Acquaintance from within
Written by Виктория Погодина из Донецка
Somehow so happens, that, constantly upholstered not too far from Crimea, I there practically never was. The desire to fill this blank was for a long time, but all somehow did not develop. But time went, the summer came nearer, and together with it(him) and the opportunity is a little to have a rest. The idea to lead the short holiday, overturning with a side sideways on any beach, let and in Crimea, at me did not cause enthusiasm. I would like to receive the greatest possible quantity(amount) of impressions for minimally short time interval. More shortly, it would be desirable a miracle. « Be afraid of the desires, they are executed. » The well-known phrase which has come from time immemorial, as a result appears filled by secret sense. And has occured(happened). It is necessary to tell, what the person I офисно-house, romantik, I travel basically on the Internet (and how people managed it(him) earlier?). Here on its(his) immense open spaces I also have come on The idea to get acquainted with Crimea really, without everyones navorotov to a civilization has seemed to me very attractive. The present(true) acquaintance from within. Besides at once solved a question with equipment and fellow travellers: the equipment could be taken for rent, that is very convenient, and groups were made by organizers from same, as well as I, adventurouses. As time has shown, Cyril was right, when has told: « Bad people do not go to hikes, at them other hobbies ».

Our conductor, Andrey, in bright red oblachenii (that we could not be lost even if would want) has vigorously walked forward on a footpath, inspecting vicinities and as far as possible answering our numerous questions. Having set up on ourselves potjazhelevshie backpacks, we guskom have moved after. All was new To me and it is interesting - landscapes constantly replacing each other impressed with the beauty and greatness, from time to time I forgot about weight of a backpack.
We went along the Black river, upstream. The footpath was twisted on the present(true) tropical wood, continually it was necessary to allocate(remove) aside branches hanging above it(her), trunks of trees were opleteny lianes. The fast mountain small river some times should be waded, day was hot and cold water pleasantly invigorated. The first halt was at us on a wood glade. As the improvised table the big mossy boulder has served. Have quickly built sandwiches which have seemed very tasty.))) Were smeared with the potions, called to frighten off curious hungry insects (it is interesting and whom they eat when tourists nearby are not present?) also have moved further. From time to time the track almost disappeared, it was necessary to clamber through blockages, to rise on rocky ledges, helping(assisting) each other.

And there was a thunder-storm at night. I was woken with a thunder. Never I spent the night in such small tent open-air. Even it seemed, that it(she) proceeds. I lay, a rain barabanit on an awning, rattles, and around - only trees and rocks. I think: « What to do(make) now? And suddenly tent will fill in? Or smoet? It is necessary then to get out, certainly, all will be wet, and to be dried there is no place, fire to plant, things to rescue(save) … .spat it is not necessary at all, and tomorrow to go it is necessary, so much interesting ahead … I Shall have a sleep-ка better still is sensitive, while all will not fill in finally … » Has fallen asleep and has overslept till the morning. The rain has filled in nothing, things which from a rain under an awning have not hidden have got wet only.

Surprisingly: first the channel of the river was absolutely dry. We were perplexed - where water has got to? Have gone(send) upstream if so it is possible to be expressed when currents are not present in general. Gradually, in process of movement, began to come across tiny vodoemchiki in deepenings between stones, and soon zazhurchali and cool jets Uzundzhi. When we have stopped on a lodging for the night, the river not much more conceded on size Black, and current was silnim. All the same till now it is interesting to me, where all this water disappears? Near a cave "Uzundzha" Andrey has hidden klad. While to a hike has not gone, at all did not suspect about existence of such game - for modern kladoiskatelej. Details I shall not describe here to Whom it is interesting, ask Andrey, it seems to me, it(he) will better tell.

