Scarlet noses and calloused heels
the Response about trekking tour " Scarlet sails " on May, 2-7nd 2010.From the Moscow ring highway up to Klementyev's mountain - 1501 km and 22 hours of driving. From Klementyev's mountain up to Koktebel - at all 15 minutes on a straight line, and six days of a way on a cross-country terrain. Time and space are relative - is proved by " Scarlet sails ».
The desire to descend(go) in a hike(trekking tour) across East Crimea was issued, as soon as it became known, that across East Crimea hikes(trekking tours) in general are possible(probable). Not радиалки-somethings ephemeral, and high-grade hikes(trekking tours), days on five-six and more than on 70 km of a way.
« Scarlet sails » became opening. First of all - east part polustorova Crimea. I knew its(her) steppe, dry, burnt the sun and flat, as bljudtse. But every day the nature noticeably varied. Day the first: a usual Central European forest belt, a long way on rather equal surface, a panorama of " the Meteoric shower of memoirs » - but unless it is possible to compare it(her) on to kinds with ah-петринской jajly to Yalta, scope Karadaga? No, certainly: here more and more flat and any chamber, house. We have found(considered), that the road and further will be equal and predicted - and were mistaken. For the second day violence of colors(flowers) has begun: dandelions, small white asterisks and pansies, irises, poppies and, at last, peonies. Large, juicy, малиново-red, they impudently grew near to tracks and near parking. And in fact in Southern to Crimea we hunted on them, as on a miracle.
Among young beeches it is proud there is monastery Surb-Хач. razgovorilis with the prior: it has appeared, that from this year the monastery became operating(working). On the one hand, it is an occasion for pride. With another - it is(are) annoyed, that the part of group has not got inside because of barefaced kolenok. Have typed(collected) tasty water - and have moved further, to for a long time not operating(working) Surb-Степаносу. Ideas - and again about involuntary comparison however(as)-or significant constructions of Southern and East Crimea in passing come. JUBK - kommertsializirovannyj and more … secular, whether that. East - skrytnyj, silent. Not everything, that is of value, is shined(covered) and teems with idle people.
Day the third - Frenk Mezer and a tremendous kind from it(him). To admit, I too thought, that this name of visiting not too successful revolutionary. About the revolutionary - hardly, but ex-stalemate Frenk all the same had appeared: in translation(transfer) with the name of mountain « tomb of the stranger » nobody a classic language means. Meanwhile, even from the location of a hole under a funeral box of Tauris are visible terrasirovannye slopes of mountains. We are surrounded with steppe, with the unsteady stony ground more similar to a mix of sand and fine kameshkov. But - carried on heights, so looking(appearing), as ozhivshy the textbook of geography.
Further - Krasnokamenka and infernal descent(release) to it(her). Some parts of a body have learned(have found out) a familiar Crimean landscape. At least - have densely got acquainted with stones and branches. We were overtaken by participants of a marathon “ex-Крым”. The present(true) universal soldiers, hard breathing, overtook us and fine lynx disappeared in woods. Stages with navigation and driving on bicycles were coming them. And to us - a tasty supper.
Day the fourth - descents(releases) and rises, mountain-rhinoceros, file echki-сбъб and people, is a lot of people! For a little bit quiet « wood and mountain » days we have absolutely weaned from a plenty of tourists. And here - high-grade parking: both schoolboys, and enthusiasts-походники, and beginning(starting) hippies - who only was not. Surprised, we observed of a human ant hill. But it is more - for loshadmi on a slope and a is bright-pink decline on slope echki-сбъб.
Day the fifth - long road along the sea and a trip on a boat to Koktebel. People have greedy rushed to water - and already with other cries back: the sea has not had time to get warm yet. However four have risked to be expiated and swim for a while, the others have symbolically washed legs(foots).
We have exceeded the program and have decided to go further, to settlement Ordzhonikidze. Last parking was directly on a beach, and was fallen asleep under sounds of a surf is simply remarkable.
the Present(True) acquaintance took place in the evening of the first day, at a fire. We at last have made out each other, and have then arranged « snow whom ». It is very simple and effective game from an arsenal of social workers: the first participant names the name and than it(he) is engaged. Its(his) neighbour all over again repeats a name and a speciality of the previous person, and then tells the same about itself. The following participant should repeat already two "structures" before own - and so on a circle.
It has appeared, that the group consists from: the circus performer holding balance on a knife blade, and it(him) assistentki; the engineer-metrologist, and nowadays "guide"; the fighter with AIDS; senior pupils; the programmer and the admirer of cycling; the geodesist-заочника; the former designer of rocket engines; the manager on purchases of bulbs; the civil servant; the zoologist; the architect and a couple of organizers of night games of action in Moscow. Themes for conversations were instantly.
That during all hike(trekking tour) to people was pleasant to talk with each other, and after a hike(trekking tour) - to meet and adjust(meet and set up) the joint plans, dear(expensive) costs(stands).
By and large, them was three: callouses, ticks and caterpillars(tracks). With footwear resolutely has not carried a quarter of group. Checked up in fights trekkingovye boots and easy(light) sandals mercilessly rubred, and I shall give a little have got smart callouses. Despite of special plasters, callouses inexpressibly enriched impressions of rises (greetings, heels!) and descents(releases) (hello, fingers!).
Ticks - creations much more primitive. This sort first representatives we have met already at descent(release) from besedki (« the Meteoric shower of memoirs »), the second and participants removed the subsequent from trousers or legs(foots). Anybody has not undergone to a severe attack, but, probably, ticks only fulfilled on us the receptions, and following pedestrians should prepare for high-grade protection.
Caterpillars(Tracks) of steel my personal misfortune. Above mostly tracks on which the group went from the third till the fifth days, richly hung branches of trees. Naturally, everyone going touched them. And how many the person went before me - one or ten - from branches on me the spineless green and brown landing landed.
Them a little, they up to a disgrace are banal, but nevertheless can help(assist):
* the height of mountain, and speed of a set or loss of height is important not;
* it is better to check up in good time long circulation marching obuvku;
* trekkingovye a stick - friends kolenej;
* do not neglect means from sunburn. When the wind (and at tops it(he) blows constantly) blows, the leather(skin) does not feel, it(she) has received what doze of a ultraviolet. Does not feel, that has burnt slightly. Only in the evenings I understood, that from a nose and hands it is possible to get a light;
* the person of the leader of group, "conductor" is extremely important. To us has largly carried: Cyril's position on all questions at issue was clear from the very beginning, all necessary information stood out portsionno and to a place. Even a food allowance, contrary to already habitual system of watches, Cyril has incured and strictly observed the approved(confirmed) menu. Thus approach and help(suit and help;approach and assist;suit and assist) at desire everyone could;
* the great value has structure of group. How much pleasantly and comfortably to be near to these people, to help(assist) them, easier(simply) to see their person(face) in the mornings. Here to us too has inexpressibly carried.
… And East Crimea nevertheless is useless to compare with Southern. It(he) simply another. It needs to be realized, accepted … and to walk around it(him;them) with a backpack, the good company and huge pleasure.
Olga Pugach at Dmitry Timoshkina's support and Hopes Kuraninoj, Moscow