The plan of a hike(trekking tour):
1 day. Antalia, Gojnjuk, a canyon of Harmony.

Distance: 8 km. Ascent: 200 m.
2 day. Ovachik, foothills Gjuzelkatran.

Distance: 16 km. Ascent: 600 m.
3 day. Gedelme, JAjlakuzdere.

Distance: 12 km. Ascent: 300 m.
4 day. Mountain the Olympus - Tahtaly.

Distance: 10 km. Ascent: 1200 m.
5 day. Bejchik, Ulupinar, the Chimera

Distance: 14 km. Ascent: 100 m, dump of height: 1500 m.
6 day. CHiraly, Mediterranean sea, Olimpos, mountain Musa

Olimpos - a huge complex of antique ruins which will please us with Lycian sarcophagi, the Greek theatre, the Roman gate, the Genoa fortress. B all this in present(true) turkish jungle. Water from everywhere flows, streams run into the river, the river in the sea, and the sea... The sea calls and attracts. The main thing to not forget, that up to a lodging for the night to us 7 more km across and 700 meters upwards (we go on mountain Musa).
Distance: 11 km. Ascent: 700 m.
7 day. Adrasan, turkish camels,

Distance: 12 km. Ascent: 400 m.
8 day. Cape Gelidonija, the Beacon.
the Cape Gelidonija is the present(true) edge(territory) of light, for which only a couple of islands and boundless Mediterranean sea. We shall bypass cape on perimeter on a track winding among enormous boulders and fragrant southern needles. And we become on a lodging for the night on the most southern extremity of cape, nearby to a lonely beacon in the evening.
Distance: 10 km. Dump of height: 130 m.
9 day. Karaoz, Mavikent.
On other party(side) of cape there is a huge bay. Along its(her) coast we also shall go. Some times there will be an opportunity to approach(suit) to water (certainly to be expiated). Our purpose for today - settlement Mavikent.
Distance: 14 km. Dump of height: 160 m.
10 day. Kumlucha, Antalia
Since the morning we shall start "to get out". First it will be necessary to reach autostation in the city of Kumlucha (tomato paradise, hothouse capital) .ottuda by the bus we shall go to Antalia. There we shall settle down on a lodging for the night in one of campings, and the rest of day we shall spend for survey of " old city " - narrow ulochki, souvenir shops and the stunned kind on mountains which we have grown fond.
11 day. The plane.
We go to the airport, we are registered(recorded), we depart (who wants - can remain).
The probability of is great that we shall pass(shall take place) the pedestrian part of a route more quickly, than is written in this plan. Then at us will be two variants: to become with tents in any silent bay and to relax on the sea, or prodozhit movement on the West on the Lycian track. Believe to me, there still is on what to look.
Понравился маршрут?
Cost of round: 1600 griven (7500 roubles)
Payment by cash in the end of a hike(trekking tour).
Into cost of round enters: three meals a day on a route, services of the instructor, the medical insurance.
Into cost of round does not enter: the turkish visa ($30), flight there-back ($250), visiting of paid sights ($20-30), crossings(moving) across Turkey ($40), a feed(meal) at restaurants, residing at campings and shelters ($30). All the above-stated prices are rather approximate.
Flight to Antalia and back.
Below perechislenny flights of airline Vizzejr ( "suitable" to the declared schedule of a hike(trekking tour). For certain there are also other variants. Let's search together. Especially interest Moscow loukostery and charter-parties (we in fact invite in a hike(trekking tour) across Turkey not only kievljan and ukraintsev).
* there - on May, 17th, Borispol - Antalia, a start in 6 mornings, the price: 1149 grn + 173 grn (luggage)
* back - on May, 28th, Antalia - Borispol, a start at 9:25, the price: 459 grn + 173 grn (luggage)
Pay attention what to pay for luggage in advance (through the Internet), in 2 times is cheaper, than at the airport (173 grivnas instead of 356).
Conditions of round.
For a trip to Turkey the passport is necessary! The visa give out directly at the airport of Antalia for 2 minutes and 30 dollars.
All lodgings for the night are planned in tents though in some cases, at desire, it is possible to settle down in shelters or gesthauzah. The Great bulk of the foodstuffs we carry to Turkey with themselves. On a place there will be an opportunity dokupat fruit, sweet, bread, dairy products or in general to eat at restaurants (at least 1 time in 3 days).
The instructor reserves the right to itself to make changes to a route depending on weather, conditions of group and other factors. The Lycian track at present is an experimental route, with all following consequences.
Additional materials
* the List of equipment - for a hike(trekking tour) across Turkey the same, as for years(summer) Crimea.
Card(Map) of a route " the Lycian track "