way weather constantly sharply changed: the wind blew, the sun, a fog, clouds before our feet flied to us on a meeting. And here we at a cave the Big Buzuluk. It is a deep cave, which even in the summer covered by ice.

For that small time while we went down in a cave, were photographed, the fog in the street has dissipated. Today we should see the sea from height of mountains. Therefore all with impatience hurried up to see this beauty. The more close came nearer to the sea, the the mountain became more and more more beautiful!!!
At last, at last, in далеке the sea is seen.

Have stopped on pass, admired, enjoyed these landscapes, were photographed. Further our way lay through pass the big gate!! I advise to all here to visit.

Having embodied some shots, our group went down in лесок in mountains for a dinner. I from this place would not like to leave. And we with Tanej remained here for 10 minutes, that понаслаждаться these kinds.

Here was hot, we have removed from ourselves jackets, trousers and already in shorts and T-shirts continued the are fascinating mountain round. Our dinner as always consisted of sandwiches meat - fish, cheese, and sausage. As a table for a dinner the wheel which when that has been brought by tourists served.

After a tasty dinner we have gone down from mountains where there were big gate and have risen on other mountain. From height of other mountain we saw the Big gate, saw that space among mountains which should be overcome ours I go down from one mountain and rising on another on wood mountain tracks.

Now at each lifting on mountain now we saw the sea to which all came nearer more close and more close. It was simultaneously close, but also at that time to it it was necessary to go very long.
On road our group ate a cornel, as sunflower seeds which broke from trees, wild pears, the Crimean dogrose. And here we at pass Pass Alakat-Bogaz. Mountain Alakat-Bogaz reminded the pyramid which has grown with wood. At mountain bottom it was not visible the seas. It wanted to me to look at this mountain and I have run on opposite mountain and have seen this mountain, the sea which did not see our companions.

The wind on a grief was very strong, landscapes opened madly beautiful. Such sensation was that this wind which was on the ball mountains, as a blade can carry away me.
Further our way lay through bushes, woods. On parking have come before dark. Today the lodging for the night was at bottom of several mountains. A place уютненькое.

As usual, someone kindled a fire, someone put tents, Anton has left on a stream behind water which was far enough from a lodging for the night place. While Anton went behind water on a stream, Tanja has seen on a hand of the tick. She has not begun to cry nearly, has very much got a fright, was in a panic and did not know what to do. We with it have run on a meeting to the instructor. Have seen Anton and began to shout: «Help us, pull out the tick». Anton has laughed and has told: «That so are frightened, I have already removed tens pincers from myself». I to it: «Anton pull out the tick, faster, Tanja almost cries!!!!!» Anton is literally for 15 seconds has pulled out it жучка. After all of us began to check itself and have suddenly found out that each of us has caught on the tick. Anton was professionals in this business on вытаскиванию pincers and it has quickly rescued all.
After a tasty supper it would not be desirable to leave in tent to sleep and we with Tanej remained to sit at a fire, to listen щебетание to birdies, silence of mountains, and to look at the star sky. Have found constellation ковшик and suddenly, the star has fallen, we have thought of desire. It was cool in the evening, we with Tanej sat at a fire, stirred, I heated feet in slates at fire … Suddenly, I feel, something hot became feet ….посмотрела on slates, and they have begun плавиться, run has seized a small bottle with water and has watered them. Now I had a presentiment that in mine кроссовках to me will probably not reach the end and slates to me become excellent a variant for a mountain campaign!!!! The sole at my the second кроссовки started to come unstuck. Having sat A little more, we have gone to sleep in tent (from tent of a national team of the CIS (where there lived Misha, Natasha, Julja) we again heard discussion of political problems). For the third day we have passed 15 km.
4 day! Good morning, MOUNTAINS!!! Morning was solar.

As usual since morning dairy porridge with raisin, morning gathering to a campaign.

And again we go to a long journey. We needed to rise on mountain at which bottom today spent the night. Lifting was hard and long and when we have got have again seen set of mountains and in the distance Black sea. The sea we only saw, it was impossible to touch it, it was impossible to be bought in this sea warm водичке.
On a way we have met a tree with wild pears which ate with handfuls. Have decided to weld in the evening pear compote and have dug some handfuls with itself.
Having passed a little more on the east to top the Cook-asana we have come across rather amusing sign "the Place for взаимоосмотра" which very much has amused us.

Till a dinner we went to a place of our lodging for the night Bottom-cook Asan!!!

During a dinner we have typed wild pears, a dogrose and have welded вкуснейший compote.

Having had dinner, backpacks have hidden in bushes and with ease on shoulders have gone to falls of Kuchuk-Kurachsu. To falls we went through wood, and then our way lay through the dried up river. Some tens times to us were necessary to cross this river, to go along it, going from one white stone into another, to go along rocks.

There were we on it some hours. And here, long-awaited falls in which it was possible to be washed.

