
Has passed some days from the campaign termination across Turkey under mysterious and a much-promising title «the Likijsky track». Passions pouleglis, porridge in a head began to dissipate on grains and, if in the first day after arrival on 2nd question of friends (the first was: «You are live?» Or something something like that): «Well as?», - I lingeringly howled «VAUUUUUUU!», now I can more or answer this point in question less distinctly.
For those who doubts to be got involved to it in this adventure or not, whether experience, small background will suffice.
All my experience of foot campaigns consists of a unique week campaign across Crimea where we submitted a local Olympus in 1000 with small metres, whence I any more did not plan to return live as weight of a backpack and obshchagovskoj canned food beat me to the earth more and more. The Trekking tour has left many positive emotions, but in memory as an awful dream there were these first two days of conquest of height with backpacks! After that experience, I to myself have told: «Any pedestrian campaigns!».
Has passed some months. Absolutely casually I come on a site www.OutdoorUkraine.com and I see very tempting name «Likijsky track» - Turkey. Eyes have lighted up, the imagination has played, and in an hour I already was the happy owner of tickets aboard the plane Kiev - Antalia, Antalia - Kiev. Only then I have more attentively familiarised with a route and height which we should climb up. Fairly, has punched cold sweat. But, as my aunt speaks: «All that does not become, becomes to the best», - I have reconciled to holiday with masochism elements.
Having conferred with the instructor, Cyril, I have replaced the of 3 kg a sleeping bag with 1 kg and have carefully thought over the luggage: from heart tore off superfluous shorts, majachki and cosmetics. As a result to steam of superfluous T-shirts (i.e. pure) at me from a campaign remains, and cosmetics there and was not useful: the voice-frequency cream and powder was replaced with natural sunburn, ink there is absolutely not necessary, your person constantly damp, it either sweat or the Mediterranean water, at me did not dry a skin, so without a cream also did not suffer. I have never dressed a sweater and sherst.noski, have quite managed in cool evenings olimpijkoj.
Likijsky track - mountains and canyons.
And now about the campaign. All has begun at the airport of Borispol where the group part gathered. Cyril, thanks it for it, has very in detail and intelligibly explained all how to reach the airport, therefore with it there were no problems.
Having arrived to the airport, I expected to see bald, severe, but with sense of humour (that with it everything is all right, it was clear on correspondence) the instructor, Cyril's appearance judged on it ave in contact. As a result I have seen three groups of people with backpacks: the Afro-Americans, gently having embraced the backpacks, they serenely slept on an airport floor, numerous quantity of Jews, is more exact than Chassids with their side curls, and small modest group of Europeans obviously gathering in a campaign. In one group of the serious bald man was not, all sang, smiled or slept. The bolshee trust was inspired by group of Europeans to which I have approached. Cyril has appeared the a bit tousled smiling young man, anything the general with a severe profile in a contact avatar.

Together with Cyril to the airport there have arrived Sasha (the second instructor) and Irina (uch. A campaign from Kiev). A bit later Svetlana, Andrey, Maxim and Andrey has approached to us. All were in high spirits, at once went on contact. And so, chattering with animation about that, about this we have sat down in the plane and have reached Antalia, where have met the second part of group (Julia, Irina with Artemom, Katya with Mishej, Tonja with Igor, Timothy) have plunged and have gone to the bus on start of "the Likijsky track».

The Likijsky track begins with «Big kanoninga», having run up on bushes who where and having changed clothes in bathing suits, we have gone to flounder in a local reservoir. There were we of minutes 20-30 turning heads on all 180, all was new and it is interesting. Taking a helmet, a waistcoat, a diving suit and spets. Slippers-socks interested persons, I among them, have floated to admire kanoningom. All I recommend to swim for a while there, it from us has not left anybody indifferent!