Having armed with small lamps, have gone down in a vault. Coldly and syro. Wooden a step, begun to rot from a cold and a moisture. Legs(foots) slide, therefore it is necessary to go down cautiously. From a ceiling stalactites hang down, droplets of water flash brilliants in a view of our small lamps. Long it is(are) not late - without warm things nevertheless here long to not stay, and it is got out on a surface to the sun, to get warm. Next time we do(make) a small respite on a survey platform. Above us rise Skajurju - Kaja and sedam-¬бn (Eagle zalet). We meet pair having a rest, too have got to admire opening kinds, examine us with curiosity. Begins nakrapyvat a fine rain. « Children(guys), are not present superfluous tent? » - somewhere quickly retire.
Today we have seen from above the Grand Canyon - impressing show. From here it is possible to observe, how slowly float clouds, clinging the translucent loose overalls trees on slopes, or at all hiding itself tops of flat mountains.
Have reached lake Jusupovskogo and have hidden one more klad. At bottom of a rock - a cave "Yellow" from which beats a spring. Water pure(clean), transparent and very cold. We fill up our stocks. And again in a way - to a falls « Silver jets ». It(he) knowingly so refers to - surprisingly beautiful place. Strujki waters alive silver will run with porosshej a moss of a rock, it is possible to admire very long this show, listening to whisper of a wood and noise of falling water. Local residents equipped here a viewing platform - the footpath is laid out wooden krugljakami, and a platform all from brevnyshek. Beautifully. But when there is a rain - very much skolzko if it is fair.)))

But nevertheless we this day send(have left) later. Near Blue lake have met group Tarasa is the second group gone on this route. Actually, we have not seen the group, only most Tarasa and it is a lot of backpacks. Having exchanged greetings, we move further, upwards. And here before us the Grand Canyon. It is very good, that we have passed(have taken place) one canyon to a bottom, and another - on top. Absolutely different impressions. The majestic kind opens from height of the bird's flight. You cost(stand) on edge(territory) - the spirit grasps! As you will think …. What the person in this world? Peschinka … These rocks so much all were seen … by Us walked on roads which were built still by ancient Romans! And how many will see still …
Passed stream jokogan-ЯТ and have stopped on parking bash-сСУС. This day we have passed(have taken place) a little and have early stopped on a lodging for the night. The place wonderful, very picturesque, warmed the sun. After a night bad weather with pleasure sunbathed, were dried. The river has formed natural baths in these places, children(guys) with pleasure lapped in cold water.
With bash-сСУС we send(have left) on Ah-»СФУїЎЯ¬ТЇ jajlu and have risen on Bald mountain. Steep slopes and descents(releases) any more was not, to go it was easy(light). Along a footpath through listiki the ripe wild strawberry, pahlo needles and chabretsom looked through. On Bald mountain mobile communication(connection), at last, was found out, there was an opportunity to communicate with native, close - any time all talked, the mini-public telephone booth has turned out!))))

We have bypassed the Ai-Petri the party(side) and have gone(send) to the Tatar wall where Andrey one more klad has hidden, apparently, last in this hike. Speak, this wall have constructed in Middle Ages that sheeps did not leave from pastures to the sea, were not broken from abrupt coast. For a long time already there are no either sheeps, or nomads, there was only a wall. And places beautiful!
To search klady in such krasotishche - for continuous pleasure! Even air another! raznotravem, nagretym as a stone, and something(something else) pleasantly smells, probably, by sea.) we send(have left) on a survey platform - to look at Yalta: it(she) is looked from such height, as toy. The sea up to the horizon, shouts chaek, the ocean liner has stood at a mooring - from here reminds model for a collecting - at increase details are looked through all. Having had a rest and having admired the opened kinds, we move to round. To parking "Kosh" where we stop on a lodging for the night.
Parking is surrounded by magnificent beeches. It is a little in the party(side) - a spring. Here once there was a watering place for sheeps. Lesenkoj are established(installed) on a slope downwards a little korytets. Water the cascade will run in them and directs further downhill. Stood in rare bushes zajka darts off at my approach(approximation). Was frightened.
In the evening we have made unusual tea: in a kettle have lowered(omitted) limonnik and a sage, it has turned out it is very tasty, and aroma simply shaking(amazing;tremendous)! It was our last lodging for the night in a hike. All have gathered in a circle of near silently crackling fire, talked, prihlebyvaja fragrant chaek, sang and laughed. Wonderful evening.)

Crimea - a unique place! I am very glad, that have got acquainted with it(him) thus. Also has met remarkable people! At us the group has stolen up very good, amicable and cheerful. As I the first time travelled with a backpack, advice(councils) of skilled travellers were simply necessary! Thanks big, children(guys), you have very much helped(assisted) me! And separate thanks organizers of a hike! Owing to them all of us have lead some unforgettable days and have got acquainted with each other! And Irinke - at me with itself the camera was not, only the chamber so we have communicated.
Huge greetings all participant of a hike! Acquaintance from within - remarkable rest! I recommend all!
Victoria Pogodin from Donetsk