Features of a route "Cave towns of Crimea"

According to our informal classification the route "Cave towns of Crimea" is simple. And it is valid, distances here small (it is less 10 km a day), difference of height too is rather insignificant (on the average 300 meters a day, instead of 600 on other routes). The route passes(takes place) on enough rendered habitable district - if necessary it is possible to get out in "civilization" of all for pair hours.

For this reason we recommend " Cave towns " for beginning(starting) tourists not assured(confident) in own forces, for groups with children, etc. However even such simple route has some features about which, I should warn you.

When it is necessary to go to " Cave towns".

As heights here small also the climate here is much warmer, than on other our routes. Here the spring earlier comes. Already in March when on high mountains the snow still(even) lays, here the fresh grass already makes the way and flowers are dismissed. Autumn here too very pleasant: warm and tasty. Ripen wild (or run wild) apples, pears, kizil, grapes.

So, ideal time for hikes on cave cities is April, May, the beginning of June and September-October. And what in the summer?


From the middle of June and up to the end of summer here very hot. The ruthless sun until white heats valleys surrounded by low mountains. It is possible to dream of a fresh sea breeze only - only hot wind carefully drains streams of sweat flowing down on a body. Unique rescue - water.

Fortunately on a route almost every day there are reservoirs. These are the rivers Kacha and Belbek, lakes before Mangup and in the Fifth beam. They not too deep, but such fresh and cool :)

Affinity of a civilization.

On this route we some times pass(take place) through settlements. On the one hand it is very convenient - if necessary it is possible to buy the foodstuffs, or simply to indulge itself ice-cream. With another - the affinity and availability of "civilization" can prevent to immersing in marching mood. Therefore, if a unification with the nature are important for you, it is not necessary to come into each counter stall and to transform a hike into shopping.