Recollecting a youth
Written by Антон Гвоздиков, Сумы
About a hike from July, 31st till August, 1st 2008г.
Mountains... Crimea... Attempts to recollect when I was last time in Crimea in what do not result(bring). Memory gives out result - more than 20 years and further to work refuses. Only vague memoirs on school days when our teacher of physics, the inveterate tourist, drove us in hikes across Crimea and Caucasus each vacation. Since then a lot of water has flowed away...
Canvas tents and wadded sleeping bags were replaced by equipment from easy(light) modern materials, heavy lanterns became weightless and compact, instead of pieces of polythene with which we covered ourselves and tents from a rain, there were waterproof raincoats-пончо and covers for backpacks. To be equipped in a hike it became easier and easier, would be money.
Real relax.
My wife very much loves the sea, adores to bathe and shake on waves. At it(her) an easy(a light) body and it(she) can keep on water hours. I, in general, too certainly love the sea, but I start to go to a bottom if constantly I do not move with hands, therefore on long bathings I do not suffice. To lay on a beach boringly up to chertikov... And when at us in it(this) to year it is has reached(is cunning) planning summer holiday and the wife has suggested to lead week-other on the sea, I became lopatit the Internet in searches of inspiration for where to move.
On me has hooked for a site where various routes of hikes across Crimea upon termination of which just it was possible otkisnut some days on a beach in any resort small town were offered. I have thought, that it is quite good idea - to descend(go) in a hike, to visit mountains, to recollect a youth, and upon termination of my wife will take pleasure in beach rest. It is told-is made, I write these lines already upon termination of a hike, sitting in the mornings in a garden on surburb Alushty where we have removed(have taken off) a small small house, admiring a kind of mountains from which we have gone down several days ago.
Now I shall tell to you as has passed(has taken place) our hike. First there was a correspondence with Cyril, filling of the questionnaire, a choice of a route (Water and Stones), the coordination of a place and time of a meeting. Tickets to Simferopol have been bought(purchased) in advance, that was acknowledgement(confirmation) of our participation in a hike. From equipment we had only a backpack and two kovrika, the rest - tent, sleeping bags and the second backpack has been decided to take for rent, the blessing such opportunity is given by organizers of a hike. On a site there is a list of equipment which needs to be taken with myself in a hike, very detailed which I tried to adhere. Now, when a hike already behind, I can tell that the list very exact, it is made with skill, and I recommend to take all that there is written as much as possible precisely though if you only are going to try(taste) the forces in a hike which on what can be saved, I shall mention it(this) on a course of the story.
Day the first. A meeting.
Our train from Sumy was late for an hour, on road all time there was a rain, the mood fell. Have called to our conductor to Andrey, have informed on a delay of a train, the group waited for us at station, as a result instead of eleven hours we have got under way in a way only in half first. At station we have received our rolling equipment and the share of products. Have passed by a trolley bus about an hour up to Sosnovka where we have begun the first ascention in mountains on plateau chatyr-сбъб. Rise enough abrupt, with loose stones, that at once became test for unusual legs(foots) to loading and for footwear.
Just before a hike I wished to buy(purchase) good krossovki, but and have not found suitable on quality and the price, but have bought(purchased) for 100 griven on a local market of a sandal in the form of a sole with thongs adjustable in three places. As spare footwear has taken usual gym shoes. As a result has passed(has taken place) all hike in sandals, it was very convenient, of gym shoes changed clothes only sometimes in the evenings when it was a little cool. A unique minus of sandals - wet legs(foots), if in the morning and in the evening dew. We shall return to rise - we went on a so-called Red track which bias for two participants of group has appeared excessive, therefore, not having reached up to a plateau, they have decided to refuse a hike and to go on a beach. Also have correctly made, because there were rises and on more abruptly later.
the Same who has risen on a plateau, were voznagrazhdeny a halt with sandwiches and a small rain. Before a hike we were reserved by pair raincoats poncho with which it is possible to cover itself together with a backpack, time has come to take advantage of them. Fortunately the rain has quickly terminated, and we have set out on a plateau, have typed(collected) waters from a spring and have directed to cave emine-нбїУ-Х«ЯбУ. Excursion on a cave paid, cost 60 grn, plus 10 more grn if wish to photograph. In a cave it is very cold - approximately +5 degrees, but on an input(entrance) it is possible to take for rent warm jackets (2 grn). To pay for photographing it is meaningful, if your camera well removes in darkness or if there is a good flash - in a cave darkly enough. Excursion lasts 1,5 hours, personally the cave has liked me, many beautiful stalactites and stalagmites.
After a cave we have directed on spending the night which has been planned in the Long grotto. When we have reached there, was already absolutely dark also to us it was necessary to break camp in full darkness. Nalobnyj the lantern in such business plays an irreplaceable role. At you hands are free and you can put tent and collect fire wood in full darkness. Unfortunately, I have not bought(purchased) such lantern, at me was usual manual, it was necessary to clamp it(him) in a mouth, directing to the necessary party(side) to put tent. Having broken camp and made a porridge for a supper, we have stayed the night.
Day of the second - From mountain on mountain.