nakupavshis to exhaustion we, having taken backpacks on check point kanoninga, have gone for a dinner. After a nourishing dinner (and in our case also after sleepless night) on the Russian customs it is accepted to have a sleep, but the instructor was the Ukrainian, and we were not in Russia, therefore having distributed products on backpacks, by the way, the weight of my backpack with public products has pleasantly surprised me, we have begun an ascension in mountains. On a way to us constantly there were Turkish inscriptions which the instructor kindly translated us, namely: «Ali welcomes hungry and iznemozhennyh tourists at itself in cafe. Promises to feed, give to drink and sleep to lay in the hotele». Whether a lie, very lovely. =)

On a parking lot we have come in the evening with small lamps on foreheads. The first lifting has stood out the heavy: it would be desirable to eat, sleep and not to move, simply to stand on place and to feel rest. While our men and Irina, the woman-heroine which still had forces to go down downwards for acceptance of evening baths, have followed water for tea, we have made a supper, had a sleep. In some hours heroes have returned with water and stories about scorpions whom they have met on the way. There has come our first joint supper which was better than any restaurant delicacy, it was the buckwheat with sushennym meat (knowingly Cervantes said that the best seasoning is a hunger). =)))

The second day has begun with a tasty dairy squash. It was not expensive difficult, and we have come to clear time of days on a picturesque clearing nearby to which were blackberries have grown. At supper, all group observed of the star sky, and our astrologer, Andrey, from it and till last day, showed us the big and small she-bear.
For the third day we have crossed a garnet farm where already ripe red fruits hung. Me have very much pleased and have surprised short flights of stairs through a fence, tell in Europe this commonplace, in Rossi I such did not see. The same day we have visited the first restaurant on a way where have met one more participant of our campaign from Poland, Barbara. Having brought not small benefit to Turks and so having relaxed and having grown very lazy that, not without efforts, have persuaded the instructor to employ the car for transportation of backpacks. Here and to the last Artem became our lifesaver. He agreed and expressed with Turks, with Irina they brought interesting offers on the organisation of leisure and have brought impressive "highlight" in our camp life.

So, children have gone with light baggage on foot, and I and two manly persons from Ukraine, Andrey and Maxim, have gone by the car together with cargo. After long negotiations which occurred on the film scenario «Difficulty of transfer», with local aksakals, spending the night have decided to organise directly in village under a walnut tree. There our group was divided: a part have put a camp, and the part spent the night at local residents.
The fourth day has begun with loading of backpacks on the car and their sendings under sensitive supervision of our Belarus friends of Tonej and Igor in mountains. All the others with light baggage have gone to admire mountain landscapes of Turkey. And to look there was on what! First, we have met for the first time so to say "a wild" turtle. How much delight and pleasure it was possible to read in our eyes and horror in it! Continuing to discuss a turtle we have met a spring where cheese was cooled, and having lifted a head upwards, we have seen a huge tree! It was so wide that the group photo for memory has turned out against a hollow. We, unfortunately, have not measured by its group embraces, have left it to our followers.

Further us fantastic wood waited! How to be told, in a fairy tale to tell, a feather to describe. Children, it should be seen the eyes, very beautifully! Near to the house of the shepherd we were waited already by children with backpacks where we zatarilis water, had dinner and have gone to climb up before our parking = an intermediate point of rest before storm of Tahtali.
Having hidden backpacks near to camp, we have bravely rushed to submit top as there we were waited by restaurant and all consequences following from here. The first part of a way to me it was difficult: ap, ap, ap, only one ap and any dauna!

In mountains we were found by a fog, i.e. we have entered into a cloud. And a way part as if hedgehogs in a fog, we moved ahead on a ridge, going to the treasured purpose. There there was no vegetation, except terrible prickles, with curiosity on which I have decided to come, for as have paid: all the evening long got from socks and krossovok small, but very sharp needles.
And here we at top. The people who have arrived on a cable car from Kemera, with surprise and an ironical smile looked to us in a trace, but were among them and such which were ready to exchange the dresses for marching clothes, to exchange the ticket for a cable car on trekkingovye sticks and to subdue Olimpus in 2300 m. on foot! At least, it would be desirable to believe in it …
Having had a bite on the highest viewing point of the south of Turkey, we happy and happy have gone down to our camp.