All with pleasure искупнулись in cool водичке and бодренькие have gone back. Have on the way back dug mushrooms свинушек.
Still before dark we have returned to our place of a lodging for the night where we were waited by backpacks. And made an unusual supper in the evening: buckwheat cereal with beef тушёнкой and свинушками. Bringing down with Natasha cleaned and mushrooms cut, Misha has left on a stream behind water (the stream was 15 minutes of walking from a lodging for the night place), Anton and Maxim planted a fire. While the supper was made, we with Tanej, Valej have gone on a stream to wash clothes. And when came back back - the supper was already ready. Porridge buckwheat with mushrooms has turned out tasty!!!
Having had supper, played guessing of words. It was cheerful, everyone understood on the a word meaning. So Bringing down, has thought of a word: "tea leaves" which we could not guess. But precisely knew that basically we now drink it that this liquid, tasty, a drink.
I have thought: a cage for animals. All knew that it something with holes, is ventilation, but have hardly guessed. Where that hours till 12 nights we sat at a fire which burnt through. We would not like to leave to sleep as knew that today we sleep last day in mountains, we breathe this air, today there was last day in this round when we have taken place here such more quantity of kilometres-15km. Tomorrow we should go 5 km.
In the fourth night we with the girl-friend have put tent under a tree. And when have gone to bed, have understood that the tent is put incorrectly, it was impossible to sleep. The bottom was somewhere on a height, and feet and a head were below the necessary level. What to do??? Was ordered))))!!! Well not to move tent and not to awake people at night)))). Here today my backpack has served me as a pillow on which I with преогромным pleasure have fallen asleep. Today slept in the distance about tents where the national team of the CIS slept. When they have settled to sleep, have besides begun discussion of political problems, but to us them was badly audible.
5 day. Good morning! In the morning everyone knew that such tea leaves.
Tea leaves-it a drink, a liquid? Bringing down speaks: «YES!!!!)))))».

Without hurrying up we collect backpacks, someone erases the linen who that dries носочки on branches of trees.

Someone fastens to backpacks the washed T-shirts, носочки, bathing suits that by the evening they have dried up.

In the morning вымали казан shampoo after a yesterday's supper! It many have been surprised and long laughed!!! Казан shone not worse any pure ware!!! Having welded porridge and покушав, we again отпрравились in mountains.
Something has absolutely forgotten to write about a backpack. And what about it to write????? The backpack became, as native, it any more do not feel on shoulders. I think without a backpack тяжелеее to go, with a backpack only force increased!!!! And with a backpack it is possible not only to go on mountains, but even it is possible to run...

We went, stirred …. And suddenly, Anton asks us a question: «And if, little girls, on an abrupt wheelbarrow the man now approaches and will tell: there have gone little girls better to have a rest on the sea!!!! You would sit down to it in the car and would throw these heavy backpacks or have gone further to round?» Someone has reflected, someone has told at once: NO". And even the one who has reflected, has understood that it will be boring to it to lie on a beach and to see only sea water, and has answered:« is not present, it is better than MOUNTAIN!!!»
Having passed from a lodging for the night some more hours on the east, around pass of the Mask we have curtailed on the south into Entre Rios.
And here we left on the Arpatsky falls which height makes 10 metres.

Bathed in this invigorating водичке. Below falls the river Arpat-Ursu on which we went further proceeds. All of us departed from mountains on which there were some days further. I constantly turned around, looked at those mountains on which went, and ahead all came nearer to the sea more close. We walked and enjoyed this nature, this river.

I кроссовки already were bad then I have removed them, has put in a backpack and has dressed slates in which, as well as usually quickly went.
Today we had last dinner: ммммм ….эти unforgettable meat-fish sandwiches, cheese, sausage, tea, cookies. Parking have stopped on equipped, ate behind a little table.

After a dinner I, Tanja and Misha descended have bathed in the river. Bringing down and Julja as обезьянки crept on a tree and collected walnuts, Natasha collected fallen with the earth. The rich crop typed by girls, we have cleaned and with преогромным pleasure have eaten.

Here I had to leave the кроссовки in an urn. Единсвенное that from them it was possible to take are laces!!!
Further have gone to a stop on the bus. On our backpacks all as hung linen which сохло, котрое smelt any more as a fire, and shampoo. Shampoo for us served in a campaign, as shampoo, there and a washing-up liquid, soap, washing a powder!!!!
Along the river of a channel of the river left with to village Zelenogore. And here we in village, and here people, houses, grapes in a garden, a little shop, cafe!!! So it would be desirable to run and buy something tasty!!!
Going on road, we have seen a tree of walnuts and as, a locust, have snatched on it and began to tear and put in a package!! By passing man was in shock from seen, выматерился and has told: «Now I will tell to the owner of this tree that you do!!!!». It was necessary to see this show from outside!!!! Broke all nuts with successively from the bottom branches of a tree!!! Each of us has dug on a half-package of nuts which we have put in a backpack.
Here the bus, the driver which has agreed to withdraw us to village on the sea. About 20 km. We went on a line by vineyards. Grapes milk mushrooms hanged down, it would be desirable to leave the bus to break and attempt, but the driver hurried up, we went further.
Today our parking was on seacoast. With backpacks we went group along coast on a sea sand with backpacks on shoulders by having a rest people. All with surprise looked at us.
And here, подходяще a place for a lodging for the night. The equipped parking which when that was constructed by the mad mason. It to each stone of this parking has appropriated accession number.