Day has begun with a strong fog, in the morning a grass all wet from dew. To hours to 10-ти the fog has vanished, and there was a sun. Half of group has decided to visit(attend) the Marble cave which under stories is even more beautiful, than emine-нбїУ-Х«ЯбУ. We with the wife have not gone(do not send), have decided to lead simply morning on the nature. The group of beginning(starting) cave explorers has approached(suited) to a grotto and began to train in rises and descents(releases) with equipment. We have observed a little, then began to turn off camp. When we have returned from the Marble cave, we were ready to start on the further way.
the Further route laid on bottom plateau chatyr-сбъб, through Yew gorge after which we were waited with long and very slippery descent(release) to Angarsk pass where we should meet one more new participant of group. Many cheerful meters of this descent(release) have been passed(have been taken place) not on legs(foots), and on the fifth point :)
After pass we have risen on ridge elh-¬бn. On steep slopes and descents(releases) it is very convenient to use palkami. I did not begin to buy trekingovye - they are dear(expensive) enough - has taken from the house old ski, having removed(having taken off) with them rings. Other participants of group selected a stick on district. The second spending the night at us was at mountain Pahkal-Kaja, on very picturesque pine glade, next morning we have not missed an opportunity and have climbed up at top of this mountain, having surveyed amazing kinds of mountains and the seas.
Day the third - Northern Demerdzhi.
Morning has begun with rise on northern slope Demerdzhi, on a narrow footpath on an abrupt hillside. Having risen, we were voznagrazhdeny zhivopisnejshimi kinds of mountain meadows through which our way to descent(release) to falls Dzhur-Джур ran. On road collected wild strawberry, did(made) a halt, were photographed. Descent(release) to a falls abrupt, places meet the stone blockages, the tumbled down trees, all this needs to be overcome.
This day we have reached the falls, having made a decision to stay the night above, approximately in poluchase walkings. At a falls it is a lot of people, and we would like pobyt alone with the nature. On this parking there was a lot of a mountain river water, and the most desperate took baths in niches which form small vodopadiki. Water ice but as it is pleasant to be freshened after day time transition. In the evening - we make a supper, cheerful conversations at a fire, the southern star sky... This parking paid - 12 griven from the person.
Day the fourth - Falls Dzhur-Джур.
have gone down to falls Dzhur-Джур in the Morning, it is full of tourists, noise-din, everyone are photographed, to bathe in a fountain it is forbidden, there is a protection. The falls certainly beautiful, but to people is too much and it spoils all impression. From a falls three person led by a conductor have made a small sortie in village General to correct an oversight which organizers of a hike have admitted(allowed) - have forgotten to supply group with a substitute of sugar. Three days to drink unsweet tea and there is a unsweet porridge not too pleasantly :) a Saccharin our further way has been bought(purchased) also ran through a wood to falls Dzhurla near to which we and have stayed the night.
This parking is probably closer to a civilization, there is a dust is more often, it is not enough fire wood, but a lot of shishek which not bad burn. The falls amazes with the big beauty, water pure(clean), it is possible to drink. Near to a falls there is a height from which fine kinds on mountains and coast open, it is possible to make beautiful photos. It is audible as at night fight of the fox.
Day the fifth - the Valley of Ghosts.
Having had breakfast, we have directed to the Valley of Ghosts - very beautiful and unusual place shaking(amazing) a heap of stones of the freakish form, at the top we have made a halt with perekusom, then it is a lot of nalazivshis on stones. Then to us very picturesque descent(release) to Fune was coming long, complex(difficult), stony, but, to a place of our last spending the night. In the end of descent(release) we were waited with a spring of a youth and the lady raised a payment for visiting of the Valley - 6 grn for the adult and 3 for the child.
Parking lot have chosen near to a spring - a glade with a good bias and slightly filled up by manure. Directly number(line) the place where result(bring) from the sea of tourists to drive on horses. It is a lot of horses, it is even more tourists, cows walk where want, a pure(clean) glade to not find. A glade have cleared away, fire wood have found, at night on camp the horse wanders, sniffs and snores, at daybreak korovki rattle bubentsami, cheerfully :))
Day of the sixth - In Alushtu.
Next morning we have breakfast, we pay off with a conductor and it is moved aside in a line where we are taken away with a trolley bus in Alushtu. Further who where, who in tent to the sea who as we removes habitation. Later it is a little having driven on coast, we saw some campings and simply wild parking of tourists directly nearby exhausting. For example, in fishing an autocamping directly on a beach, 25 grn in day for tent. So if there is a tent, to stay the night on a beach business simple.
The resume.
In spite of the fact that our route has been strongly reduced in comparison by that on a site, physical activity to us was more than enough. Impressions too. With weather has carried - there was not zharko, a rain of all once, and at night sometimes very much even is cool. According to a conductor very picturesquely in Crimea in May when all starts to blossom and there is a fresh greens. In general, sensations only positive, the organization of a hike good, to all I advise to visit mountains of Crimea, to take a breath of this air, to look at this star sky, to have a drink mountain water and upon termination of a hike to be expiated in the sea...
With greetings from Alushta. 8/6/2008
Anton Gvozdikov, Sumy.