Slackline in Crimea

On it(this) all also would end, but yesterday absolutely casually I have come across clause(article) which has explained much.
There are we were witnesses not any misunderstanding, but the real Slackline (probable first in Crimea).
Slackline - walking and acrobatics on tense a sling. As it was found out, now it is very fashionable, first of all in America, but gradually about Slackline learn and from us.
In what "prikol" this kind of sports (or it is better to tell an extreme)? Than Slackline differs from kanatohozhdenija? To tell the truth, I yet up to the end have understood these questions. How much(As far as) I have understood, there are two basic directions: highline and acrobatics (usual sleklajn).
Highline have a good time that go after a sling at the big height. Cross thus precipices and canyons and other bottomless barrier. The insurance is naturally used. A sling it is tense hardly.
And here acrobats to a sling strongly do not pull. It(she) springs under legs(foots), goes here and there. On it(her) even it is possible to jump, as on a trampoline.

To dilute the attempts of the analysis, I put here some photos (from a site