What there is a hike to Crimea?
Written by Алексей Добрунов из Харькова Day 1 - the Hike is acquaintance.Weather was marching - cloudy and without a rain. Not zharko also it is not stuffy. Let under forecasts we were waited somewhere in a way with a rain, but could in fact carry by? What is the forecasts, when here they, mountains, so beside. The tops shrouded by clouds, picturesque valleys, as on a palm. "Mirror" of lake in the distance is seen.
Impressions of the first day of a hike - such acquaintance. Only just you get used to a burden: you feel each kg of excess weight in a backpack, its(his) nonideal form. You estimate(appreciate) convenience of footwear, the forces on steep slopes. That, tolerantly. But at the first case from a backpack you try to get rid.
The weariness rolls by the third o'clock of walking. Night in a train, litre of coffee, famine is felt. Has put already along toward evening, hour four, it is not less. Semenych throws us in last transition - storm of abrupt top. There we would break camp. But somewhere in the middle, on a slope, we red from the blood flowed to cheeks, sweated, meet other tourists - on horses. Five or six person quickly pass by us, and only last, very nice girl it is disseminated looks at us and smiles. Its(her) smile is remembered. It(she) is complex(difficult) for describing words: it is pleasant to it(her), that we tired, and it(she) on a horse. In its(her) eyes there is no boasting or any hanzhenstva. A unusual smile.
Here and a halt. We break camp, we make a supper, we collect brushwood, we bring water. Then we walk, we are photographed, have fun. I get the litre of beer which has dragged on this top. With each step the price of this beer has grown up to improbable! ha-ха, but what tasty in mountains:)
Day 2 - the Hike is work.
" … I taki shall dare to inform: each employee should have a holiday. And during all this three-week holiday the employee does not exist. It(he) on other end of the Earth, Mars, or in the next world! Not looking that you precisely know that it(he) sits the at home and watches TV is not your dog business, it(he) for you has died exactly for three weeks. And even if you without it(him) start to yell(be ruined) and will be compelled(forced) to start up to yourself a bullet in a temple is not its(his) business, you have no right to disturb it(him) on similar trifles "
- At me the tooth was ill and I go to the doctor. The pain drives mad. But the doctor suddenly is developed(unwrapped) and refuses to accept me - whether at it(him) sees the working day has ended! The programmer, the leader of the project, has a rest on the sea, and at office all sypetsja. To it(him) call: Serega, help(assist). It(he) refuses.
Whether has the right the programmer to deny assistance to the colleagues, and the doctor - to the patient?
Conscience will prompt the answer: no, cannot give up.
I would tell on other - "can". Believe, if someone has called to me from work and would ask the help (-Leha, here the structure has dropped out what to do(make)? …), I would tell directly and under the text:
- Go эр§#щ with the structure.
We in mountains, the horse-radish knows where. The snow here lays, the rain is replaced only by a hailstones. The wind breaks a raincoat. Below a belt(zone) all vymoklo through. Hands wet. All wet. All, to hell, wet. And behind a back an enormous backpack. Also there is you all time not directly, and upwards - downwards. Run about on stupenkam with 1-st on 16 floor and back, would look on how many you will suffice.
Also take a word. Problems of an external world, a problem of work for you cease to exist. In city you get under a rain, at you the left finger - here a pancake has become wet, you are annoyed. But you even cannot imagine, that the got wet boot is such trifle as compared we have gone through there, on anonymous slopes Demerdzhi (for me anonymous, names at them are:)). There, in mountains you think simple concepts - when to end a rain, how to put tent under a rain, how to be warmed, where to take dry things. And in fact a backpack vymok through - both a sleeping bag, and spare trousers and a sweater.
Also it would be desirable to tell pair kind words about Semenyche. At times under weight fallen down it would be desirable to stop. It was read in each sight. But is not present, our guidebook simply went forward. It(he) goes and goes, without superfluous words. And we behind it(him) went and went. Probably therefore we also could not give in to a panic, could pass(take place) six hours on end under an incessant rain.
If this day the sun shone, would be dry and warmly, we hardly could understand simple true: in fact it is necessary for happiness of all so a little. Here it, perhaps, also is the answer to a question " that there is a hike? ": test for durability;).
Day 3 - the Hike is a holiday.
The third day met with ideas: eh, still denek, and then - home. Alas. We have left(abandoned) parking, and have started to go down, to General. To a finishing point of a route. Also know that? It would not be desirable to get rid of a backpack as soon as possible Any more - so it(he) became native. It would be desirable to go, go, go. Let a snow, a rain, a wind, nothing is already terrible.
On the sea we were expiated. Do not represent, what pure(clean), fresh sea in May. Beautiful, let and cold. Have drunk(cut) the Crimean wine for " a holiday of a life ". And were already loaded into a train in the evening.
Thanks everyone who went a beside: to the instructor, children(guys), little girls. You good fellows. With you it is possible to go to investigation. We have said goodbye very quickly. Whether we shall meet still who knows?
Alexey Dobrunov
Kharkov, on May, 8th 2009.