Children of the nature
Eventually, mountains also are created for that,To show the person as the dream can look(appear).
- Well and what leshego you there have forgotten? I thought, perebesilas already … Really in a year you have enough close dialogue with the nature of times? In fact was in Crimea in the summer in this hike(trekking tour), in the end of June like?... peredyshish oxygen, you can be sure of that … do not forget, detka, we now more likely Homo Urbanus, than children of the nature … Well you are silent? Do not anger me!
- Lag behind, I gather … Will stir(prevent), again I shall forget something, and suddenly it will appear strategically important everything and what then to do(make)? You Will be guilty …
- No, it is intolerable simply! Still me and guilty do(make), naglezh! And tell-ка to me, I that, in vain last week have increased nails, we in fact like were going for sea to jerk?... mmm, well all right, you are right, certainly, it I gathered, but nevertheless … can will change the mind still?
- I shall bring to you shishku, ok?
- Och.milo from your party(side). ha-ха … I shall make then an ikebana on NG …
- And still I shall bring a few a mountain wind, blinking of stars in the бархатно-dark blue sky, captivating aroma of late grasses, shrill blue of any unknown colors(flowers) similar to handbells, the smell of the fire which has impregnated hair … As to you perspektivka? Does not attract? And can with me all the same?
- Well-well (ironically) … also I shall be nails from bears and badgers to beat off, yes?
- Poor bears …

No, it not conversation of two girlfriends, enough different on attitude and interests … Is a small internal monologue which arises in a head practically at each beginning(starting) tourist which process of transformation into "tourist-chronicle" has begun, and this process is irreversible enough …
It(He) is characterized by occurrence in a lexicon infetsiruemogo specific words - karimat (аka penka), a kettle, "chpok", travers, radially … development(manufacture) of conditioned reflexes at commands(teams) "fire wood", « behind water », "halt", « drag raisin », « army tushenka » (caresss hearing) … occurrence in a wardrobe of " breathing socks » (to me have got decent nosochki, at night did not snore, did not disappear anywhere), flisov and red raincoats-понч (the last differ nasty character since at enough big cost have not served the mistress never) … Voobshchem, process has gone …

But here, after an impressing victory over languidly resisting reason, the backpack has been packed resolutely and irrevocably, all necessary has been taken, the most necessary zapihnuto at the last minute, and vesch № 1 - the spoon - is safely forgotten houses (unreliable traitress). As the true chocolate addict, I have not forgotten to be reserved in road my favourite ROSHENoм though it is necessary to admit, in chocolate of lack was not, that should please … (thanks Glory including for it)
Ivano-Frankovsk … station … a meeting of group … a mistrustful identification of ours pionervozhatogo which the photo sent by Cyril, has disguised up to unrecognizability … And here after an hour trip with drinking on a course of any exotic very tasty wine (pasibki Oljam!), eating of the German chocolate, the first acquaintance with each other, examining of landscapes from a window marshrutki, children of the nature (we) at last have arrived there where we should arrive - village Green …
At distribution of products the Destiny on behalf of Glory has disposed so, that I became the Keeper of Strategically important Product - a national Ukrainian drug - Bacon (Bacon Usual, Bacon with Red Pepper, Bacon Green Suspicious which has been destroyed first of all). Thus, I have automatically passed in the category of a valuable member of group …
And then there was a hike(trekking tour) …

The first found blackberry, then more and more, languages at all dark blue as at the chow-chow, unless tails not povilivaem from delight …
… greens polonin and mountains, such it is shrill emerald, that you feel any leprekonom in the center of Ireland, looking sprjatannye treasures, but there is no, this all " Made in Ukraine ", and these treasures around of you and inside of you, it is necessary to see simply them ….

… in a tasty transparency of autumn air …

… in drops of dew on fur-tree paws, in whitish silkiness of an autumn grass in which there live surprising кобальтово-dark blue flowers, and it seems, that they here blossom the year round, even in the winter …
… in disorder of a wild shaggy Урра-wood (triple hurrah to Glory that has dragged us there) … there a moss, a moss which softness will be envied by any Persian cat, it would be desirable to iron and caress it(him) … but it(he) is artful …

… in cool fogs on karpatskih poloninah and silent rzhanii the local half-civilized mustangs carelessly shaking the silky manes … handsome men
… in transparent-pastel paints of the pre-dawn sky above natural boundary Baked, such fine, that presses heart and think: « That so it is beautiful, My God … »

In the practical plan has been drawn a conclusion that it is not necessary zhabitsja to take and still with itself spare footwear, as well as I advise clever people … .т.к. To go in crude krossovkah to children of the nature was och.neprijatno … yes, and it is more than socks … and « mountain tea »

Also it is not necessary to trust especially to unfamiliar gluttons as they have a unpleasant habit to steal up to a potential victim from a back and without demand to eat away a brain, that not so that is polite from its(her) party(side)...
And in a hike(trekking tour) I was expected with gastronomic opening! Though firstly the brain denied even a theoretical opportunity of existence of a similar miracle - a boiled rice with raisin and various east seasonings, solenenkaja … All this has put passed(took place) under the code name « Uzbek plov » (for a full picture of the world there was no only the wild barberry growing on slopes of Carpathians). In general, Glory was engaged in expansion of our consciousness and it is successful enough …

So was beautifully, cheerfully, interestingly, it is tasty, well and pleasantly... As Artem, « simply megatin » … Soul would tell and a body continuation Marlezonskogo of ballet … Up to fast meetings … demand
Z.Y. It would be desirable to thank sincerely all children for a good atmosphere, vzaimopodderzhku and the pleasant company. Thanks you, Оля+Оля (our Moscow couple), Andrey, Artem, Folkmar and Doroteja, Anka and Svetka, Family. Separate respekt to Glory …
Svetlana Prishchenko, Odessa 2009.