The fifth day to me was remembered by an abundance of grapes and a pomegranate which we broke directly from trees. To spending the night we have come already late, and in the dark at gathering of fire wood of our instructor the scorpion has bitten! It has operatively reacted, at once has called the doctor. After survey it have taken away in hospital. After the such it became horrible not only to put tent, but also to go to places nestol kept away, but vital.
Without the instructor it was sad and melancholy, the trouble has rallied us in a close circle at a fire, by a hot supper suddenly, from nowhere, there were strong drinks. To recover health of our expensive instructor, we as real shamans, began to call him, Cyril's health, each time raising mugs with a fiery liquid over a fire. Ritual should be spent some times successively, and about a miracle! As on magic wand wave, by midnight our instructor live and safe (the truth, slightly bitten) has stuck before us!
Likijsky track - the sun and the sea.
In the sixth and seventh day the group has stopped in a camping of Chirali, but it was possible to sleep and on a beach as I and more some children have made. From plank beds do not expel, in the morning specially do not awake, it is unique that ask to put chaise lounges into place.

These days we descended on ruins of Olimpusa (very much I recommend) and have made easy walk on all the day to Tekirovo of %), on the way having met the local fisherman-philosopher who has shown us the huge generator in local ruins. In Tekirove Turks have asked of our permission with us to be photographed, as they said, they still Russian at themselves in resort small town did not see, a pier one Europeans.

For the eighth day we took tour on kayaks (the combined things have left in a camping). For kayaks separate thanks of Artemu with Iroj, it there was their idea. Certainly, Turks take for the tours obviously expensively, but once to swim on kayaks costs. Very much it was pleasant to me!

The same day our tourist command was left by Julia from Greece, and two pairs Byelorussians: Katya with Mishej and Tonja with Igor, but we still will meet children in Antalia.

We spent the night on the camel farm. Camels there are not present for a long time already, and can and at all was not, but the name was saved.

For the ninth day at the crack of dawn Sasha (the second instructor) with Cyril of all have lifted, have fed with porridge, have shown a direction and mandative tone have told: «To us there!», and it means, for us waits next ap! The devil is not so black as he is painted. Ap it has appeared not so long and tiresome, by a dinner we have come on the Beacon where had a shower bath tuhlenkoj voditsej and have received 30 minutes of a divine after-dinner dream!

Further us parking in a picturesque bay, in the neighbourhood with a Turk-fisher waited. This evening, at supper the group has started singing! Basically Barbara more precisely sang, and all the others echoed or simply listened. 10 day was very easy: from one beach, we have got over on another. After bathing and reception of equal sunburn, we were waited by a celebratory supper at a fire, at last fire in our campaign which has joined local «the child of mountains».

11 day is a local market where I was bought lukumom, a brynza, etc. food stocks; these are ruins of the ancient city of Fesalisa, with its beaches and tenkom in wood; this arrival in Antalia, placing in guest house with quite good numbers. All the evening long has left on survey of local sights and dokupki souvenirs. There was a celebratory, farewell buffet table at night.

Morning has begun 12 days with a breakfast, farewell to a part of group and departure in the airport of Antalia. Check in, passport control have passed quickly. The desire of Svety to clean djuti fri was passed everything as illness an air-drop way, and we, having given in to a fever, have rushed off to devastate djuti fri! Happy, with the sealed bags in hands, we have sat down in the plane and without excesses have reached Kiev.
On posledok.
I am glad that was the participant of the given campaign: has seen colourful landscapes of Turkey the eyes, has got acquainted with interesting and versatile people.
Whether on a question «it is necessary to go?» Unequivocally it is impossible to answer, each person will objectively answer this question itself in past tense =))) But that it is necessary to try to descend on this route it is unequivocal!

P.S.: I want to tell many thanks to our instructors to Cyril and the Sachet for the good organisation of a campaign, and to all participants of a campaign respect and uvazhuha, and as a heap-heap of smilies!!! ;)
The text - Nina Kajgorodtseva, Moscow.
Photo - Kirill Yasko, Kiev.