I want back to mountains
Written by Лена Дейнека из Киева
Impressions of a hike " East express train " on August, 3rd 2008
The hike begins with station: and if entering on it(him) in native city the hike can seem far and unreal having descended(gone) from a train and having met members of the group of doubt dissipate: the way just about will begin.
The further from a civilization, the the nature seems more cosy. Woods attract the cool, mountains - the magnificent kind opening from tops, steppes on a plateau - the winds wandering on them. This pleasant cooling force! With it(her) much easier and to go. Hair fray(prattle) on a wind, koloski pleasantly tickle legs(foots), it would be desirable to run and jump, and the backpack seems and at all weightless..Moving forward you do not know, that it is possible to expect, where the footpath will deduce(remove) back in steppe, on poljanku or is even deeper in a wood. But when you hear the remote noise of water (and it(him) it is heavy with what or to mix if strongly to love water) to go begins easier and last meters are not left(abandoned) with hope to see it(her), start up also small, but alive running water..
And in pleasure when you see it(her) all is forgotten: heavy rises and abrupt descents(releases), and laying on travke at water and admiring the sun sometimes looking out because of a crone of trees, it would not be desirable anything any more and it seems, for the sake of such moments you will be again and again here to come back.
The way lasts further and on it(him) meets a lot of interesting: to a plenty the nature, to a plenty of creation of the person (as for example a box of the radio operator, a down and monuments) pleases
Next day firstly welcomes us boundless steppes of a mountain plateau. On a way we look in a small cave and we move further. By a dinner we approach(suit) to breakage with which the smartest kind on a reaching valley, small small towns and the sea opens.
That day we should pass(take place) more many still and in the end of last heavy descent(release) shouts "water" sounded especially joyfully, in fact meant rest, so long-awaited by then.
Pure(Clean), cool water of streams pleases improbably. Washing of a head and having watered such vodichkoj well invigorates itself and strongly cheers up. The small canyon with masenkimi, not had time to dry up, vodopadikami and "blossoming" green stones becomes even more attractive in the end when you reach a small falls and a tray in which it is possible will plunge
Step by step, and the sea becomes closer. Soon it already where "comes up" because of rocks is more often and with each turn or rise the remarkable fascinating kind opens. The grass waves waves on a wind and we move further.
Our way ran near to a falls (which we have not forgotten to visit(attend)), and along jets of already warm water going down it(him). It seemed to a plenty, that we are more likely similar on mountain kozlikov, and to jump with kamushka on a stone with backpacks more difficultly doubly. But as a result we have got in a small small village in which have eaten the "neutral(drawn)" plums hanging from street (njam-ням =)) and have found transport up to coast.
The last pair kilometers before parking we stamped along the sea bending around mountain and jumping with one bay in another. And though the favourite water smooth surface in several steps seemed improbable, that here ona-, and we till now were not expiated, our way at all cannot be named boring: for each step it was necessary to look out kamushek (it is desirable steady;)), and other transitions seem such abrupt, that caused congratulations each other with successful passage of one or other site.
Already along toward evening we at last could be bought. Amazingly warm sea, the stunned kind opening in all - from it(him) simply would not be desirable the party(side) vylazit!
As we spent the night this time not in a wood, and near coast at night we could admire stars: they so it is far, but to a plenty looking at them you feel, the world, especially natural is how much fine.... And then come an idea that would not be desirable to come back still at all...
Magnificent dawn, all an increasing solar path, bright patches of light on waves and last joint breakfast. It would not be desirable to trust at all, that there was only last jerk, and all this will end.

At last we manage territory of reserve. We go on footpaths of the Hell and Paradise (the first enables it will be cooled near "magic" gorge, with last opens the stunned kind). Then we go down to a civilization which with each step pleases ever less., again in a way, time and so it would be desirable back in mountains comes to leave the same people who were a number(line) all this week. And though not all there is easy(light): there are rises on which you persuade yourself " still slightly and shall leave ", and behind turn new artful rise disappears, there are descents(releases) on which you do not think more of what, except for as " where more correctly to put a leg(foot) that not pokatitsja head over heels, there are tracks in width in one stop and transitions after which only and is pulled out "uff" …
But in mountains there are such magnificent words, as "halt" or "parking". There are fires and a sit-round gathering near them, there are magnificent kinds and dinners in zhivopisnejshih places; and what meal on a fire! And for the second day huge portions are absorbed with the enormous appetite))
In mountains there are no prejudices and superfluous reserves. And though there strongly you depend on the head and group, the great feeling of freedom and pleasure there soars to be There! On the nature very pleasantly is, and still it(she) gives such remarkable things as teas with grasses, birds flying by close to the ground and it is a lot of many pleasant trifles because of which the life is more sharply and more brightly perceived.
Around any more does not remain anybody from marching comrades, and on a way by the sea and mountains up to Simferopol still it is not trusted, that all has ended. And only having woken up in the morning in a train you understand, that that life already far and seems illusive.
P.S.: I shall not forget this hike as it(he) as if having spread out me on slices and again having collected, has returned to me itself(himself).
Dejneka Lena