Very much it would be desirable that that unusual to attempt. Bringing down, Natashas, Julja and Misha have gone to buy products. And we bathed at this time in transparent sea водичке, Anton made a supper, Maxim put tent. Has passed approximately about an hour as our companions have left in the nearest stalls to buy products. The supper - small horns on флоцки has been in this time already made.

We have started to worry, where our companions. Maxim has called the Shaft and with interest and excitement in a voice has asked: «Where you so long?» Bringing down in the answer: «We on copeck go on a back seat four together, we come back from the nearest settlement!!» Here we have laughed. Here is how people reach a civilisation - at once in shop, instead of in a stall!!!!!!!!!! On arrival they to us have told that have caught copeck which was without registration number. From shop have brought a loaf of black bread, a half white, one package of kalatches, a garlic bulb (someone from ours оооочень wanted some garlic), 2 bottles of the Crimean wine, 8 tomato and 2 snickerses.
At supper someone from us enjoyed taste помидом, someone taste of bread, and someone strongly wanted to attempt garlic!!!!
Throughout all campaign we observed of that as the moon grows, and today it was almost full. Admired a lunar path on seacoast, the moon and noise of waves at night. And after that have gone to sleep
The tent of a national team of the CIS already slept today separately. Миша slept on seacoast, enjoyed noise of waves, Natasha long sat at night on seacoast, and Julja strong fell asleep in tent. Anton slept on the highest place which named a balcony. Bringing down and Maxim we have put tent under a tree, and with Tanej on the brink of a huge stone with a view of the sea. This night to me it was not slept, the sea rustled, I lay and remembered mountains and wanted to return back. I would not like to leave tomorrow all and to come back in ordinary life.
Today we have passed 5 km.
6 day! Good morning, the sea! Night was warm.
Since morning Anton cooked buckwheat dairy porridge with raisin and walnuts. Has been very surprised, when has seen that it cooks. All have confirmed that all in a garden ate such porridge. But I in the childhood had not such to eat. Porridge has appeared very tasty. It was necessary to make up for lost time, and I have eaten 3 portions of porridge. And the more so it was today last breakfast on a fire.
Having had breakfast, we is slow began to collect backpacks, have bathed in the sea. Have seen, how Misha washes a head in the sea and have decided to make the same. To have a rest on the sea earlier when I came, always washed after the sea. And here it has appeared that the sea has served us good душом. Having given a good scolding, we with pleasure dived into the sea, coming up - enjoyed cleanliness of hair. After at on with hair have dried up, I remember as Anton has told the Shaft: "At you even hair now пушатся!!!!» Having collected backpacks we have gone further to a way.
Today our way began with lifting uphill on an ecological track, have passed on Golitsyn's track further. The distance has made about 5 km. It is possible to write and tell about this place infinitely long. Therefore I will tell a little: it is so beautiful that I at all will not have words to express the emotions, sensations from the seen. These landscapes are magnificent, will not leave indifferent any person in the world, only the nature can create such beauty!!!!!! I have allowed to itself words to arrive here on all the day in the future and without hurrying up to walk on these tracks: to sit on the Crimean pine, to breathe this amazingly pure air. I advise to all here to appear!!!!!
We left in New Council. And at once have appeared at shop of the Crimean wines where have bought home on a small bottle of the Crimean wine. Have gone on road service station further, whence have gone in the Pike perch where we had to leave. Anton has gone to itself home, Natasha has left to have a rest to Feodosiya, Bringing down and Maxim remained for couple of days in the Pike perch.
And we with Tanej, Mishej and Julej have lodged in уютненьком a small house then have gone to look the Genoa fortress. Buying tickets in cash desk, have told that we children and have bought children's tickets. The security guard at an input on territory крепост, has looked at us with Tanej has asked: «And with what you of year of the girl???» I have bewildered looked at Tanja, she answered that it with 92. I there and then quickly having thought has answered that I with 93. And it to us: «Girls, yes already it is time to you to have children!!!» After these words and with a huge smile upon the face has passed us in cash desk. Миша it was not similar not the child, yes it and did not apply for the children's ticket, to it at once in cash desk have told: «And to you the young man it is necessary to shave a beard!!!)))))»
Some hours walked on territory. Then have gone along all quay of the Pike perch. Have bought grapes, a water-melon. And already having returned at night home - have included the TV, have covered a table, descended in a shower and remembered that where were that saw.
After already month, about a campaign there were only pleasant memoirs, was the heavy, cheerful and unforgettable moments much. Quite often I look through photos, I remember the sandwiches which have fallen in love by me, dairy buckwheat cereal with raisin and nuts. I advise to all to experience, walk across Crimea standing, at least throughout 70 km (this quantity of kilometres which we have overcome for 6 days), simultaneously with weight and ease. Such rest so distracts us from ordinary life, from phones, computers, communication, the Internet, the TV, conveniences that when you come already to yourself home you do not learn the city. Also such sensation is created that you saw so much everything, ооочень it is a lot of everything as though you had a rest not 6 days, and at least month, and is possible also three.
Anzhelika Rusinova