Gathering in a hike
Written by Ирина Голубева из КиеваGathering in a hike, I have tortured organizers a heap of questions. The main thing that it would be desirable to clear for itself - that means a high level of complexity. Whether it is surmountable for office worker, sports in the remote past. Possible(probable) heat and lack of meal, structure of our group still(even) frightened. Muchali ideas, instead of whether to descend(go) from a route of day through three …. And now about all and under the order Choosing we with the girlfriend have firmly solved holiday, that we:
* we wish to be in Crimea, on the sea, but we do not wish to lay simply on a beach.
* we want physical activity))
* we wish to have a rest from people, noisy city and mobile communication(connection)
And, by means of our friends from Moscow suburbs (to be exact from Balashikha), we have learned(have found out) about organizers of hikes - and have decided to choose a route « Above the sea ».
Our route ran in clouds, we have begun Wuchang-Су from a falls and send(have left) to Laspi.
Further the first supper, acquaintance and a lodging for the night with a kind to night Yalta celebrating the constitution day of Ukraine.
Further it was easier. The Roman road has surprised with the duration. The pair the person from group was twisted with legs(foots), but stojko continued the way - covered by ointment and rolled up in elastic bandage.
It is a little about group - our group has turned out very amicable, we have quickly found common language. And it(she) consisted of children(guys) from Peter, Moscow, Balashikha, Ekaterinburg and Kiev! Therefore we have simply relaxed and have taken pleasure in dialogue, in fact « bad people do not go to hikes, at them other hobbies » (the author - Cyril Jasko).
It is a lot of about meal: as our conductor has told: « you strange group - you go much, drink much, but eat a little! ». We did not have a lack of meal. All ate with the additive and it is very tasty! For what many thanks to Andrey - to a conductor and the culinary specialist! We have refused tablets of sugar and dry milk, and here a pie have built - from the condensed milk and cookies which has not sustained some halts.
During halts we have collected fragrant Crimean grasses and in the evenings drank(saw) remarkable teas. For those who never ate in a hike, I put photos of dishes of a mobile kitchen and the main device in a hike - a ложко-вилко-knife))

Besides we had a radio - Radio " Balashikha-ха-ха " which announcers contacted participants of a hike, informed on weather, news of day, spent interrogations about a state of health and mood of participants.
Way home from Laspi. We send(have left) to people and have asked the machine(car) up to Sevastopol. The machine(car) it was necessary to wait for 20 minutes. So we have again returned to the world - the world with hours, monetary attitudes(relations), strange people … there was time, and in mountains we about it(him) did not reflect. While we waited, pining with heat and bad music at a stall, the forester has approached(suited). It(he) had a small truck for transportation of fire wood. We have asked to throw us up to a line. As a result have saved a heap of money for a taxi and have swept in a body with a breeze. One more bright moment in an album of our memoirs.
And still in Laspi to us there was surprising kindness a person who lives at the sea from April till October. It(he) meets different people, helps(assists) them, shares the experience, opens eyes fortunately. It(him) every morning begins with shout chaek, it(he) inhales a salty wind and a smell of needles, it(he) lives Crimea and radiates happiness.
Who did not try(taste) - try(taste)! The charge of energy and productive leisure is guaranteed! Huge greetings to all participants of our group!
Irina Golubeva, Kiev 2009